Agenda item

Councillors' allowances scheme

To consider the report of the head of legal and democratic, and the recommendations of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel, on a revised councillors’ allowances scheme to run from 1 April 2021 - attached.



Council considered the report of the head of legal and democratic and the recommendations of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel on a revised councillors’ allowances scheme to run from 1 April 2021. 


Councillor Smith moved and Councillor Thompson seconded the following motion:


That Council:


1.    thanks the Independent Remuneration Panel for its work and its report;


  1. retains for the financial year 2021/22 the existing councillors’ allowances scheme agreed by Council at its meeting on 17 May 2017 subject to

a.    the continuation of an increase in basic and special responsibility allowances from 1 April 2021 at the same rate as that applied to staff salaries;

b.    the inclusion of a special responsibility allowance for the Chair of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee at the same rate as the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee backdated to 1 April 2020;

  1. defers consideration of the independent remuneration panel’s other recommendations until later in 2021 but ahead of the budget setting process for 2022/23.

Councillor Howell moved and Councillor Boyd seconded the following amendment – deleted words shown by strikethrough and additional words shown in bold.

That Council:


  1. thanks the Independent Remuneration Panel for its work and its report;


2.    retains for the financial year 2021/22 the existing councillors’ allowances scheme agreed by Council at its meeting on 17 May 2017 subject to

a.    the continuation of an increase in basic and special responsibility allowances from 1 April 2021 at the same rate as that applied to staff salaries; 

b.    the inclusion of a special responsibility allowance for the Chair of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee at the same rate as the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee backdated to 1 April 2020; 


3.    defers consideration of the independent remuneration panel’s other recommendations until later in 2021 but ahead of the budget setting process for 2022/23.


Those who supported the amendment expressed the view that a back dated allowance for the Chair of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee (CEAC) was inappropriate for the level of responsibility and the number of committee meetings held. However, other councillors expressed the view that the Chair of CEAC had undertaken a responsible role during the past year which should be recognised.


On being put to the vote the amendment was declared lost.


The majority of councillors supported the continuation of the current scheme of allowances and deferral of consideration of the Joint Independent Remuneration Panel’s report and recommendations until later in the year and ahead of the budget setting process for 2022/23.


On being put to the vote the original motion was declared carried.




1.    thank the Independent Remuneration Panel for its work and its report;


2.    retain for the financial year 2021/22 the existing councillors’ allowances scheme agreed by Council at its meeting on 17 May 2017 subject to

a.    the continuation of an increase in basic and special responsibility allowances from 1 April 2021 at the same rate as that applied to staff salaries;

b.    the inclusion of a special responsibility allowance for the Chair of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee at the same rate as the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee backdated to 1 April 2020;


3.    defer consideration of the independent remuneration panel’s other recommendations until later in 2021 but ahead of the budget setting process for 2022/23.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council