Variation of condition 1(Approved plans), 3 (TOUCAN crossing) and 4(Surface Water Drainage in accordance with approved details) in application P23/V0101/S73. Amended drainage plan submitted 29 January 2024 and amended highways plans received 23 February 2024. s73 application to vary conditions 2(approved plans) & 5(surface water drainage) on application P21/V0024/FUL to allow an alternative drainage system to be installed.
Councillors Robert Clegg and Robert Maddison declared a non-registerable interest in this item as they were local ward members. Councillors Clegg and Maddison stood down from the committee during the consideration of this application and did not participate in the debate or vote.
The committee considered planning application P23/V2852/S73 for the Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans), 3 (TOUCAN crossing) and 4 (Surface Water Drainage in accordance with approved details) in application P23/V0101/S73. Amended drainage plan submitted 29 January 2024 and amended highways plans received 23 February 2024. s73 application to vary conditions 2(approved plans) and 5(surface water drainage) on application P21/V0024/FUL to allow an alternative drainage system to be installed, on Land at Aldi Stores Ltd Wootton Road Abingdon.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application came before the committee at the request of the chair.
The planning officer informed the committee that the application sought changes to the approved highway access and timeframe for completion of the drainage and toucan crossing. She informed the committee that Paul Harrison, an officer from the local highways authority, was present to answer any questions they may have in relation to highways matters. The planning officer confirmed that the store and associated access had been constructed. The planning officer advised that when originally submitted the application sought to retain the access as built which involved the removal of a raised table and of give way markings for cyclists and vehicles compared to the approved scheme. She informed the committee that through negotiations with the local highways authority the proposal now included give way markings for vehicles and cyclists and the requirement that the TOUCAN crossing be implemented within 6 months. However, due to safety reasons, the raised table would not be reinstated. This was accepted by the local highways authority.
The planning officer advised that an amendment was proposed to condition 3 to require that the revised access works were completed within 6 months. She informed the committee that the local highways authority had advised that this was a reasonable time period for implementation of these works.
The planning officer concluded that overall, officers were satisfied that the amended access arrangements would maintain priority for pedestrians and cyclists along the existing combined path. The application was therefore recommended for approval subject to the conditions set out in the agenda.
Mark Giddins, spoke on behalf of Abingdon Town Council, on the application.
Alan Williams, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Councillors Andy Foulsham and Robert Maddison, local ward councillors, spoke on the application.
The committee asked the highways officer if they felt that the TOUCAN crossing had been located correctly and if it would be possible to move it if they were of the view it could be situated better. The highways officer confirmed that the crossing had been designed and previously approved but that the location had been deemed appropriate at that time.
The committee asked the highways officer to expand on why the raised table was a safety issue. The highways officer advised that the previously proposed gradient would mean that there would not be sufficient clearance for 2 wheeled vehicles to steady themselves. Additionally, he highlighted that in icy conditions all vehicles would have difficulty mounting the ramp.
The committee asked if the suggestion made by one of the speakers to have a colour change to demonstrate the cycle path would be possible. The highways officer advised this was not a requirement but that it could be possible and the highways authority would not object to this.
The committee raised concerns around the speed at which drivers travel on Copenhagen Drive and the difficulty this causes when exiting the site. The highways officer appreciated the committee’s concerns but advised it was not a matter for consideration as part of this application. He informed the committee that the visibility provided was in line with the speed limit of the road.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
The committee reflected that clearly a lot of work had been done with regard to this application. It highlighted that the local highways authority had confirmed there could be no more safety amendments.
The committee were keen that the demarcation of the pedestrian and cycle path was explored with highways and agreed that this was added to the application as an informative.
The committee discussed that the TOUCAN crossing may serve to focus drivers minds and slow traffic which the committee had earlier raised as a concern. The committee wished for it to be noted that the completion of the TOUCAN crossing was urgent, as reflected in the requirement for it’s completion within six months.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/V2852/S73, subject to the following conditions:
1. Approved plans
2. SUDS compliance report to be submitted within six months
3. Access works and TOUCAN crossing to be constructed within six months
4. Surface water drainage scheme in accordance with approved details to be completed within six months
5. Foul drainage scheme in accordance with approved details (P22/V0370/DIS)
6. Landscaping scheme in accordance with approved details (P22/V0370/DIS)
7. Landscaping maintenance and long-term management plan in accordance with approved details (P22/V0370/DIS)
8. Cycle parking in accordance with approved details (P22/V0370/DIS)
9. Construction Traffic Management Plan in accordance with approved details (P22/V0439/DIS)
10. Community Employment Plan in accordance with approved details (P22/V1155/DIS)
11. Public Art strategy in accordance with approved details (P22/V1612/DIS)
12. Travel plan in accordance with approved details (P22/V1448/DIS)
13. Delivery and Servicing Management Plan in accordance with approved details (P22/V1448/DIS)
14. External lighting in accordance with approved details (P22/V1448/DIS)
15. Implementation of ecological mitigation and enhancement measures
16. Provision of electric vehicle charging points
17. Noise levels
18. Visibility splays
19. Building to be used for Class E retail foodstore only
20. Total Class E floorspace shall not exceed 1842sq.m and net sales area shall not exceed 1315sq.m
21. Class E floorspace shall be used for a maximum of 1052sq.m convenience goods and a maximum of 263 sq.m comparison goods
22. No mezzanine or first floor level to be constructed
23. No subdivision to two or more units
Informative: Highways advice to explore possibility of delineated cycle path
Supporting documents:
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE