Agenda item

Report of the leader of the council

(1)       Urgent cabinet decisions


In accordance with the overview and scrutiny procedure rules, a cabinet decision can be taken as a matter of urgency, if any delay by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the council’s or the public’s interest.  Treating the decision as a matter of urgency must be agreed by the chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and must be reported to the next meeting of the council, together with the reasons for urgency.


To receive any details of urgent cabinet decisions taken since the last ordinary meeting of the council, (if any).


(2)       Delegation of cabinet functions


To receive details of any changes to the leader’s scheme of delegation. 


(3)       Matters affecting the authority arising from meetings of joint committees, partnerships and other meetings


To receive the report of the leader (if any).  


Councillor Roger Cox, Leader of the council, provided the following update:


The chief executive has continued to keep me appraised of the developing position in relation to the ‘5 Councils’ Contract.  As all members will be aware, we recently approved a renegotiation of the contract and I am pleased to say that the insourcing of services from VINCI and the establishment of a direct relationship with Indigo for our Parking Service delivery has gone exceptionally well.  Whilst we all too often take it for granted, I would like to pay tribute to the staff involved in this process, they have actioned our decision quickly, with a strong focus on residents and have done so without fuss or drama.


In relation to the elements of the contract that remain with Capita, our officers continue to work in a positive manner with Capita to reshape the services they provide.  I am pleased that Capita have committed to work with us to achieve this and that they support the benefits of the positive and truthful approach our officers have taken as confirmed via their recent email to our Scrutiny Committee, which I have asked to be copied to all members. 


Financially, I am advised that our ‘best case’ scenario under a full cost model of assessment is that the contract, over its life time, will ‘break even at best’.  I have held many meetings with officers regarding this matter, as I am aware it is a significant shift from the savings that members were originally advised of. 


I am content that the chief executive and his team have not only secured the best possible renegotiation of the contract, but that the straightforward and pragmatic approach that they have taken has increased transparency and member understanding of the contract considerably.  This work is ongoing and I am sure all councillors would agree that we should offer our support to the officers involved in this.  I would be happy to meet with any councillor, the chief executive and our section 151 officer to expand on this area, which remains commercially sensitive at this time.


I have specifically sought out assurance from the chief executive and our section 151 officer regarding the original decision making process and the information that was made available to members, staff and residents at that time.  Based on this, I am satisfied that the original decisions taken by members were appropriate based on the information made available to them at that time.  I think all councillors will agree that we are fortunate that our current officers are realists and have committed themselves to resolving the challenges we face and that we are better informed regarding the detail of the 5Cs contract now than at any other time.  However, based on the information that was available to us at the time, I do not believe members made a decision that was illogical, inappropriate or unreasonable.  Furthermore, I believe that is the view of our chief executive.  If required, I am sure he would confirm that to you all tonight.


My belief in the knowledge and ability of our current officers is supported by the fact that all the councils involved in the 5Cs contract sought agreement that our chief executive should lead the most recent renegotiation, something he undertook in addition to his demanding day job.  This renegotiation, approved by full Council, has provided the platform we are now seeking to further enhance.  I have asked that a paper on the outcome of our current discussions with Capita is brought forward to full Council as soon as practicable. I have specifically requested that this focuses specifically on the issues that impact Vale of White Horse, rather than other partners to the contract, who may be impacted differently. 


I am clear and fully supportive of the view that our officers’ primary duty is to our council, but I have asked that they deliver our requirements in a way that is as inclusive and mindful of the needs and views of our partner councils as they are able to.  I am content this is the case and have asked that you are all appraised of this as soon as possible.


Whilst not directly related to the 5Councils contract renegotiation issues I mentioned earlier, I wish to inform full Council that our external auditors have confirmed that their audit of our accounts will not be completed in line with the statutory deadline, which as members may be aware is two months earlier than in previous years. I am very disappointed by this, but I am assured by the chief executive and our section 151 officer that they are not aware of any issues of financial concern or fraud relating to this decision by our external auditors.  Regrettably, it appears that EY believe that Capita, who provide our accountancy service and our officers have failed to provide our auditors with all the information and detail they require in a timely enough fashion.  This has been made clear by our officers at the recent Joint Audit and Governance Committee.  I, along with the Cabinet member for finance and our Joint Audit and Governance co-Chair have been explicit with the chief executive that we are seeking a full explanation of the reasons for this issue and a meeting is already scheduled with our external auditors EY, to achieve this.  I would wish to emphasise that I respect and welcome the role of our external auditors and support the work they and our chief executive and section 151 officer are undertaking to address this issue, but it must not be repeated and we all need to be appraised of the reasons for the delay we have experienced.


Another aspect of our external auditor’s role is to assess our Value For Money in the use of public funds.  This area was not fully supported by our auditors last year, due predominately to capacity and knowledge issues across our senior structure.  It is possible that the difference between our initially hoped for 5Cs savings and the current position may lead to a further qualification of our Value For Money assessment this year.  However, I remain hopeful that the open and honest approach our officers are taking to addressing this issue, and its limited impact on our long term financial planning, will mean that this is not the case.  That said, the delay in the completion of the audit work by EY means I cannot be sure of this at this time.


I, and my Cabinet, are of the view that officers are doing all they can to make progress across this complex and challenging agenda.  I would ask that all members support them in this and that you accept my assurance that as soon as I am able, I will ask the chief executive to bring a paper to full council that expands and clarifies the above.”


He advised Council of changes to his Leader’s scheme to provide for Councillor Ware to represent the council on the following:


Safer Oxfordshire Partnership Oversight Committee

South and Vale Community Safety Partnership