Agenda item

P21/V2544/FUL- Land at Crab Hill, Land north of A417 and east of A338, Wantage

Variation of condition 1 (Specified Layout & Form) in application P19/V1269/FUL.  There is a need to change the parameter plans and thus condition 1 is required to be amended.


The committee considered application P21/V2544/FUL for the variation of condition 1 (Specified Layout & Form) in application P19/V1269/FUL, on land north of A417 and east of A338, Wantage. There was a need to change the parameter plans and thus condition 1 was required to be amended.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer informed the committee that the countryside officer had made comments on the reduced amount of woodland planting, swale and retained hedgerow on the western corner of the development in relation to the water main. However, planning officers considered the change to be acceptable and not significantly visually harmful. The planning officer concluded that the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


Nicky Brock, the agent, spoke in support of the application. Ms. Brock in response to a question regarding vegetation, explained that replacement planting would not be required as a result of the changes proposed. Ms. Brock also added that the landscaping officer had raised no objection when assessing the application.


Councillor Jenny Hannaby, local ward member, spoke to the application. In response to a query on the stance of the ward member regarding the application, Councillor Hannaby confirmed she had no objections to the application.


The committee asked two questions, with the first being on whether Thames Water had expressed any changes of view towards this application compared to its predecessor. The planning officer answered that there had been no response from Thames Water, and they were content with the view that no response could be interpreted as no objection to the new application. The second question sought clarification on the condition which related to a required footway link during the first phase. The planning officer explained that the footway was now already on the site and led to council owned land and was therefore completed, and they had thus removed the condition, as it was no longer required.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


RESOLVED: to grant planning permission for application P21/V2544/FUL, subject to the following conditions:

1.     Approved plans

2.     Quantum of land uses

3.     Time limit – submission of Reserved Matters

4.     Foul water strategy

5.     Development delivery strategy

6.     Housing delivery document

7.     Master plan

8.     Reserved Matters

9.     No more than 1500 dwellings to be constructed on the site

10. Environmental Statement

11. Reserved Matters applications to be no less than 50 dwellings

12. SHMA mix

13. Adaptable homes (Cat 4M2)

14. Development briefs – neighbourhood centre and community building

15. Design guide

16. Phasing plan

17. Construction Environment Management Plans

18. Hours of construction

19. Energy delivery strategy

20. Energy efficiency

21. Hard and soft landscaping

22. Landscape replacement

23. Tree protection plan

24. Landscape management plan

25. Woodland management plan

26. Playing field management and maintenance

27. Noise impact assessment

28. Noise mitigation

29. Noise mitigation – neighbourhood centre

30. Hours of operation of non-residential development (excluding school)

31. Landscape and Ecological Management Plans

32. Archaeology

33. Contamination

34. Lighting

35. Waste management and minimisation strategy (excluding school)

36. Recycling storage

37. Surface water drainage

38. Foul drainage

39. Boundary treatment

40. Roads, footways, and lighting prior to occupation

41. Vehicle access, driveways, parking and turning areas prior to occupation

42. Roads and footpath links

43. Materials

44. Garage accommodation

45. Highway access design details

46. Bus access, egress, turning areas and bus stop details

47. Cycle parking details

48. Site access serving any phase

49. No materials, plan or temporary structures on public rights of way

50. No construction vehicles to use public rights of way

51. No vehicles to use public rights of way to residential or commercial sites

52. Gates

53. Pedestrian link to Whitehorns Farm Road – to be omitted as implemented

54. Sustainable design and construction for non-residential buildings

55. Broadband strategy

56. Withdrawal of Permitted Development Rights for satellite dishes on flats and terraced dwellings


1.     Public rights of way

2.     Ecology

3.     Bird nesting season

4.     Drainage

5.     Planning obligation

6.     Hydrants


Supporting documents: