Agenda item

Introduction to the scheme

Introduction to the scheme


1.          The Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000 provide that a local authority may arrange for the discharge of its functions by an executive/Cabinet, committees and sub-committees and by individual members and officers of the council, or by any other authority.


2.          The following scheme of delegation to officers ("the scheme") is made pursuant to the Local Government Acts 1972 and 2000, and was approved by the Council and the leader.


3.          The scheme may be amended by the Council at any time with or without any recommendation from the Cabinet or any committee or sub-committee but with the agreement of the leader in the case of executive/Cabinet functions.


4.          The scheme shall not prejudice the right of the Council or any committee or sub-committee to delegate any specific matter to an officer or of the Cabinet and the leader to delegate any specific matter to an individual member of the Cabinet or officer when they are considering or determining any item on an agenda.


5.          The scheme is split into two schedules as follows:


Schedule 1 – Functions which are the responsibility of the Cabinet, Council and local choice functions – delegations to officers; and


Schedule 2 – Functions which are the responsibility of the Cabinet – Leader’s scheme of delegation to individual Cabinet members and officers.


6.          Schedule 1 sets out the general principles which shall be applied in exercising any delegated authority, general powers of the chief executive and heads of service and then specific powers to each.


7.          The scheme applies to the officers listed whether they are employed by this authority or, whether they are employed by another authority and have been placed at the disposal of this authority under an agreement made under Section 113 of Local Government Act 1972.




Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council