Agenda item

Capital and New Homes Bonus (NHB) Grants 2017/18 - Round One

To consider the report of the head of community services (attached). 


Grove Parish Church


The officer introduced the application by Grove Parish Church for a New Homes Bonus grant of £9,990 towards the installation of toilets in the main church hall.  Officers had recommended that any grant awarded should be conditional upon agreement from the applicants that:


·         they consider the equality and sustainability feedback contained within the officer’s report and implement any suggestions where possible.


Trevor Dodd spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the committee. He provided an update on the financing of the project and reported that the congregation had raised significant sums and that the church had secured a grant from the Parish Council.




1.     increase the officer’s recommended score of 1 point for funding to 2, in view of the additional information provided, making a total of 9 points out of a possible 12.


2.     award Grove Parish Council up to 27.54 per cent (capped to £9,990) of the total cost to install toilets in the main church hall. This grant was subject to the condition listed above.


Steventon Sports and Social Club


The officer introduced the application by Steventon Sports and Social Club for a New Homes Bonus grant of £20,272 towards the installation of a disabled toilet and the refurbishment of the bar/clubroom.  Officers had recommended that any grant awarded should be conditional upon agreement from the applicants that:


·         work cannot start until the council’s grant agreement is complete and they have fully secured all the funding needed for the whole project.

·         they implement any suggestions from the equality and sustainability officers where physically possible.

·         they amend clause 36 of their constitution (dissolution clause) so that in the event the club folds, any surplus funds are distributed to one or more local not-for profit organisations, rather than to individual members.

·         if awarded more than £15,000, the council will have access to up to 30 hours free use per year for a minimum of 5 years.


Dr Chris Wilding, Paul Flint and Mark Dendy spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the committee. With regard to funding they reported that the club had contributed £6,000 towards the project and that they had been assured that their S106 funding had been agreed, but did not know when the money would be released.


With regards to the suggested amendment to the dissolution clause, they reported that, as the land occupied by the club was owned by the Parish, should the club fold there was no possibility of the building been sold for the benefit of individual members.




1.      increase the officer’s recommended score of 0 points for funding to 3, in view of the additional information provided, making a total of 9 points out of a possible 9.


2.     award Steventon Sports and Social Club up to 37.37 per cent (capped to £20,272) of the total cost to install a disabled toilet and refurbish the bar/clubroom. This grant was subject to the first, second and fourth conditions listed above, the third being considered unnecessary.

Supporting documents:


Vale of White Horse District Council