Agenda item

P22/V2607/FUL - Colt Corner Horn Lane East Hendred Wantage, OX12 8LD

Demolition of existing bungalow. Construction of a new 4 bedroom dwelling. Conversion of the existing garage into an ancillary residential annexe (as amended by plans and additional supporting information received 03 March 2023).


The committee considered planning application P22/V2607/FUL for the demolition of existing bungalow. Construction of a new 4 bedroom dwelling. Conversion of the existing garage into an ancillary residential annexe (as amended by plans and additional supporting information received 03 March 2023) on land at Colt Corner, Horn Lane, East Hendred Wantage, OX12 8LD. 


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the site was located in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and was bounded to the north by the East Hendred Conservation Area. The officer highlighted that along Horn Lane there was a mixture of single and two storey buildings fronting the road, but westwards the properties were set further back from the road in larger plots.


The planning officer informed the committee that, subject to proposed conditions, there were no outstanding technical matters on the application but the impact of the proposals design upon the appearance of the site and the character of the area were key considerations. Whilst the officer noted that design could be subjective having taken into account the scale, bulk and massing of the proposed dwelling, the size of the plot and the proposed positioning of the dwelling on the plot and the differences in land level between the site and Horn Lane, the officer recommendation was to refuse the application.


Councillor Roger Turnbull spoke on behalf of East Hendred Parish Council, objecting to the application.


Steve Gardner and Steve Badcock spoke objecting to the application.


Hannah Wiseman from Bluestone Planning, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The committee asked why the reason for refusal only made reference to core policy 37 and why the officer had not included core policy 39 and DP 36 and 37 and CP 44. The planning officer confirmed that whilst the conservation officer’s comments referred to impact upon the conservation area, when it had been weighed in the planning balance that impact was limited. She confirmed that the proposal had a limited but not unacceptable heritage impact.


The committee asked the planning officer to describe the nature of the elevated plot in relation to the other surrounding buildings. The planning officer confirmed that the height difference from Horn Lane to the level ground of the site was approximately 1.4 metres. She advised that the topography of the site was variable depending on which angle you were approaching it from.


The committee asked if there were any specific design features which the officer felt were unacceptable or if it was an accumulation of factors. The planning officer confirmed it was a combination of factors, notably the design of the dormers and eaves height taken in combination with the massing of the building and how it was set forward in the plot.


The committee appreciated that the site was not located within the conservation area but had concerns about the impact the development would have on the conservation area due to its proximity. The planning officer confirmed that the entrance to the proposed access fell within the conservation area.


A motion, moved and seconded to refuse the application was carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to refuse planning application P22/V2607/FUL, for the following reason(s):


In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposed development by way of its cumulative size, scale, bulk, massing, design and elevated positioning relative to adjacent public highway and the Conservation Area, does not present as an innovative, visually attractive, well-designed scheme, nor a scheme that responds positively to existing site topography and the transitional character of the immediate area. The proposal is considered contrary to Core Policies 37 and 39 of the Local Plan 2031 Part 1, design principles on built form held within the South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Design Guide 2022 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework, in respect of achieving and maintaining well-designed places.

Supporting documents: