Agenda item

Transformation programme update

Joint scrutiny committee will consider the refreshed Corporate Transformation Programme and the plans for its further development over the coming months.


The report was introduced by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Environmental Services and Waste for Vale of White Horse District Council, as Cabinet member for Policy and Programmes (Vale) was unable to attend. For South Oxfordshire District Council, Cabinet member for Corporate Services was present online to answer questions. The Head of Finance and Interim Transformation Lead were present to support, as well as the Head of Policy and Programmes and Head of Corporate Services.


The programme was initially IT developments to prepare for exiting an outsourced service contract. This had developed into other areas, to look for ways to make services more efficient and save money where possible. This report presented a summary of the programme refresh.

Cabinet member for SODC explained we were looking at objectives we were trying to achieve:

  • Greater speed, less slippage
  • Achieving greater impact
  • Quicker progress on projects rather than stalling for perfection
  • Budget saving aims
  • Culture change – keep moving in the direction of moving things quickly but with the right governance in place to minimise risk


Head of Finance explained that he was satisfied that the budgets were prudent and robust. To maintain that we make allowance for inflation, but not non-inflationary pressures. However, we can deal with the unexpected in a timely manner with a prudent budget. We were unsure on government funding as the government had just changed. We had planned for £100k savings per council (annually, cumulative) and the transformation team was made permanent. The aim being to make efficiencies and not reduce services. Our obligation to best value duty (making continuous improvements) was key.


Interim Transformation Lead provided a short presentation on the refreshed programme.


The committee considered the content of the refreshed Corporate Transformation Programme and the plans for its further development over the coming months. Committee made comments and asked questions.


  1. Budget – a member felt that the scale of what was required for transformation to deliver was huge. The member considered that housing strategy and potential for council housing should be considered. The member wanted to see timelines for these projects listed, the example given was Ocella milestones and costings. It was discussed with cabinet member and officers that milestones were being developed next, and the Head of Finance agreed that transformation was key as we would likely need more than £100k savings. A lack of transformation was a key missing aspect in failed councils. This initial stage was about culture change and new ways of approaching transformation.
  2. A member asked how this would be communicated to departments regarding the culture change. Head of Corporate Services explained that there were people within teams to support this. Corrine added that it would likely be project by project basis. An example was given of the customer services merge 12 months ago – recently the teams had been changing how they operate and think, being more creative with a crossover of skills.
  3. How can scrutiny help with lessons learned (waive scrutiny call-in examples). Committee discussed failing early, in order to intervene rather than a project failing or stalling too late for the governance process. Officers should come to a realisation quickly if a project was not working. A member suggested that fail fast, with cultural values would work.
  4. Can we say “no surprises” as a culture change, over “fail fast”.
  5. Would like headline target dates as soon as possible, and costings.
  6. More thought around terminology of failing fast considering our work as a council.
  7. Ensure corporate memory of success and failure as well.



Joint scrutiny committee noted the content of the refreshed Corporate Transformation Programme and the plans for its further development over the coming months.

Committee commented that they wanted to see headline target dates asap and costings for projects. It was asked that recognition be given to potential larger financial burden.

Members considered the private sector terminology “failing faster” and recommended that thought be given to this terminology, to consider appropriateness for a council.



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