Agenda item

Community Grants

To receive and consider report 170/06 of the Strategic Director (attached).


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to advise on the new process for delegating the determination of grants, to set out the budget position for this Committee in respect of Community Grants in 2006/07 and in 2007/08, to invite Members to consider and determine the grant applications received since the last meeting and to invite Members to agree a principle for awarding grants for additional parish cleansing.


The Contact Officer for this report is Lorna Edwards, Community Strategy Officer (Tel: 01235 547626)




(a)        Members are asked to note that the process for delegating the determination of community grants applications (outlined in the report at Appendix A) has been approved by the Executive and that the grant narratives have been amended to reflect this


(b)        Members are asked to note that the Committee’s remaining budget for 2006/07 is £12,680.48


(c)        Members are asked to consider and determine the grant application, the agenda and the Council priority in respect of the following:


(i)                 Abingdon & District Musical Society, up to £677, to cover potential concert loss, Social Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(ii)        1 Brewers Court, Abingdon, towards tree maintenance, Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(iii)       30 Hillview Road, Abingdon, towards tree maintenance, Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(iv)       67 Abingdon Road, Drayton, towards tree maintenance, Environmental Agenda, Town & Village Vitality priority


(d)        Members are asked to note that the Abingdon Area Committee’s budget for 2007/08 is£28,388;


(e)        Members are invited to request that the Executive approves the carrying forward of any unspent grant budget from 2006/07 into 2007/08;


(f)         Members are asked to determine their principle for awarding grants for additional parish cleansing in 2007/08 and invited to determine these grants as set out in Appendix C to the report, to be paid from the 2007/08 budget;


(g)        Members are asked to note the range of projects, services and events supported by the Abingdon Area Committee in 2006/07 to date, as shown at Appendix D to this report.


Councillor Roz Smith had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the grant application towards tree maintenance at 67 Abingdon Road, Drayton and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that part of the report.


Councillor Richard Webber had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the parish cleansing grant application from Drayton Parish Council and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that part of the report.


Councillor Gervase Duffield had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the parish cleansing grant application from Appleford Parish Council and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of that part of the report.


Councillor Alison Rooke had declared a personal interest in grant award to APAGE and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she remained in the meeting during the consideration of that part of the report.


The Committee received and considered report 170/06 of the Strategic Director which set out the new process for delegating the determination of grants; set out the budget position for this Committee in respect of Community Grants in 2006/07 and in 2007/08 and invited the Committee to consider and determine the grant applications received since the last meeting and to agree a principle for awarding grants for additional parish cleansing.


The report was considered in detail and the following comments made: -


1 Brewers Court, Abingdon - Tree Maintenance

It was considered that the proposed works would improve the appearance of the tree and would address concerns regarding its safety.


30 Hillview Road, Abingdon – Tree Maintenance

Some concern was expressed regarding the need to retain the shape and overall appearance of the tree.  However, it was noted that the works to the tree had already been undertaken and that the Council’s Arboricultural Officer was satisfied with the works.  It was emphasised that the Officer’s report should specify whether works had been carried out or not.


67 Abingdon Road, Drayton – Tree Maintenance

One Member questioned the benefit of this tree to the public.  However, another Member indicated that in having a Tree Preservation Order placed on it, the Council had already determined that the tree was of public benefit.


One Member commented that the cost if the works was very high and it was uncertain whether the works had been undertaken.  The Officers were again requested to ensure this information was contained in the report.  Furthermore, it was considered that grants for tree works should be determined under delegated authority it being noted that it was preferable for applications to be considered prior to the works being undertaken and that the Officer could award up to £500.


The Committee considered that this application should be determined by the Head of Community Strategy in consultation with the local Members.


Parish Cleansing Grants

The Committee considered that each application should be considered on its merits having regard to the parish precepts levied and that a specific formula for awarding grants was not necessary it being noted that there were very few parishes which fell within the remit of this area committee.


Range of Projects Supported

One Member referred to the grant award made to APAGE towards the design, production and distribution of a brochure for the 2007 Arts Festival questioning whether the grant award was being spent sensibly.  He commented that the issues raised regarding the brochure had not been addressed and it was questioned whether APAGE had taken on board the comments made.  The Officers responded that they would review this matter.




(a)        that it be noted that the process for delegating the determination of community grants applications as set out in Appendix A to report 170/06 has been approved by the Executive and that the grant narratives have been amended to reflect this;


(b)        that it be noted that the Committee’s remaining budget for 2006/07 is £12,680.48;


(c)        that the grant applications received be determined as follows: -



Reason for Grant

Agenda and Council Priority


Grant Awarded

Abingdon and District Musical Society

To cover potential concert loss.

Social Agenda, Town and Village Vitality priority



(Proposed by Councillor Mike Badcock, seconded by Councillor Alison Rooke and agreed by 13 votes to nil)


1 Brewers Court, Abingdon

Tree Maintenance

Environmental Agenda, Town and Village Vitality Priority



(Proposed by Councillor Mike Badcock, seconded by Councillor Richard Gibson and agreed by 13 votes to nil)

30 Hillview Road, Abingdon

Tree Maintenance

Environmental Agenda, Town and Village Vitality priority 


(Proposed by Councillor Roz Smith, seconded by Councillor Peter Jones and agreed by 13 votes to nil)

67 Abingdon Road, Drayton

Tree Maintenance

Environmental Agenda, Town and Village Vitality priority 

that the Head of Community Strategy in consultation with the local Members be asked to exercise his delegated authority and award a grant in respect of this application.

(Councillor Alison Rooke had proposed and Councillor Gervase Duffield had seconded that a grant of  £250.00 be awarded, but this was lost by 7 votes to 3 with 2 abstentions)


 (d)       that it be noted that the Abingdon Area Committee’s budget for 2007/08 is £28,388;


(e)        that the Executive be invited to approve the carrying forward of any unspent grant budget from 2006/07 into 2007/08;


(f)         that the principle for awarding grants for additional parish cleansing in 2007/08 be agreed on the basis that each application will be considered on its merits having regard to the parish precept levied (proposed by Councillor Roz Smith , seconded by Councillor Jim Halliday and agreed nem con: -



Grant Awarded




(Councillor Tony de Vere proposed and Councillor Alison Rooke seconded £115.00.  By way of an amendment Councillor Paul Bizzell proposed and Councillor Janet Morgan seconded £125.00 but this was lost by 8 votes to 3 with 2 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item.  By way of a second amendment Councillor Roz Smith proposed and Councillor Mary de Vere seconded £150.00 but this was lost by 6 votes to 5 with the Chair exercising his second and casting vote against the proposal, with 2 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item.  By way of a third amendment, Councillor Jim Halliday proposed and Councillor Mary de Vere seconded £140.00 which was carried by 6 votes to 5 with 2 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item.  On being put, the Substantive Motion was carried by 7 votes to 4 with 2 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item)




(Proposed by Councillor Alison Rooke and agreed by 11 votes to nil with 2 of the voting Members not being present during consideration of this item)


(g)        that the range of projects, services and events supported by the Abingdon Area Committee in 2006/07 as set out in Appendix D to report 170/06 be noted.


Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council