Agenda item

P20/V2669/FUL - Fourwinds, 26 Bagley Wood Road, Kennington

Proposed erection of a new detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space within curtilage of existing house served by a vehicular/pedestrian access.  External alterations to existing dwelling house 26 Bagley Wood Road. (Amended plans received 18 December 2020- reducing the height of the boundary fence, additional levels plan).


Councillor Diana Lugova, a local ward councillor, stood down from the committee for consideration of this item.


Councillor Robert Maddison encountered technical communication problems during the presentation of this item. The councillor was unable to participate in or hear the whole debate and did not vote on this application.


The committee considered application P20/V2669/FUL for the erection of a new detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space within curtilage of existing house served by a vehicular/pedestrian access.  External alterations to existing dwelling house. (Amended plans received 18 December 2020- reducing the height of the boundary fence, additional levels plan), at 26 Bagley Wood Road, Kennington.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that the application was in respect of a three-bedroom dwelling of traditional design, served by the existing access. The site sloped upward from Bagley Wood Road and had its own amenity space. Planning officers considered that the proposal would not result in a cramped form.  The front windows of the proposed dwelling were 21m. from the adjoining property and did not present any issues regarding overlooking. It was acknowledged that there would be a marginal loss of light to neighbouring property, number 24, owing to a proposed projecting gable partially encroaching the 40 degree line rule to the southernmost ground floor window, but some compensation would be offered with the proposed removal of a tall conifer hedge, which at present restricted light. There would also be the installation of a new native hedge and 1.8m high fence. The issue of highways safety had been considered and car parking would be adequate, and no safety issues identified. The Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), as highways authority, had no objection to the application, subject to the conclusion of a s.106 agreement to maintain visibility splays across a neighbour’s land, in the interests of highway safety, and the drafting of a construction management plan. The planning officer concluded that, overall, the proposal would represent acceptable impact to the character of the local area, and to neighbours’ amenity, and that  there were no technical objections to the proposal.


Councillor Colin Smith, a representative of Kennington Parish Council, spoke objecting to the application. A statement by Kennington Parish Council had been sent to the committee prior to the meeting by the democratic services officer.


Mr. David Burson, the agent, spoke in support of the application. A statement by Mr. Burson had been sent to the committee prior to the meeting by the democratic services officer.


In response to a question regarding local plan policy CP 37 on ‘design and distinctiveness’ and the extent of pre-application work on these issues, the agent responded that influences were drawn broadly from Vale of White Horse buildings to reflect the vernacular, with attractive detailing. A proposed projecting side gable had been reduced in order better to assimilate the dwelling into the street scene.


The committee was concerned about the level of construction traffic on Bagley Wood Road, which was a single width road without a footway, and asked how construction traffic would be controlled in the interests of highway safety. The agent replied that a construction management plan was being devised, which was subject ultimately to OCC approval. The seriousness with which this subject was regarded was evidenced by the fact that developments this minor did not usually attract such a plan. The planning officer also responded that a proposed pre-commencement condition covered the issue of a construction management plan.


Councillor Bob Johnston, a local ward councillor, spoke objecting to the application.


In response to a question from the committee regarding further details regarding the S.106 agreement, the planning officer responded that the neighbour’s land which was the subject of the agreement was outside the boundary of the application. The senior planning officer confirmed that the neighbour had accepted the proposed agreement. The development could not proceed without the conclusion of this agreement.


With reference to paragraph 5.4, relating to the proposed dwelling meeting unmet housing need in Kennington or Oxford, owing to good pre-existing transport links, a question was asked about the frequency of these services. The planning officer reported that they were regular and that most bus stops were within 10 minutes’ walk of the site.


The committee concluded that the principle of development on this site was appropriate and that the amended scheme was acceptable in terms of its impact on the character of the area and upon neighbouring residents. The committee concurred that a S.106 agreement was necessary, to ensure that the visibility splay to the south was maintained and kept free from obstruction.


A motion moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was carried on being put to the vote.



RESOLVED: that authority to grant planning permission for application P20/V2669/FUL is delegated to the Head of Planning Services, subject to the completion of a section 106 agreement, and subject to the following conditions:




1.       Commencement of development within three years

2.       Development in accordance with approved plans




1.       Details of materials to be submitted

2.       Landscaping scheme submission

3.       Surface water drainage

4.       Foul water drainage

5.       Construction traffic management plan




1.       Obscure glazing to new first floor northern window

2.       Obscure glazing to existing eastern dormer on existing dwelling

3.       Removal of existing dormer on eastern elevation on existing dwelling

4.       Car parking in accordance with approved plan

5.       Boundary treatments in accordance with approved plan




1.       Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

2.       Wild bird informative

3.       Works within the highway

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council