Agenda item

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)        Scrutiny Committee


Waste Management Contract- Annual Presentation


The Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 14 July 2005, received and considered the Annual Performance and Continuous Improvement Report in respect of the Council’s Waste Management Contract 2003/09.  In considering the report, the Committee resolved to advise the Executive as follows:


that the Executive be advised:-


(i)         that   the   Committee  is   generally  content   with   progress  on  the  Waste Management   Contract   2003-09   but  is  disappointed  that none of the performance targets relating to the contract have been met;


(ii)        that there is an expectation by the Scrutiny Committee that it will undertake the 2005/06 Annual Review of the Waste Management Contract;


(iii)       that in respect of bulky waste collections, the Scrutiny Committee is willing to undertake a review of the current service provided with a view to providing a more customer focused service;


(iv)      that  the   Scrutiny  Committee  welcomes   the   work  undertaken by the Oxfordshire Leaders' Group to promote partnership working on the removal of fly-posting and identification of fly-tipping across the County and asks the Executive to ensure that these arrangements are put in place as soon as possible.


(b)        Council


At the meeting of the Council held on 20 July 2005, it was reported that a petition had been received containing 73 signatures from the residents of St Katherine's House in Wantage, as follows:


"asking the Council to reconsider its decision to replace the travel tokens option with the offer of half-fare bus passes, at least for those over 80, most of whom need to have a taxi whenever they have to go to the Health Centre or visit the town and, even if one is available, many of them cannot physically board a bus." 


The Council resolved that the petition set out above was referred without discussion to the Executive for determination, in accordance with Standing Order 13(4)(b). 



(a)        Scrutiny Committee

(Time: 2.33pm to 2.39pm)


Waste Management Contract - Annual Presentation


The Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 14 July 2005, had considered the annual performance and continuous improvement report in respect of the Council’s Waste Management Contract 2003-2009.  In considering the report, the Committee had resolved to advise the Executive as follows:


(i)         that the Scrutiny Committee was generally content with progress on the Waste Management Contract 2003-09 but was disappointed that none of the performance targets relating to the contract have been met;


(ii)        that there was an expectation by the Scrutiny Committee that it would undertake the 2005/06 Annual Review of the Waste Management Contract;


(iii)       that in respect of bulky waste collections, the Scrutiny Committee was willing to undertake a review of the current service with a view to providing a more customer focused service;


(iv)       that the Scrutiny Committee welcomed the work undertaken by the Oxfordshire Leaders' Group to promote partnership working on the removal of fly-posting and identification of fly-tipping across the County and asked the Executive to ensure that these arrangements were put in place as soon as possible. 


The Executive welcomed Scrutiny Committee's review of the waste management contract and suggested that this should be an annual occurrence.  Disappointment was expressed at the worsening trend of missed collections.  The portfolio holder reported that he would monitor this on a monthly basis.  The Executive also welcomed the Scrutiny Committee's willingness to undertake a review of bulky waste collections.  It was noted that this service had become more popular due to the ability of residents to order collections by telephone using debt or credit cards for payment.  It was also noted that where the targets for bulky waste collections within a certain number of days had been missed, this was due to the service arranging collections on dates requested by customers.  Members welcomed this customer-focused approach. 




(a)        that the report of the Scrutiny Committee be noted: and


(b)        that the Scrutiny Committee be invited to carry out annual reviews of the waste management contract and to review the collection of bulky waste. 


(b)        Council

(Time: 2.39pm to 2.42pm)


At the meeting of the Council held on 20 July 2005, it was reported that a petition had been received containing 73 signatures from the residents of St Katherine's House in Wantage, as follows:


"asking the Council to reconsider its decision to replace the travel tokens option with the offer of half-fare bus passes, at least for those over 80, most of whom need to have a taxi whenever they have to go to the Health Centre or visit the town and, even if one is available, many of them cannot physically board a bus." 


The Council had resolved that the petition set out above was referred without discussion to the Executive for determination, in accordance with Standing Order 13(4)(b). 


The Executive noted that the termination of the travel token scheme had delivered 40% of the savings necessary to balance the 2005/06 budget and consultation showed a preference for cutting the travel tokens scheme rather than other non-statutory services.  It was proposed by the Chair that it was not affordable to reinstate all or part of the concessionary fares scheme.  It was suggested that the petitioners should be advised of existing schemes. 




that Councillor Joyce Hutchinson be requested to advise the residents of St Katherine's House in Wantage that the Executive will not recommend to the Council to reinstate all or part of the travel tokens scheme and to advise the petitioners of existing alternative travel schemes.