Conversion and extension of stable buildings to form three family homes with amenity space, parking, and associated works
The committee considered planning application P22/V1247/FUL for the conversion and extension of stable buildings to form three family homes with amenity space, parking, and associated works, on land at Antwick Stud, Letcombe Regis, Wantage.
Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.
The planning officer introduced the report and highlighted that the application was called into the committee by a local ward member, Councillor Paul Barrow. The application was for part of the Antwick Stud site and was for the proposed conversion of the three existing stable blocks into residential homes. The remainder of the Antwick Stud site beyond those units was not considered with the proposed change of use application. The planning officer also noted that there were two other residential buildings in use on the Antwick Stud site.
The planning officer informed the committee that two of the three stable conversions would include a single-storey extension to form an enclosure and each conversion would have a glazed corridor which would form a connecting corridor between the different rooms. The planning officer also noted that the built form of the proposed development would not be higher than the existing stable buildings. Although the site was within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and was bordered to the south by a conservation area, the planning officer believed that the limited development was acceptable. Several proposed conditions for the approval of the application were also noted, such as the removal of the two mobile homes on site and for the control of outside lighting.
As there were no objections from technical consultees and the planning officer believed that the application would have a limited impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, neighbours, highways safety, the conservation area, and trees it was believed that the principle of development was acceptable and therefore that the application should be approved, subject to conditions.
Councillor Jeanne Lapsley spoke on behalf of Letcombe Regis Parish Council, objecting to the application.
Neil Warner, the agent representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Councillor Paul Barrow, a local ward councillor, spoke in support of the application.
The committee asked the planning officer about the glazed corridors, whether they would cause light pollution, and if there were potential mitigation measures that could be conditioned. In response, the planning officer informed members that any amendment of the glazed corridors would require the committee to defer consideration of the application with a request that the application be redesigned. In addition, the planning officer noted that the government guidance on dark skies did not consider domestic lighting to be a significant polluter and therefore, as the lighting referred to in the application was domestic, that light pollution from these corridors would only have a local effect.
Members then discussed an older pending application on the site for the creation of more stables, but the planning officer stated that the council was informed that the current application was the applicants preferred choice and that the older application for more stables would likely be withdrawn if this application was approved as the applications were mutually exclusive. Also, members were informed that any further change of use to the land would be require a new application.
Members then inquired about the details of the proposed external lighting condition in the officer recommendations. As concerns about light pollution were raised, the committee discussed this condition in detail but were satisfied that granting approval of the application with this condition would allow the council to control the amount, strength, and timing of outside lighting in order to effectively limit the extent of light pollution.
In response to a question about access to the land behind the development, the planning officer informed the committee that the land could potentially be accessed from byways or from the existing access drive to the west of the stables.
Ultimately, members did not believe the application should be deferred to request a redesign and could be determined at this meeting. On balance, members agreed that the application should be approved subject to the officers’ recommended conditions.
A motion, moved and seconded, to approve the application was carried on being put to the vote.
RESOLVED: to approve planning application P22/V1247/FUL, subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission
2. Approved plans
Prior to Commencement:
3. LS2 - Landscaping Scheme
4. LS4 - Tree Protection
5. MC1 - Materials Details
6. MC25 - Drainage Details (Surface Water)
7. MC26 - Drainage Details (Foul Water)
8. Details of Ecological Compensation and Enhancement
Prior to Occupation:
9. HY7 - Car Parking
10. HY10 - Turning Space
11. MC19 - Removal of Mobile Homes
12. RE2 - PD Restriction on Extensions and New Outbuildings
13. RE5 – PD Restriction on Fences/Walls
14. RE7 – Boundary Details in Accordance with Plan
15. RE29 - Refuse Storage
16. Development in Accordance with Ecological Avoidance and Mitigation Measures
17. No external lighting other than in accordance with approved details
18. CIL: General Consent
Supporting documents:
01235 422520
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE