Agenda item


To receive and consider report 62/06 of the Chief Executive and Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy). 


Introduction and Report Summary


Thames Water Utilities (TW) has announced its intention to begin public consultation on 14th September 2006.  It is understood that an exhibition will be open to the public at the Guildhall in Abingdon, followed by venues in Steventon, East Hanney and Wantage and that the consultation period will last 8 weeks.  It is further understood that this first consultation will set out the needs case for a reservoir and the case for it being located in the Vale of White Horse area. It is possible that an indication only of its location will be provided at this stage with no more than a concept design.


TW has indicated that it foresees a second public consultation on design and after use proposals taking place early in 2007, again with an 8 week consultation period.


The purpose of this report is to draw some of the immediate issues for this Council to the attention of the Executive inviting it to set a framework for this Council’s response and to consider future working arrangements with potential partner organisations involved in assessing the reservoir proposal.


The contact officer for this report is Mike Gilbert (01235 540681)




(a)        that the Head of Communications and Leader of the Council be designated as the official contact points at the Council;


(b)        that all members of the Council be invited to a private briefing on the proposal prior to the submission of the Council’s response to the first consultation;


(c)        that an extension of time by four weeks be sought from Thames Water to enable this Council to consult widely on views before submitting its response;


(d)        that the Council should consult its residents for views in a variety of ways, including

·                     a special Vale Voice exercise

·                     a special edition of Vale Views

·                     an invitation to each Town and Parish Council to express a view

·                     a whole area structured survey undertaken by an accredited organisation such as IPSOS MORI;


(e)        that the County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council be invited to join the proposed consultation exercise, both to avoid duplication and to share the costs;


(f)         that the Environment Agency be approached to see whether agreement can be reached to share consultants on those aspects which directly affect both bodies;


(g)        that the County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council be approached to explore the scope for joint working in order to avoid duplication and additional costs;


(h)        to request the Officers to bring a further report to the next meeting of the Executive, in the light of the public consultation by TW, on the resource implications (in both time and finance) and proposals on how the Council could best approach its obligations to respond to this potential major development.


(Time: 2.41pm to 3.17pm)

(Councillor Roz Smith had declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she remained in the meeting during its consideration)


The Executive received and considered report 62/06 of the Chief Executive and Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which drew some of the immediate issues of Thames Water Utilities Ltd intention to begin public consultation on its plans for a reservoir in the District.  The report invited the Executive to set a framework for this Council’s response and to consider future working arrangements with potential partner organisations involved in assessing the reservoir proposal.


The Executive noted Thames Water’s inability to formally extend the eight week first stage consultation period and the reasons for this but stressed the importance of the Vale setting its own timescale to respond in full to the stage 1 consultation and advising Thames Water accordingly.  It was recognised that time required to submit a full response would be dependent on the level of public consultation undertaken by the Council.  The Executive was grateful for the acknowledgement by Thames Water of the significance of the Vale’s contribution to the consultation and that it would be willing to receive submissions from the Council throughout the stage 1 process.  The need for the Council to agree its own consultation plan as a matter of urgency and the role of the Council’s Reservoir Advisory Group in offering advice on the most appropriate type of consultation was acknowledged, together with the suggestions for consultation set out in the report.  Officers stressed that any response to Thames Water within the eight week period would have to be on an interim basis given the scale of the documentation to be examined and the need to undertake meaningful consultation.


The important role of the Environment Agency in the consultation process was recognised and in this regard it was noted that an officer level meeting had been arranged for 8 September with the Environment Agency, to explore the scope for joint working and the sharing of information.  The Chief Executive reported that he had received a letter from the Environment Agency offering a private briefing to all Members of the Council on 29 September.


RESOLVED (nem con)


(a)        that the Head of Communications and Leader of the Council be designated as the official contact points at the Council;


(b)        that all Members of the Council be invited to a private briefing on the proposal prior to the submission of the Council’s response to the first consultation;


(c)        that the Executive is grateful for the acknowledgement by Thames Water Utilities Ltd that the Council is considered to be a major consultee and it would be willing to receive both formal and informal submissions from the Council at any time leading up to the planned submission date of mid 2008;


(d)        that the Chief Executive be delegated authority in consultation with the Reservoir Advisory Group to decide on the most appropriate form of public consultation by the Council and to report the outcome to the next meeting of the Executive.  In the event that it is not possible to convene a meeting of the Advisory Group, the Chief Executive be delegated authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition;


 (e)       that the County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council be invited to join the proposed consultation exercise, both to avoid duplication and to share the costs;


(f)         that the Environment Agency be approached to see whether agreement can be reached on joint working and the sharing of  consultants on those aspects which directly affect both bodies;


(g)        that the County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council also be approached to explore the scope for joint working in order to avoid duplication and additional costs;


(h)        to request the Officers to bring a further report to the next meeting of the Executive, in the light of the public consultation by Thames Water, on the resource implications (in both time and finance) and proposals on how the Council could best approach its obligations to respond to this potential major development.

Supporting documents: