Agenda item

Head of development and corporate landlord

Deputy chief executive - place

Head of development and corporate landlord

(Strategic property and asset management, technical services, and economic development)








(where applicable)



Land and property matters



To manage the council’s land and property portfolio.




To authorise the following types of land and property transactions provided that:


(i)      in the case of paragraph (a), the consideration is the best that can reasonably be obtained unless a general consent of the Secretary of State applies; and


(ii)     all disposals shall be on the best financial terms unless otherwise agreed by the chief finance officer in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member.





To approve the freehold or leasehold sale of land and property where the land or property transaction is up to a book value of £10,000.


Relevant cabinet member in the case of land and property with a book value in excess of £5,000




To approve and accept surrenders or terminations of leases and licences and any ancillary documents (including deeds of variation), and determine applications for the assignment, sub lettings and transfer of leases and licences and the granting of sub-leases and under leases and other applications for consent required by lessees.


Head of legal and democratic



To determine the renewal of leases and tenancies.



Cabinet member for property/head of legal and democratic where the annual rental value exceeds £10,000




To grant new leases and tenancies up to an annual rental value limit of £50,000.



Cabinet member for property/head of legal and democratic where the annual rental value exceeds £10,000




To negotiate and approve rent reviews and licence fee reviews.


Head of legal and democratic



To determine applications for the release or variation of covenants.


Head of legal and democratic



To grant wayleaves, easements, licences and other rights of users in respect of council owned land or property.


Head of legal and democratic



To dedicate land owned by the council as a highway.


Head of legal and democratic




To enter into agreements under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980.


Head of legal and democratic



To determine requests from developers for the council to adopt land on housing developments, subject to the payment of a commuted sum and the land being transferred at a nominal sum.


Head of housing and environment and head of planning



To serve notices required in relation to the acquisition, disposal, rental, leasing and management of land and property.





To grant the consent of the council and agree to release covenants in respect of land and property matters including retrospective consents and consents under section 157 of the Housing Act 1985. 





To grant the consent of the council and agree to release covenants in respect of land and property matters including retrospective consents under restrictive covenants contained in historic conveyances and transfers of former council housing.   




To acquire the freehold of leasehold land.  




To enter into easements, wayleaves and other licences on non-council owned land. 







To award capital grants for economic development projects for which there is an approved budget.




To carry out day to day management of the council’s role as accountable body for the Oxfordshire LEADER programme, including the hosting of staff associated with the project.  




Leisure facilities and COMMUNITY centres




To manage the council’s non-contracted facilities and monitor and take all necessary action relating to the day to day management of all the council's leisure facilities.





To monitor and take all necessary action (except legal proceedings against the relevant contractor) to enforce the provisions of any contract for the management of the council's leisure and sports centres and other facilities.





To authorise the commencement, continuation, discontinuance or settlement of any legal proceedings for any offence against any statute byelaw or other law relating to the council's leisure and sports centres.


Head of legal and democratic



To determine and take all necessary action in respect of the promotion of sports within the district.





To procure approved capital investment projects for the leisure centres where the funding for such projects is in the council’s approved capital programme. 


Cabinet member with responsibility for leisure services






To manage the council’s non-contracted facilities and monitor and take all necessary action relating to the day to day management of all the council's arts facilities at The Beacon and The Cornerstone.




To monitor and take all necessary action (except legal proceedings against the relevant contractor) to enforce the provisions of any contract for the management of the council's arts facilities.




To authorise the commencement continuation, discontinuance or settlement of any legal proceedings for any offence against any statute byelaw or other law relating to the council's arts facilities.


Head of legal and democratic


To procure approved capital investment projects for arts facilities where the funding for such projects is in the council’s approved capital programme. 


Cabinet member for leisure


Open spaces

(Recreation grounds, parks and gardens and riverbanks)



To monitor and take all necessary action relating to theday to day management of all the council's open spaces.




To monitor and take all necessary action (except legal proceedings against the relevant contractor) to enforce the provisions of any contract or quasi-contract for the management and maintenance of all open spaces.




To determine all applications for the letting and use of all the council's open spaces.


Relevant cabinet member (in the case of free or other special terms only)



To determine all applications for the holding of fairs, fetes and other entertainment on the council's recreation grounds, parks and gardens.


Relevant cabinet member


To negotiate and authorise the entering into of open space agreements.  (S.9 OSA 1906)


Relevant cabinet member


To authorise the commencement continuation, discontinuance or settlement of any legal proceedings for any offence against any statute byelaw or other law relating to the council's recreation grounds, open spaces and gardens.


Head of legal and democratic


Car parking



To authorise the enforcement of the provisions of the council's car parking orders (S.35A 112 RTRA 1984 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Act, the Traffic Management Act 2004 and all other enabling powers).





To determine applications to use the council’s pay and display car parks for the following purposes:

Cabinet member for technical services




Requests for charitable organisations to use the car parks to hold fund raising events such as flag days and charity car washes.





Requests for charities or other not-for-profit organisations to locate temporary mobile units offering advice and information at car parks.





Requests from public bodies such as Southern Electricity and training and enterprise councils, offering advice and information at car parks.





Requests to reserve spaces in the car parks or waive charges for parking during special events.





Requests for permits to be issued to allow car parks to be used for the purposes of dropping off and picking up where no other suitable parking facilities exist, such as schools and playgroups.





Requests from private companies wishing to gain alternative temporary access to their businesses or have a temporary base (e.g. film crews) at the car parks for which a charge is made.




To waive car park charges for Christmas and other special occasions.


Cabinet member for technical services


To determine appeals against penalty charge notices issued for contravention of regulations in the council’s car parks.




To write off penalty charge notices.




Sanitation, SEWERAGE and land drainage



To exercise the council’s powers and duties under the Public Health Act 1936 and the Public Health Act 1961 including taking of enforcement action, service of notices, inspections, powers of entry, and the appointment of inspectors. 




To exercise the council’s powers and duties under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and 1982 including taking of enforcement action, service of notices, inspections, powers of entry, and the appointment of inspectors. 




To exercise the council’s powers and duties under the Building Act 1984 including taking of enforcement action, service of notices, inspections, powers of entry, and the appointment of inspectors. 




To carry out all the statutory duties and powers of Thames Water Utilities under the terms and conditions of any agency agreement or contract including the adoption of any sewer or drains by Agreement or otherwise. (WA 1989 and S.17 18 PHA 1936). 




To authorise and serve any notices of entry onto land in connection with the provision or maintenance of sewerage facilities or the alteration of sewerage or drainage systems.  (WA 1989).




To authorise the making of any agreement with the highway authority for the use of highway sewers as sewers for sanitary purposes or to allow public sewers to be used for the drainage of public highways.  (S.21 PHA 1936).




To require works to be carried out relating to the disconnection of drains (S62 BA 1984).




To authorise and serve any notice for the repair, maintenance and cleansing of any culvert (S.264 PHA 1936).




To authorise drainage works and exercise any powers of the drainage authority to prevent flooding or remedying or mitigating any flood damage (S.14 LDA 1991).


Cabinet member for technical services, except in cases of emergency or urgency.



To provide a drainage clearance service to clear private blocked sewers and all drains and to serve the necessary notice and form on the relevant owners and occupiers (S17 and 22 PHA 1961 and S35 LG (MP) A 1976).




To authorise and serve any notice for the maintenance of the flow of non-main river watercourses. (S.25 LDA 1991).







To grant exclusive rights of burial and sign the
necessary certificate. 







To exercise the council’s powers and duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 including statutory powers of inspection and entry, service of notices, taking enforcement action and the appointment of inspectors. 






Supporting documents: