Agenda item

P22/V1309/FUL - Thickets, Hinksey Hill, Oxford, OX1 5BQ

S73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) on application P21/V2852/FUL-change car lift to vehicular ramp. (As amended by additional information received 22 June 2022, as amplified by additional plan received 11 July 2022 and as amended by plan received 21 December 2022).


During this agenda item, the meeting length had reached almost two and a half hours. In accordance with the council’s Constitution, the committee voted to extend the meeting in order to finish this item.


The committee considered planning application P22/V1309/FUL for the S73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) on application P21/V2852/FUL-change car lift to vehicular ramp. (As amended by additional information received 22 June 2022, as amplified by additional plan received 11 July 2022 and as amended by plan received 21 December 2022) (Application for full planning permission for demolition and construction of a replacement dwelling. Amendments to previously approved permission P18/V3111/FUL), on land at Thickets, Hinksey Hill, Oxford.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee by the development manager. In addition, the planning officer corrected the report as Councillors Diana Lugova and Bob Johnston were not ward members to the application.


The planning officer informed the committee that the application was for the varying of permission for application P21/V2852/FUL to remove the approved car lift to the basement and replace it with a ramp. The site itself was home to a detached dwelling set back from the road, within the Oxford Green Belt, and with several trees being protected via a tree protection order.


Although the new ramp and access would result in the loss of several trees, the planning officer confirmed that the tree officer found this acceptable. However, the tree officer did request a condition to be put on the approval of the application for their replacement, and that the trees with a protection order also be protected via conditions.


The planning officer also informed the committee that there were no additional car parking spaces proposed in the application and that there was a recommended condition which would limit the use of the basement to only what was shown on the plans. Due to this limited amendment and the suggested conditions, the planning officer did not believe this variation would adversely impact the Green Belt.


Overall, as there were no objections from technical consultees, the planning officer recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.



Councillor Linda Goodhead spoke on behalf of South Hinksey Parish Council, objecting to the application.


Michael Ergatoudis, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee asked about where the replacement trees would be located and planning officer confirmed that the landscaping scheme in the conditions would require the applicant to outline both the location and species of the replacement trees, which would then be confirmed with the council.


Members also raised the potential of conditioning a restriction on permitted development rights. However, as the application was only for a variation on an already approved plan, the planning officer did not consider it reasonable to restrict permitted development rights on a part of the site not covered in this application.


Members raised concerns about the potential use of the basement for other uses outside of that described by the application, however, they were satisfied that the wording of the conditions was sufficient to prevent this and that it would only allow for the use as shown on the plans.


Overall, as members could not find any material planning reasons for refusal, they agreed to approve the application subject to conditions.



A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/V1309/FUL, subject to the following conditions:



1. Time Limit - Variation of Condition

2. Approved plans


Prior to commencement:

3. Tree protection (implementation as approved)

4. Drainage Details (Surface Water)

5. Drainage Details (Foul Water)

6. Landscaping Scheme (trees and shrubs only)


Prior to occupation:

7. Car Parking (Full)



8. Materials in Accordance with Application

9. Permitted Development Restriction on Single Dwelling Extensions

10. No basement conversion



11. Community Infrastructure Levy

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council