Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Friday, 30 June 2017 10.30 am

Venue: Meeting Rooms 5, 6 and 7, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer. Tel. 01235 422522 Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To record apologies for absence. 


Councillors Charlotte Dickson and Elaine Ware had sent their apologies for absence. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 7 April 2017. 


RESOLVED: to adopt and sign as a correct record the Cabinet minutes from the meeting held on 7 April 2017 and agree that the chairman signs them as such. 


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  




Urgent business and chairman's announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chairman.




Public participation

To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. 


Councillor Debby Hallett had requested to address Cabinet on the waste policy review (minute Ca.6 refers), the community infrastructure levy (minute Ca.7), the flexible homelessness support grant (minute Ca.8), and the Science Vale marketing campaign (minute Ca.9). 


Waste policy review pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the waste and parks services manager. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the chief executive’s report that sought approval of a revised waste collection policy.  The changes included the new clear sacks policy, some legislative changes, and a proposal for households of five or more people to be able to apply for an additional food caddy to encourage more recycling of food waste. 


Councillor Debby Hallett asked why the revised policy had not been considered by Scrutiny Committee, asked whether the proposed additional food waste caddy was a change in policy, and asked whether the council could waive collection charges for schools? 


In response, Cabinet agreed that the revised policy could have benefitted from Scrutiny Committee’s input.  The additional food waste caddy for larger households was a new element to the policy and would increase the council’s recycling rates and reduce the amount of waste sent for incineration.  Finally, Cabinet noted the policy allowed the council to charge new schools for recycling and waste collection. 


Cabinet also considered an objection from a local resident that the policy did not allow garden waste to be placed in grey bins.  Cabinet noted that there was no planned change to the policy in this respect; garden waste had never been accepted in grey bins.  Cabinet was content with the existing policy.  


Cabinet supported the revised policy and supported the proposal to charge for delivery of additional food waste caddies for households of five or more people.  Cabinet asked officers to inform residents of the policy changes. 


RESOLVED: to approve the new waste collection policy attached at appendix one to the chief executive’s report, subject to amending paragraph 33 of the policy to read:

The council’s preference is for residents to put their recycling loose into the green bin.  If sacks are used, they must be clear so the crew can confirm that the correct items have been put in the bin.  If the green bin contains recycling in anything other than in clear sacks or looseit will not be emptied.  Our contractor will leave a note explaining the reason for non-collection.” 


Community infrastructure levy charging schedule and planning obligations supplementary planning document pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To consider the head of planning’s report. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the head of planning’s report on the community infrastructure levy and on the planning obligations supplementary planning document.  Following consultation on the draft community infrastructure levy charging schedule, the examination in public had been held in April.  The planning inspector found the charging schedule to be sound, subject to minor changes, which had been incorporated in the draft before Cabinet.  The council had also conducted a consultation on a draft planning obligations supplementary planning document and had made changes following the consultation.  Cabinet was asked to recommend the community infrastructure levy charging schedule to Council for adoption.  Cabinet was also asked to adopt the supplementary planning document. 


Councillor Debby Hallett reported that the planning obligations supplementary planning document had not been considered by the Scrutiny Committee.  Cabinet noted this. 


Cabinet considered that it was essential that new development was supported by infrastructure.  This should be done through the community infrastructure levy to contribute funding for strategic, ‘non-site’ specific requirements, and through planning obligations in a section 106 agreement for infrastructure provision on a particular application site.  Cabinet considered that the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule should be recommended to Council for adoption.  Cabinet also agreed to adopt the planning obligations supplementary planning document as appended to the report.  Cabinet thanked officers for their work on this. 




(a)     to adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, the Regulation123 List and the Instalment Policy, with an implementation date (subject to variation by the Cabinet member for planning) of 1 September 2017;




(b)     adopt the planning obligations document, as set out in appendix 6 of the head of planning’s report, as a supplementary planning document, which becomes effective on the same day as the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule; and


(c)     authorise the head of planning, following consultation with the Cabinet member for planning, to make any minor changes/corrections. 


Flexible homelessness support grant pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To consider the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing. 


Cabinet considered the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing on the use of the new flexible homelessness support grant.  This grant replaced the temporary accommodation management fee and was ring-fenced for two years to help councils prevent or deal with homelessness.  The report set out a proposal to spend the grant in accordance with the government’s conditions. 


Councillor Debby Hallett congratulated the officers for their work on this.  Cabinet concurred. 


Cabinet agreed to the proposed spend, believing this would bring significant benefits to tackling homelessness in the district.  The alternative option of returning the ring-fenced grant was rejected. 


RESOLVED: to approve the proposed expenditure of the flexible homelessness support grant as set out in paragraph 12 of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing’s report. 


Science Vale marketing campaign pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To consider the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing. 

Additional documents:


Cabinet considered the report of the interim head of development, regeneration and housing.  This proposed Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils together spending £183,000 on a campaign to market the Science Vale UK and Enterprise Zone in 2017/18.  The funding had been provided by a government grant for this purpose.  The main aim was to secure inward investment.  In turn, this would also generate additional business rates, which would help pay for additional infrastructure projects. 


Councillor Debby Hallett asked how the success of the marketing campaign would be monitored.  In response, it was reported that Cabinet at both the Vale and South Oxfordshire, as well as the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, would all monitor this.  Cabinet suggested that Scrutiny Committee might wish to call for a regular monitoring report, possibly annually. 


Cabinet supported the marketing plan and the proposed spend, noting that the £183,000 would be shared between the Vale and South Oxfordshire, equating to £91,500 for each council. 




(a)       agree to spend £91,500 for the Enterprise Zone 2017/18 marketing campaign production and advertising placement, from the previously approved Department for Communities and Local Government grant funds budget, to implement the Science Vale and Enterprise Zone marketing plan; and


(b)       submit the marketing plan to the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the Department for Communities and Local Government, in accordance with the Enterprise Zone Implementation Plan previously agreed by all Enterprise Zone partners. 


Faringdon Leisure Centre artificial turf pitch pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To consider the Leisure Manager’s report. 


Councillor Roger Cox declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item as he was a Community Governor at the Faringdon Academy of Schools.  He took no part in the voting on this item. 


Cabinet considered the chief executive’s report on a proposal to build an artificial turf pitch and car park at Faringdon Leisure Centre. 


A study had explored options for the type of and location for the new pitch.  The proposal involved the construction of a multi-use surface suitable for both hockey and football.  This would allow Faringdon Community College to expand its curriculum and allow community use also, improving the leisure facility offering in the district. 


Cabinet supported the proposal, believing it would act as a catalyst to develop new sports activities. 


RESOLVED: that subject to ensuring the council has a lease of the site at Faringdon Community College campus for a period of at least 25 years:


(a)       £75,000 be vired from existing capital budgets into the artificial turf pitch and car park budget to allow completion of the project at Faringdon Leisure Centre; and


(ii)     O’Brien’s be appointed as the main contractor to build the new artificial turf pitch and car park at Faringdon Leisure Centre. 


Abingdon Public Spaces Protection Order pdf icon PDF 160 KB

To consider the head of legal and democratic services’ report. 

Additional documents:


Councillor Matthew Barber declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item due to his role as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley.  He did not take part in the voting on this item. 


Cabinet considered the report of the head of legal and democratic services on a proposal to introduce a public spaces protection order for Abingdon. 


Abingdon was covered by a designated public places order that had been introduced to tackle alcohol-related anti-social behaviour.  Under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, this order would automatically convert to a public spaces protection order in October 2017.  The draft order had received support during a public consultation. 


The report set out four options:

1.    To approve the order as set out in appendix A to the report. 

2.    To amend the order and conduct further consultation. 

3.    To reject the order and allow the automatic conversion of the existing designated public places order in October. 

4.    To reject the order and when the existing designated public places order automatically converted into a public spaces protection order in October, reject the converted order also. 


Cabinet supported option 1 as the new order would allow the police to address a wider range of offences to tackle other local anti-social behaviour issues that were persistent and had a significant, detrimental impact on the community. 




(a)       approve the making of the proposed Public Spaces Protection Order under section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 for the area of Abingdon as set out in appendix A to the head of legal and democratic services’ report, to come into effect on 1 August 2017;


(b)       authorise the head of legal and democratic services to do all things necessary to give effect to the order; and


(c)       authorise the head of legal and democratic services, following consultation with the Cabinet member for community safety, to finalise the briefing note to Thames Valley Police on the enforcement of the order. 


Exclusion of the public, including the press

To consider whether to exclude members of the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business under Part 1 of Schedule 12A Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 and as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 on the grounds that:

(i)        it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1-7 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and

(ii)       the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. 


RESOLVED: to exclude members of the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business under Part 1 of Schedule 12A Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 and as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 on the grounds that:

(i)        it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1-7 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and

(ii)       the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. 



Corporate services

To consider the report of the head of HR, IT and technical services. 


Cabinet approved a deed of variation to lot 1 of the corporate services contract. 


Vale of White Horse District Council