Agenda item

P22/V2053/RM - Land south of Park Road, Faringdon, SN7 7PL

Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale in relation to the Extra Care Facility following Outline Approval P17/V1082/O. (As amended by drawings received 22 September 2022 and amended drawings and information received November 2022).


Hybrid application for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of Land South of Park Road, Faringdon, comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (Use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works: 'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works.  Outline: Up to 277 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (Use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (Use Class D1), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved.


The committee considered reserved matters application P22/V2053/RM for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in relation to the Extra Care Facility following Outline Approval P17/V1082/O. (As amended by drawings received 22 September 2022 and amended drawings and information received November 2022). Hybrid application for the demolition of existing building/structures and the comprehensive redevelopment of Land South of Park Road, Faringdon, comprising up to 380 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, provision of an Extra Care facility (Use Class C2 or C3), the provision of land for a school (Use Class D1), vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Park Road and Sands Hill, parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works: 'Phase 1' (Full details): 103 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated works. Outline: Up to 277 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), Extra Care Facility (Use Class C3 or C2), land for a school (Use Class D1), access and parking, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, parking and other associated work with all matters reserved, on land south of Park Road, Faringdon.  


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting. 


The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was brought to the committee due to the objection of Faringdon Town Council. The application itself was a reserved matters application for the provision of a care facility. This was originally granted as part of a hybrid application detailing access from Park Road and full details of 103 dwellings, and an outline of 277 houses and an illustrative layout of the care facility.


The planning officer highlighted that the care facility site was on the corner of Steppe Lane, Proctor Way and Brickell Way and that the majority of the building was three stories tall, with small parts being four storeys, and included a two-storey projection. The surrounding properties were two and a half and two stories tall. As the care facility was set back around 15 metres from the frontage of the road, and there was a 2.5-meter difference in height between the surrounding residential buildings and the proposed building, the planning officer believed that the application would not be a detriment to the amenity of the surrounding neighbours. The planning officer also noted that the development comprised 47 per cent of the affordable housing across the whole development site.


As the planning officer was satisfied that the building height would not adversely affect neighbouring amenity and that it complied with the parameter plan, she recommended the application be approved subject to conditions.



Councillor Mike Wise spoke on behalf of Faringdon Town Council, objecting to the application. 


Andy Tansill, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. 



The committee asked the planning officer about the background of the reserved matters application and if there were any previous care home plans submitted. In response, the planning officer confirmed that illustrative plans were submitted at the outline stage and at phase two. The outline permission for the care facility had been approved for 60 units and for the specific size of the site. The blocks were changed from individual housing in the illustrative plans into a single block, but members were informed that this was considered necessary for operational and safety reasons.


Members then asked the planning officer about the water capacity study for water supply that was a condition on the outline permission and noted that this was discharged in relation to the residential development. The planning officer advised that the agents did not believe there was an issue with water supply, however details for this were covered by outline conditions and that this could be highlighted in the informative regarding outline conditions.


Members also asked the planning officer for clarification about the Faringdon neighbourhood plan and if the proposal met its policies. In response, the planning officer highlighted that it was policy 4.7c which required a development’s height to respond to its surroundings and the character of the immediate area and the members of the committee were satisfied that the proposed development was in conformity with these requirements.


Overall, members believed that there were no material planning reasons for refusal and agreed that the application should be approved, subject to conditions.



A motion, moved and seconded, to authorise the Head of Planning, in consultation with the chair of the planning committee, to approve the reserved matters application was carried on being put to the vote. 


RESOLVED: to authorise the head of planning, in consultation with the chair of the planning committee, to approve the reserved matters application P22/V2053/RM, subject to:


 i) the completion of a Deed of Variation to the S106 agreement pertaining to planning permission P17/V1082, to omit reference to a particular specialist housing provider; and


ii) the following conditions:



1. Development in accordance with approved plans



2. Protect hedges during construction

3. Construction Management Statement

4. Access and Vision Splays

5. Car Parking

6. Landscaping – Tree Species

7. External Plant (Noise and Visual Impact)

8. Details of external lighting

9. Details of cycle parking (including covered parking)

10. Details of electric vehicle charging points



11. Details in respect of outline conditions including water supply

12. Commencement

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council