Agenda item

Community Grants

To receive and consider report 205/05 of the Strategic Director. 


(Councillors Terry Fraser and Jenny Hannaby both declared personal interests in the grant awarded to the Wantage Branch of the Royal Naval Association and in accordance with Standing Order 34 they remained in the meeting during its consideration.  Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, declared a personal interest in the application by Harwell Primary School and in accordance with Standing Order 35 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Committee received and considered report 205/05 of the Strategic Director which set out the Community Grants budget position for the Area Committee and set out details of two grant applications received since the last meeting.  Firstly, Members noted that eight grants totaling £2,035.57 had been awarded under delegated authority.  Members noted that £13,439.88 remained in the budget. 


At its last meeting the Committee resolved that in 2005/06, no grants should be awarded for re-thatching historic buildings as the grant would only benefit the owner, not the whole community.  This decision had been taken with regret, due to the reduction in the Committee's budget.  The Committee's decision only applied to the current financial year and could be reversed in 2006/07, depending on the level of budget awarded to the Committee.  Since that meeting, the owners of a historic building had approached the Council for a grant towards re-roofing a barn/garage within the curtilage of their property.  However, the roof was tiled, not thatched.  Following consultation with the Chairman, an e-mail was sent to all Committee Members seeking a view whether the decision should relate to other materials.  The outcome was a narrow majority in favour of not giving grants to owners of historic buildings, whatever material was used.  However, as there was such a narrow majority, the Chairman had asked for this matter to be brought back to the Committee for consideration.  The Committee was also asked for its view on grants for historic buildings that had some community use. 


Members considered that the decision taken at the last meeting should be broadened to relate to all personal grant applications under the historic buildings scheme.  It was proposed by the Chairman, CouncillorTerry Cox, and seconded by Councillor Eddy Goldsmith that in the current financial year (2005/06), no personal grant applications would be considered for works to historic buildings, whatever works were required or materials to be used.  However, the Committee considered that it might use discretion to consider applications where the building had community use.  The Committee supported this view.  Following this decision, the Committee agreed that the personal application from the owner of the Corner House, Allin's Lane, East Hendred, should not be considered in the current financial year. 


The Committee then gave careful consideration to two applications for Community Grants.  In both cases, Members considered that there should be Parish Council support. 


The application by HarwellPrimary School caused some debate.  Concerns were expressed that this was a County Council function and therefore should be funded from that source.  Other views were expressed that the plan included opening the facility up for community use and this was welcomed.  Some reservations were expressed at how this could operate successfully.  However, the Committee delegated authority for a grant to be awarded, subject to negotiations with the applicant to achieve sustainable public access to the facility. 


Finally, the Committee noted that supplementary guidance for grants supporting historic buildings, work on trees or countryside conservation and parish cleansing work had been drafted and would be available shortly.  The Executive Portfolio holder for Community Grants had agreed changes to the grants criteria, emphasising that grants were discretionary and amounts awarded would be dependent on the available budget and the Committee's priorities.  It was hoped that all Area Committees would be consistent in using the revised criteria.  Some aspects of the revised guidance required legal clearance and it was hoped that this could be achieved shortly. 




(a)               that it be noted that the Head of Innovation & Enterprise has exercised delegated authority in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and awarded the following grants since the last meeting:



Amount Requested




St James (Hanney) School Association



Eco-Week involving community

Mrs Martin-King, Milton



Tree maintenance

Mrs Sykes, Chilton



Tree maintenance

Mrs Luttrell-Hunt, W Hendred



Tree maintenance

HarwellSchool Summer Playscheme



Summer playscheme

Blewbury Village Hall



To secure WREN funding for an audio loop

MrsGayton, Wantage



Tree maintenance

Wantage Branch Royal Naval Association



Graphic display for Trafalgar Anniversary

Total awarded





(b)        that it be noted that the Committee’s remaining budget for 2005/06 is £13,439.88;


(c)        that in the financial year 2005/06, no personal grant applications will be considered for works to historic buildings, whatever works are required or materials to be used.  However, the Committee may use its discretion to consider applications where the historic building has community use (by 12 votes to 1);


(d)        that the personal application from the owner of the Corner House, Allin's Lane, East Hendred, shall not be considered in the current financial year;


(e)        that authority be delegated to the Head of Innovation and Enterprise in consultation with the Committee Chairman to award a grant of £750 to Blewbury Croquet Club to extend and enclose its shelter, subject to the scheme receiving Parish Council support (Social agenda and Town and Village Vitality priority) (by 13 votes to nil);


(f)         that authority be delegated to the Head of Innovation and Enterprise in consultation with the Committee Chairman to award a grant of £5,000 to Harwell Primary School to develop the school swimming pool as a community amenity, subject to (i) negotiations with the Leisure Services Officers to negotiate with the applicants to achieve sustainable public access to the facility, and (ii) the scheme receiving Parish Council support (Social agenda and Town and Village Vitality priority) (by 13 votes to nil); and


(g)        that it be noted that supplementary guidance for grants supporting grants for historic buildings, work on trees or countryside conservation and parish cleansing work has been drafted and will be available shortly. 

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council