Agenda item

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)               Strategic Review Committee - Review of the Grants Allocation Formula


The Strategic Review Committee, at its meeting on 6 September 2005, received an update from the Grants Review Panel on its review of the Council’s Grants Allocation Formula.  The Panel had identified three options for allocating the total grants budget across the Executive and each of the Area Committees, as follows:-


·               £600 lump sum and 50p for each elector

·               £500 lump sum and 58p for each elector

·               £400 lump sum and 67p for each elector


Each of the options investigated proposed a lump sum payment to each Parish (in the case of Abingdon and Wantage to each Ward) irrespective of size, together with a variable figure based on the number of electors in each Parish and/or Ward.  Each of the options proposed was based on the 2005/06 Grants Budget Allocation.  A table detailing each of the options and the proposed allocation of grant monies across the Executive and each Area Committee is attached at Annex 1.


The Executive is recommended to:


(a)        amend the principle of the Grants Budget Allocation Formula from one of an electorate based allocation to one which reflects electorate and geographical factors;


(b)        use Option 3 (£400 lump sum for each parish and 67p for each electorate) as the starting point in allocating the 2006/07 Grants Budget across the Executive and each of the Area Committees; and


(c)        undertake an annual review of the Grants Allocation Formula as part of the formulation of the Executive’s budget proposals.


(b)   Scrutiny Committee – Procurement of Financial Services


The Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 22 September 2005, considered a report of the Strategic Director which gave an update on the joint work currently being undertaken by this Council and South Oxfordshire District Council on exploring the scope for shared financial services.


            that the Executive be recommended:


(i)         to agree that the Scrutiny Committee establish a small group of Members to operate as an advisory group to the Executive in respect of the joint work currently being undertaken by this Council and South Oxfordshire District Council in exploring the scope for shared financial services, so that the Committee is  kept informed of developments and thereby avoid the need for any future call-in;


            (ii)        that an  Executive  Member  be appointed  to  support the in-house  bid.



(a)               Strategic Review Committee - Review of the Grants Allocation Formula

(Time: 2.39pm to 2.54pm)


The Strategic Review Committee, at its meeting on 6 September 2005, had received an update from the Grants Review Panel on its review of the Council’s Grants Allocation Formula.  The Panel had identified three options for allocating the total grants budget across the Executive and each of the Area Committees, as follows:

·               £600 lump sum and 50p for each elector

·               £500 lump sum and 58p for each elector

·               £400 lump sum and 67p for each elector


Each of the options investigated proposed a lump sum payment to each Parish (in the case of Abingdon and Wantage to each Ward) irrespective of size, together with a variable figure based on the number of electors in each Parish and/or Ward.  Each of the options proposed was based on the 2005/06 grants budget allocation.  A table detailing each of the options and the proposed allocation of grant monies across the Executive and each Area Committee was appended to the Executive's agenda. 


There was some concern expressed that the suggestions by the Strategic Review Committee had not taken into account the index of deprivation across the Vale.  It was noted that the Area Committees were also being asked to adopt a prospectus to better target the resources to meet the Area Committees' priorities.  Any new apportionment of the community grants budget should take these factors into account. 


It was suggested that Town and Parish Councils and Vale Members should be consulted on these suggestions.  Careful explanation was needed of the existing mechanism and the suggestions from the Strategic Review Committee.  Views should be sought on whether the suggestions would bring any improvement together with reasons why.  Members also welcomed any other suggestions on how the grants budget could be apportioned. 




that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the portfolio holder for Leisure, Councillor Joyce Hutchinson, to approve the letter of consultation to seek the views of Town and Parish Councils and Vale Members on the apportionment of the community grants budget and that these views be considered at the Executive's meeting on 2 December 2005. 


(b)        Scrutiny Committee – Procurement of Financial Services

(Time: 2.54pm to 3.25pm)


The Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 22 September 2005, had considered a report of the Strategic Director which gave an update on the joint work currently being undertaken by this Council and South Oxfordshire District Council on exploring the scope for shared financial services.  The Scrutiny Committee had recommended to the Executive that the Committee should establish a small group of Members to operate as an advisory group to advise the Executive on the joint work with South Oxfordshire District Council in exploring the scope for shared financial services.  The Committee had suggested that this would keep it informed of developments and avoid the need for any future call-in.  The Committee had also suggested that an Executive Member should be appointed to support the in-house bid. 


The Chief Executive explained that there would need to be an Executive Member appointed to work with the in-house team and sign off the Council's in-house bid.  The remainder of the Executive would have to consider the tenders and select the preferred service provider in February 2006.  It was suggested that the Scrutiny Committee should mirror this arrangement. 


The Executive considered that an informal group should be established to advise the Scrutiny Committee, rather than establishing a formal Advisory Group.  




(a)        that the Scrutiny Committee be invited to establish a small informal group of Members to advise on the joint work with South Oxfordshire District Council in exploring the scope for shared financial services;


(b)        that the Chair of the Executive be invited to delegate authority to an  Executive  Member  to  support and approve the in-house  bid; and


(c)        that the Scrutiny Committee be invited to hold a special meeting to consider the in-house bid and invite the relevant Executive Member to attend.  

Supporting documents: