Scrutiny Committee is asked to note the consultation and engagement carried out by the council during 2022-2023 and make any comments to Cabinet for consideration.
Cabinet member for Communications presented the report, supported by the Communications and Engagement Manager. The Head of Corporate Services was also present online.
In the last financial year, the Consultation and Engagement team conducted 22 consultations, launched 21 feedback forms, supported four neighbourhood plan consultations and five conservation area appraisals. The new annual report highlighted the key findings from each project and the actions the councils have taken from the outcomes of these engagement activities.
The report showed the variety of engagement the councils carried out and demonstrated how consultation and engagement findings have led to changes in council services.
Below summarises the main discussion of the committee.
Committee noted the report and commended officers for a well written and clear report.
Committee’s main comments to Cabinet were:
Chair thanked all officers for their work.
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE