Agenda item

References from Scrutiny Committee

(1)       Two hours free parking


At its meeting on 19 September 2013, the Scrutiny Committee discussed a paper from the head of economy, leisure and property on the two hours free parking scheme.  As a result, the Scrutiny Committee makes the following points to Cabinet for its consideration:

·        to develop a strategy to translate increased use of car parks into economic vitality in market towns and the district

·        to review a range of fees between car parks and towns *

·        to consider whether level of excess charge notices (fines) is appropriate *

·        to consider extending length of free parking period *


The items above marked with an asterisk are referred to in the car park fees and charges report on this agenda. 


(2)       West Way, Botley


At its meeting on 21 November 2013, Scrutiny Committee considered the redevelopment of West Way, Botley and made the following comments.  The committee:

·        urges Cabinet to keep all councillors, but especially local members, informed of all relevant developments on West Way, Botley, and to take note of the obvious local concerns and feed these back to Doric

·        suggests that Cabinet should update councillors and the public about its interactions with Doric on a regular basis

·        urges Cabinet to hold confidential briefings for all local members at regular intervals to ensure that they are kept fully updated on this complex matter


(3)       Community Safety Partnership


At its meeting on 21 November 2013, Scrutiny Committee considered the annual report of the Community Safety Partnership and made the following comments.  The committee:

·        notes the positive work of the partnership, and urges that the annual report be more widely distributed, for example, as an attachment to the Vale Information Sheet, via the parish newsletter, and on the council’s website

·        recommends to the Cabinet Member for Finance that the growth bid being submitted into the council's 2014 budget round to make up part of the expected shortfall in partnership funding from 2014/15 onwards should be supported in full, i.e. £10,000 in 2014/15 and £34,266 in 2015/16 onwards 

·        asks Councillor Bill Jones, Cabinet’s representative on the partnership, to express support to the partnership for the ongoing work on early intervention support and treatment services for people misusing drugs and alcohol, as the Scrutiny Committee believes that drug-related crime has a big impact on society 


(1)       Two hours free parking


At its meeting on 19 September 2013, the Scrutiny Committee discussed a paper from the head of economy, leisure and property on the two hours free parking scheme.  As a result, the Scrutiny Committee made the following points for Cabinet’s consideration:

·        to develop a strategy to translate increased use of car parks into economic vitality in market towns and the district;

·        to review a range of fees between car parks and towns;

·        to consider whether level of excess charge notices (fines) was appropriate;

·        to consider extending length of free parking period.  


Cabinet noted that these points would be considered later in the meeting under the car park fees and charges item.  The first bullet point would be the subject of a report to Scrutiny Committee in February 2014. 


(2)       West Way, Botley


At its meeting on 21 November 2013, Scrutiny Committee considered the redevelopment of West Way, Botley and made the following comments.  The committee:

·        urged Cabinet to keep all councillors, but especially local members, informed of all relevant developments on West Way, Botley, and to take note of the obvious local concerns and feed these back to the developer, Doric

·        suggested that Cabinet should update councillors and the public about its interactions with Doric on a regular basis

·        urged Cabinet to hold confidential briefings for all local members at regular intervals to ensure they were kept fully updated on this complex matter


Cabinet agreed to Scrutiny Committee’s requests. 


The leader also reported that he had met with the West Way Concern group, and Cumnor and North Hinksey parish councils to discuss the proposed redevelopment.  He had agreed for the council to hold regular meetings with these bodies to feed into the planning process.  He also agreed to write to the developer, Doric, with his views on the proposed development and agreed to publicise this letter. 




(a)               keep all councillors, but especially local members, informed of all relevant developments on West Way, Botley, and to take note of the obvious local concerns and feed these back to the developer, Doric;


(b)               update councillors and the public about its interactions with Doric on a regular basis; and


(c)               hold confidential briefings for all local members at regular intervals to ensure they are kept fully updated on this complex matter. 


(3)       Community Safety Partnership


At its meeting on 21 November 2013, Scrutiny Committee considered the annual report of the Community Safety Partnership and made the following comments.  The committee:

·        noted the positive work of the partnership, and urged that the annual report be more widely distributed, for example, as an attachment to the councillors’ Vale Information Sheet, via the parish newsletter, and on the council’s website

·        recommended to the Cabinet Member for Finance that the growth bid being submitted into the council's 2014 budget round to make up part of the expected shortfall in partnership funding from 2014/15 onwards should be supported in full, i.e. £10,000 in 2014/15 and £34,266 in 2015/16 onwards 

·        asked Cabinet’s representative on the partnership, Councillor Bill Jones, to express support to the partnership for the ongoing work on early intervention support and treatment services for people misusing drugs and alcohol  




(a)               distribute the annual report more widely, as an attachment to the councillors’ Vale Information Sheet, via the parish newsletter, and on the council’s website;


(b)               consider the growth bid to make up part of the expected shortfall in partnership funding, as part of the council's 2014/15 budget setting process; and


(c)               ask Cabinet’s representative on the partnership, Councillor Bill Jones, to express support to the partnership for the ongoing work on early intervention support and treatment services for people misusing drugs and alcohol.