Agenda item

Community grants

To receive and consider report 57/09 of the Head of Corporate Strategy regarding the awarding of community grants.



The committee received and considered report 57/09 of the Head of Community Strategy which set out details of three applications for community grants and two requests for twinning grants.  The report also set out the committee’s community grants budget position.  It was noted that £8,531 remained in the current financial year.


Twining Partnership Grants


Councillors Terry Fraser, Jenny Hannaby, and Joyce Hutchinson had each declared a personal interest in this part of the report.


It was reported that the council had service level agreements with the two twinning associations in the south east area, namely the Wantage, Grove and District Twinning Association and the Hendreds Twinning Group.  The committee agreed to fund grants of £2,000 to the Wantage and Grove association and £500 to the Hendreds group to meet the service level agreement requirements. 


Wantage Street Pastors


Councillor Zoe Patrick had declared a personal interest in this part of the report.


Councillors commented that there were many different participants involved, all giving up their time for this initiative. The pastors had helped the police to diffuse situations and had undertaken so relatively cheaply. This could reduce the need for police officers to intervene. The council has some responsibility for crime and disorder in the Vale and supporting the pastors was considered a viable project benefiting the community. However, some councillors were concerned that the pastors had to be Christians, albeit that they would help anyone.  It was reported that the Pastor’s initiative was receiving support in kind from Thames Valley Police, primarily focusing on training.  The funding required was for administrative purposes. 


It was proposed by Councillor Sue Marchant and seconded by Councillor Jenny Hannaby that a grant of £3,000 should be awarded to the street pastor’s initiative.  An amendment was proposed by Councillor Richard Farrell and seconded by Councillor Andrew Crawford that a grant of £2,000 should be awarded.  This was lost by 6 votes to 4.  A further amendment was proposed by Councillor Terry Cox and seconded by Councillor Margaret Turner that a grant of £3,500 should be awarded. This was lost by 7 votes to 3. The committee then voted on the original motion to grant £3,000 and this was carried by 7 votes to nil with 3 abstentions.


East Hendred Village Hall


The committee support the application and approved a grant of £500.


Wantage Betjeman Festival of Literature and Poetry


Councillor Jenny Hannaby had declared a personal interest in this part of the report.


Many councillors supported this project as the festival would benefit the local area. It was reported that the organiser was well experienced at organising festivals and he was fully committed to a successful outcome.  The committee supported that application and agreed an award of £1,500.




(a)       that the remaining budget for community grants in 2009/10 for the south east area of the Vale be noted;


(b)       that the service level agreements grants to twinning association be agreed as follows: -


·        Wantage, Grove and District Twinning Association £2,000


·        Hendreds Twinning Group £500


(b)       that grant applications be determined as follows: -










Grant awarded




Wantage and Grove Street Pastors



Towards running costs



£3,000 (agreed by 7 votes to nil with 3 abstentions)



East Hendred community centre


Towards replacement fencing



£500 (agreed by 10 votes to nil)


Wantage and Betjeman Festival of Literature and Poetry



Towards pre-festival events


£1,500 (agreed by 9 votes to 1)


Supporting documents: