Agenda item

Local Development Framework: Draft Statement of Community Involvement

At its meeting held on 23 January 2006, the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group received and considered report 213/05 (attached to this agenda for information) regarding the draft Statement of Community Involvement.  The draft Statement was placed on deposit for public consultation from 25 November 2005 to 6 January 2006.  The report summarised the responses received and recommended changes to the draft document.  The Advisory Group considered these in detail and agreed with the recommended changes. 


The Advisory Group considered additional information received from a local resident, Mr Hocken, for reference to be made to the issue of a potential air quality monitoring assessment declaration as a result of any planning application being explicitly included in paragraph 6.4.  However, the Advisory Group felt this to be unnecessary.  In relation to Thames Water's proposed reservoir, the officers were asked to update the draft Statement as further information became available.  The Advisory Group also noted that the Ramblers' Association would be consulted as part of the Local Development Framework despite not appearing in the list of consultees in Appendix 1. 


The Executive is requested to adopt the recommendations of the Advisory Group for the draft Statement of Community Involvement to be updated and submitted to the Secretary of State. 




(a)        that the representations made to the draft Statement of Community Involvement be agreed, as set out in the schedule appended to report 213/05;


(b)        that the draft Statement of Community Involvement be approved for submission to the Secretary of State as amended in Appendix A; and


(c)        that prior to the publication of the draft Statement of Community Involvement, authority to make minor and editorial and presentational amendments be delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning). 



(Time: 2.59pm to 3.07pm)


(CouncillorJerry Patterson declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the draft Statement of Community Involvement: a core document of the new Local Development Framework under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  At its meeting held on 23 January 2006, the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group had received and considered report 213/05 (attached to the Executive's agenda for information) regarding the draft Statement of Community Involvement.  The draft Statement had been placed on deposit for public consultation from 25 November 2005 to 6 January 2006.  The report summarised the responses received and recommended changes to the draft document.  The Advisory Group had considered these in detail and agreed with the recommended changes. 


The Advisory Group had considered an additional representation received from a local resident for a reference to be made to the issue of a potential air quality management area (AQMA) declaration as a result of any planning application being explicitly included in paragraph 6.4.  However, the Advisory Group felt this was unnecessary.  In relation to Thames Water's proposed reservoir, the officers had been asked by the Advisory Group to update the draft Statement as further information became available.  The Advisory Group had also noted that the Ramblers' Association would be consulted as part of the Local Development Framework despite not appearing in the list of consultees in Appendix 1. 


The Executive was requested to note the deliberations of the Advisory Group and adopt the recommendations for the draft Statement of Community Involvement to be updated and submitted to the Secretary of State.  The Executive made amendments to the recommendations in the schedule and consequential amendments to the draft Statement in Appendix A to the report. 




(a)        that the recommended responses to representations made to the draft Statement of Community Involvement be agreed, as set out in the schedule appended to report 213/05, subject to the following amendments:

·         The first recommendation on page 25 of the agenda be amended to read 'The Draft Regional Spatial Strategy (the South East Plan) is being prepared by the South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) for approval by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister…'

·         Just preceding the last recommendation on page 27 of the agenda, the text be amended to read '…in overcoming Drayton Parish Council's concern.'

·         The first recommendation on page 28 to be amended to read 'People unable to communicate in writing or in English to the Council…'

·         The last recommendation on page 35 to read '…and for integrated transport strategies…'


(b)        that the draft Statement of Community Involvement be approved for submission to the Secretary of State as amended in Appendix A and as a result of the changes in resolution (a) above; and


(c)        that prior to the publication of the draft Statement of Community Involvement, authority to make minor and editorial and presentational amendments be delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning). 

Supporting documents: