Agenda item

P20/V0073/FUL & P20/V0076/LB - The Old Gaol, Bridge Street, Abingdon, OX14 3HE

Proposed change of use from A3 to D1 (dental surgery)

(Additional information - Flood Risk Assessment received 5 February 2020 and amended by revised location plan received 13 February 2020)

(Transport Statement, including addendum to existing received 15 February 2020)

(Marketing report submitted 10 March 2020).


Councillor Bob Johnston attended the meeting prior to commencement of discussion on this item.


The committee considered applications P20/V0073/FUL & P20/V0076/LB for a proposed change of use from A3 to D1 (dental surgery) (additional information - Flood Risk Assessment received 5 February 2020 and amended by revised location plan received 13 February 2020) (Transport Statement, including addendum to existing received 15 February 2020) (Marketing report submitted 10 March 2020) at The Old Gaol, Bridge Street, Abingdon.


Consultations, representations, policy and guidance, and the site’s planning history were detailed in the officer’s report, which formed part of the agenda pack for the meeting.


The planning officer reported that a late submission had been received from the applicant in support of the application, which had been circulated to the committee. The planning officer referred to the relevant planning considerations in the determination of the application, which were detailed in paragraph 5 of the report, namely, the principle of the development - Employment/Retail Policy; the visual impact and heritage considerations; impact on residential amenity; public access; traffic, parking and highway safety; Community Infrastructure Levy; and environmental considerations - flood risk and drainage, air quality, ecology.


The planning officer also reported that the Abingdon Town Council’s representation had referred to the original approval in 2010 for the Old Gaol development being on the basis of a mixed-use development, including a Class A3 restaurant/cafe in Unit 5B. The planning officer advised the committee that the unit had never been occupied due to difficulty in finding a tenant to lease the space. It was considered that after a number of years of the unit remaining vacant and after unsuccessful marketing efforts, it was appropriate to consider alternative uses.


In respect of appropriate town centre use, the planning officer reported that in the policy context this proposal would be considered ‘Main Town Centre use’ under the Local Plan 2031. Additionally, Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which defined “major town centre uses” for the purposes of town centre policy, included restaurants and also health and fitness centres. Officers considered that a dental practice fell within a health centre use and was therefore appropriate in a town centre.


The planning officer reported that the neighbour in the apartment above the proposed unit considered that the intended use was preferable to a restaurant, and had requested adequate noise insulation from the use and would favour alteration works being limited between 8.00am and 5.00pm. The planning officer did not consider that the proposed use would generate additional noise.


The planning officer reported that the Friends of Abingdon Civic Society were concerned about “use of the modern glass addition to Treatment Room 1 as this raises privacy issues for patients and concerns about what screening will be proposed. Could detail be provided, or the space be reorganised?” The Friends had also alluded to the proximity of Treatment Room 1 to the riverside path which “could result in pressure to close the Bridge Street entrance to the gardens”. The planning officer reported that patients would be protected by blinds, which might require listed building consent, if permanent window treatments were proposed. Also, access to the Bridge Street public entrance to the gardens and other public access route across the site would be maintained through the existing legal agreement.


Councillor Helen Pighills, a local councillor, spoke in support of the application, as it represented an opportunity to bring the unit into use. The councillor wished continued public access through the legal agreement.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant planning permission was declared carried on being put to the vote.


A motion, moved and seconded, to grant listed building consent was declared carried on being put to the vote.




(a)   to grant panning permission for application P20/V0073/FUL subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of development

2. Approved plans

3. Hours of construction

4. Informative - If any works to provide external ventilation or flues, erect external lighting, undertake window treatments or to erect signage, a further application for listed building consent (and advertisement consent) will be required.



(b) to grant listed building consent for application P20/V0076/LB subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of works

2. Approved plans

3. Informative - If any works to provide external ventilation or flues, erect external lighting, undertake window treatments or to erect signage, a further application for listed building consent (and advertisement consent) will be required.











The meeting closed at 12.00 pm





Supporting documents: