Venue: The Beacon, Portway, Wantage, OX12 9BX
Contact: Steve Culliford
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To record apologies for absence. Minutes: Councillors Anthony Hayward and Robert Sharp had sent their apologies for absence. |
To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Faringdon Area Committee meeting held on 24 January 2017. Minutes: RESOLVED: to adopt as a correct record the minutes of the committee held on 24 January 2017 and agree that the chairman signs them as such. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: None |
Urgent business and chairman's announcements To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chairman. Minutes: None |
Public participation To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. Minutes: Geoff Rumble answered a question from the committee regarding the application from the Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall at Uffington. Mr Rumble reported that the funding for the roof insulation project had come from a number of sources and that this was part of a larger refurbishment project that included replacing heating and installing other energy efficient measures. This would make the hall more comfortable for users and would reduce heating costs. The parish council had granted the majority of the roof insulation costs but this was supplemented by grants from the Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Doris Field Trust, and the White Horse Show Trust. The chairman thanked Mr Rumble for his reply. |
New Homes Bonus and Capital Grants 2017/18 PDF 152 KB To consider the head of corporate strategy’s report. Minutes: The committee considered the report of the communications and grants officer that set out details of the area committee's budget for 2017/18 and detailed two grant applications. Both applications were for capital grants, seeking a total of £12,665 against the committee's capital grants budget of £29,080. No applications had been received under the new homes bonus grants scheme.
Capital grant applications
(a) Buckland Memorial Hall
This application was for £5,725 towards the refurbishment of the small hall and kitchen at Buckland Memorial Hall. The project would improve the hall's facilities and make a more usable space for the local community. The total cost was £11,450. The committee noted that the applicant would fund the remainder of the project from its reserves. The grants officer had assessed the application against the grants criteria and scored it as 8 out of 9. The committee agreed with this assessment. This resulted in the project being classified a high priority application and eligible for a grant of 50 per cent of the cost. The committee supported the application.
RESOLVED: to award £5,725 from the capital grants budget, being 50 per cent of the total project cost, towards the refurbishment of the small hall and kitchen at Buckland Memorial Hall.
(b) Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall, Uffington
This application was for £6,940 towards roof insulation at the Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall in Uffington. The project would make the hall more energy efficient and more comfortable for its users. The applicant had secured the remaining funding from the parish council and other sources. The total project cost was £20,640 but the applicant had only requested a grant of £6,940, equating to 33.624 per cent of the total. The officers had assessed the application against the grants criteria and scored it as 8 out of 9; the committee concurred. This resulted in the project being classified as a high priority application and eligible for the full amount requested. The committee supported the application.
RESOLVED: to award £6,940 from the capital grants budget, being 33.624 per cent of the total cost requested, towards the installation of roof insulation at the Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall in Uffington. |
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE