Agenda item

P23/V0865/RM - Land south of Civic Square, Crab Hill, Wantage, OX12 7GS

Approval of Reserved Matters (all matters) for a new community hub, secure outdoor spaces, associated landscaping and car parking pursuant to planning permission ref: P21/V2544/FUL; along with details to discharge conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38 and 53 of P21/V2544/FUL. (As amended by plan received 02 May 2023).


The committee considered planning application P23/V0865/RM for the approval of reserved matters (all matters) for a new community hub, secure outdoor spaces, associated landscaping and car parking pursuant to planning permission ref: P21/V2544/FUL; along with details to discharge conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31, 33, 34, 35, ,38 and 53 of P21/V2544/FUL. (As amended by plan received 02 May 2023), on land south of Civic Square, Crab Hill, Wantage, OX12 7GS.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the development was part of the wider site allocation. The application was before the committee due to the objection of Wantage Town Council. The officer highlighted that the application site was to the south of the existing Civic Square and was the building was positioned to front the square. The planning officer informed the committee that the building provided a main hall, café, mid-sized function room and breakout space outside on the ground floor. The first floor provided further function rooms and links to the business hub and co-working space as set out in the design and access statement. The planning officer noted that solar panels were proposed on the roof of the building. The planning officer highlighted that a bus stop was located close to the entrance of the building and as well as the existing parking spaces provided to the north of the building in the Civic Square which included 2 disabled spaces and 2 wider parking spaces, an additional 22 spaces were proposed to the south of the site which included a disabled parking space. In addition to this, 6 parallel parking spaces had been approved at the nearby care home which could be used by users of the community hub. The planning officer went on to confirm that 20 cycle parking spaces would be provided and there were an additional 12 bike parking spaces already near the site.


The planning officer informed the committee that the application was in accordance with all relevant policies of the local plan and the approved site-wide development strategies. The application before the committee was to determine access, appearance, scale, layout and landscaping, all of which officers felt were acceptable. The officer went on to note that the Highway Authority had no objections to the application and that the level of car parking provision was acceptable for the reasons set out in the officer’s report and that the parking strategy could be secured by condition. Furthermore, he confirmed that further details on lighting could also be secured by condition to address the concerns of the landscape architect and Wantage Town Council. The planning officer noted there were no technical issues with the application and therefore the application was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report.


Councillor Erik Johnston spoke on behalf of Wantage Town Council, objecting to the application.


Chris Brotherton, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The committee discussed that part of the building would be used for a local church which had invested in the building as it had nowhere else to locate and also noted that when the building had been proposed it had not been possible for the town council to take ownership of the building due to financial constraints. The committee felt that Wantage Town Council raised a valid point with regards to the parking allocation as there appeared to be a great deal of sharing of parking spaces. The committee enquired as to whether it was possible to request more than one disabled parking space be provided to the south of the site. The planning officer confirmed that the parking standards were set out in the officer’s report but that Oxfordshire County Council parking standards required a provision of six per cent of allocated parking spaces to be disabled. For this development that equated to two spaces which were already provided at the Civic Square. The planning officer also noted that the Community Hub was designed for use by local residents of the Kingsgrove community and therefore walking and cycling were the promoted methods of transport.


The committee enquired as to whether the local community would be able to access the building when they wished due to the input of funding from the local church, noting that the building was part funded by S106 funds. The planning officer confirmed that the original legal agreement secured this through restrictions on use to ensure that the community could use the building.


The committee asked the planning officer to confirm if there was a condition securing the parking strategy agreement of sharing spaces with the school. The planning officer confirmed this was secured through condition 3 from the officer’s report.


The committee was pleased to see that the building was designed to net zero standard. It went on to enquire if it was possible to ensure that the cycle parking was covered. The planning officer confirmed the cycle parking was designed to be used for a couple of hours at a time and that parking standards did not require cycle parking to be covered.


The committee also asked for confirmation that a hoist would be installed in the changing facilities to ensure accessibility for all users. It was confirmed that this was the case.


The committee felt this was a positive piece of work and noted Wantage Town Council’s constructive feedback. The committee supported the proposal and reflected that it was a much needed community asset.


A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P23/V0865/RM, subject to the following conditions:



1.   Approved plans

2.   Notwithstanding any details shown on the approved plans, external

      lighting details to be agreed prior to occupation

3.   The car parking within the site shall be provided in accordance with

      the approved plans prior to first occupation and shall be managed in

       accordance with the Kingsgrove Community Hub Parking Strategy,

      dated March 2023

4.   Cycle parking within the site shall be provided in accordance with the

      approved plans prior to first occupation



1.   Details pursuant to conditions 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38

      and 53 of outline planning permission P21/V2544/FUL are agreed for

      this phase through the approval of the Reserved Mattersapplication

2.   The applicant is reminded of the obligation of compliance with the

      relevant conditions on the outline application that apply to this phase

      (e.g., CEMP & LEMP implementation, noise mitigation measures and

      tree protection)

Supporting documents: