Agenda item

P21/V2334/FUL - Former Seven Acres Nursery Site, Faringdon Road, Stanford in the Vale

Full planning permission for 82 dwellings with associated access, roads, infrastructure, open space and landscaping (as per amended plans and documents received 12 January 2022 and 8 March 2022).


The committee considered planning application P21/V2334/FUL which sought

full planning permission for 82 dwellings with associated access, roads, infrastructure, open space and landscaping (as per amended plans and documents received 12 January 2022 and 8 March 2022) at the former Seven Acres Nursery site, Faringdon Road, Stanford in the Vale.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that since the publication of the agenda, Stanford in the Vale Parish Council had made further comments of objection regarding the housing mix (allegedly not Strategic Housing Market Assessment, SHMA, compliant), sustainability and requirement for detailed plans of the play areas.  The parish council’s previous comments had been summarised in the report.


The planning officer reported that to the south and east of the application site 78 dwellings were consented in 2018 and to the north 100 dwellings were also consented in 2018. Both schemes formed part of the same strategic allocation and were currently under construction. This application was effectively the third phase. Vehicular access would be taken from Faringdon Road and through the consented scheme for 100 dwellings to the north. Since submission of the application in August 2021, there had been several amendments submitted by the applicant to address technical issues raised by the landscape architect, drainage engineer, environmental protection officers, countryside officer, forestry officer, waste team and the Stanford in the Vale Parish Council.

As a result of these amendments, the number of the proposed houses had been reduced from 87 to 82 and changes to the proposed layout and design had been made.


The planning officer referred to the parish council’s objection that further detail in respect of the play areas was required and displayed to the committee a slide depicting the location of the kickabout area. The area would be relatively natural and open and would incorporate a hedgerow and would not pose a risk to the safety of young children near to the public road.  The planning officer also displayed slides of the materials and architectural features of the dwellings in the other phases presently being built and advised the committee that the area, delivered by the same developer, would be a prestigious project, giving a blended, quality, appearance. The principle of the housing development accorded with local plan policies and the affordable housing proposals were compliant with core policy 24.  The proposed market housing mix agreed with the SHMA and an estimate of the mix of units was provided in tables at paragraphs 5.8 and 5.12.


Councillor Kevin Middleton, Chair of Stanford in the Vale Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application.


Ms. Rebecca Bacon, the agent, spoke in support of the application.


Ms. Georgina Naish, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


In response to a question regarding the parish council’s concern that ‘home office’ spaces were actually re-named bedrooms, thereby having an impact on SHMA calculation, the agent responded that the housing market showed that home occupiers had a variety of space needs and many valued additional storage and working space, especially with the trend of working from home. Home offices did not meet bedroom space standards and occupiers were at liberty to change their floor plans. The committee noted that the amended plans illustrated that the first-floor home offices would be smaller than a single bedroom as defined by Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS).


In response to a question from the committee, highlighting road safety concerns for children using the play area, the agent replied that this area was not adjacent to the carriageway and access to it was directed away from the road. A 1.5m -1.6m high hedgerow would be retained, and over the road was a larger open space, accessed through pedestrian connections.


In response to a question regarding sustainability and the standards which would be employed in the development, the agent replied that the standards in the house types exceeded building regulations and that their design would ensure a 31% reduction in carbon emissions. The industry UK-wide was monitoring standards and undertaking trials of the technology and setting itself challenging standards.


In response to a question regarding play equipment, and offering apparatus for different ages of children, with varying levels of ability, the agent responded that the area already benefitted from a number of approved equipped play areas and the site in question would not offer equipment.  A further question from the committee was in respect of a pond at the centre of the play area and the hazards it might pose to young children.  The agent responded that this would be a wildlife pond only. It was not drained and would be fenced off and gated (the latter for maintenance purposes).


The committee were of the view that play equipment suitable for children of all abilities should be provided. The planning officer informed the committee that the landscape architect wished to ensure inclusivity in these play areas and in forthcoming weeks the reserved matters discussions would deal with this issue.


The committee considered that an additional condition to provide a barrier between the play area and the road would be necessary. The planning officer advised the committee that a temporary fence could be conditioned, with mature planting, to allow for the hedge to reach the height of full maturity.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


Councillor Janet Shelley was unable to hear the whole debate owing to technical difficulties and therefore did not participate in the vote on this application.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/V2334/FUL, delegated to the head of planning, subject to the following:


1.       A section 106 legal agreement being entered into to secure financial contributions towards local infrastructure, provision of 29 units (35.36%) Affordable Houses that include the following split: First Homes 7 units (25%), Affordable Rent 16 units (56%) and Shared Home Ownership 6 units (19%), size of dwellings, public open space and provision of public art.


2.       Successful submission of Great Crested Newts District Licence documents and the relevant Great Crested Newts conditions


3.       The following planning conditions:



1.       Commencement of development – three years

2.       Development in accordance with approved plans



3.       Biodiversity Offsetting

4.       Surface drainage scheme

5.       Foul water drainage scheme

6.       Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) (incl. wheel washing        facilities and dust management)

7.       Landscape Management Plan

8.       Tree Protection

9.       Detailed mitigation scheme (noise)

10.      Wildlife Pond Details



11.      Contaminated Land – Unexpected Contamination

12.      Access, Parking and Turning in Accordance with Specified Plan

13.      Cycle Parking Facilities

14.      Travel Plans

15.      SUDS Compliance Report

16.      Implementation of the mitigation measures in the Noise Assessment

17.      Water supply network capacity



18.      Ecological mitigation

19.      Biodiversity enhancements


Additional condition regarding temporary fence, landscaping and mature planting around play area (amendment to condition 7)



1.       Road Agreements Team (S278)

2.       Planning Obligations

3.       Superfast Broadband


Supporting documents:


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