Agenda and minutes

Venue: First floor, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB

Contact: Steven Corrigan, Democratic Services Manager 07717 274704 Email: 

Link: This meeting will be broadcast live - you can watch it here

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To record apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Paul Barrow, Amos Duveen, Debby Hallett, Helen Pighills, Mike Pighills and Val Shaw.


Election of chair

To elect a chair of Council for the municipal year 2022/23.



Councillor Crick left the room during consideration of this item.


Councillor Crick was nominated as chair for the 2022/23 municipal year.


RESOLVED:  to elect Councillor Crick as chair of the council for the 2022/23 municipal year, until the next annual meeting of the Council in May 2023.


Councillor Crick signed her declaration of acceptance of office and made an acceptance speech.




Appointment of vice-chair

To appoint a vice-chair of Council for the municipal year 2022/23.



Councillor Avery left the room during the consideration of this item.


Councillor Avery was nominated as vice-chair for the 2022/23 municipal year.


RESOLVED:  to appoint Councillor Avery as vice-chair of the council for the 2022/23 municipal year, until the next annual meeting of the Council in May 2023.


Councillor Avery signed his declaration of acceptance of office.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 681 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the Council minutes of the meeting held on 16 February 2022. 


RESOLVED: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 February 2022 as a correct record and agree that the chair sign them as such.



Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  




Urgent business and chair's announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chair. 


On behalf of Council, the Chair welcomed Councillor Sally Povolotsky, the newly elected ward councillor for the Steventon and the Hanneys Ward.


Public participation pdf icon PDF 384 KB

To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. 


Two members of the public had registered to ask a question.


A.    Elizabeth Fell asked the following question:


“I would like to know why there are still building projects going on (and further permissions being sought), when we already exceed the targets and in fact are in the top third for development in the country. Unfortunately, we are also down the bottom of the list for infrastructure to support the housing. 

I am deeply disappointed for example that despite all the housing being built on Grove airfield, more houses are going to build along Letcombe Brooke behind Westbrook and Wick Green - we are losing all our green spaces.” 

Councillor Bethia Thomas, Cabinet member community engagement responded as follows:

“It is true that the Vale of White Horse is a strong performer in delivering new homes, and we work to continue to meet government targets.

The Government compiles tables annually for the Housing Delivery Test, and the latest results show that Vale was in the top 25% of local authorities for homes delivered in 2020/21. For authorities in the lower ranks, there are planning penalties including the imposition of a presumption in favour of development, and higher buffers which raise housing numbers for the next year. So, it is a good thing that Vale has consistently avoided government interventions that befall lower performers. It means we retain control of where new housing development is built in our district. 

At the same time the council works incredibly hard to plan for the infrastructure needed to support new housing and will continue to do so to secure new and improved public facilities like leisure, sports pitches, schools, open space, cycling and walking networks and better public transport, and is lobbying for the re-opening of Grove Station.  

We are also working more with Clinical Commissioning Groups who are responsible for primary health care provision and pushing for districts to be part of the new system of Integrated Care Systems governance to ensure health care is planned on a more joined up way across the region.

However, this work is not easy when we are committed to the high levels of housing growth agreed by previous administrations.

The history of this goes back many years. In 2014 the Strategic Housing Market Assessment identified a need for 100,000 homes for Oxfordshire for the period 2011 to 2031.

The Vale's Local Plan adopted in December 2016 by the previous administration, baked in this high quantity of development in the district and allocated the sites you refer to in your question at Grove Airfield and Monks Farm including land near Letcombe Brook for housing. This was further reinforced in 2018 with the signing of the housing and growth deal. With this deal the County Council received some funding for infrastructure, but not at a level to cover the cost of all that would be required.

Unfortunately, these decisions are not something we are able to go back on and change.  


It takes time for housing to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



To receive any petitions from the public. 




Appointments to committees, panels and joint committees for 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To consider the report of the head of legal and democratic on the appointment to those committees required to be politically balanced together with the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee, the Licensing Acts Committee, area committees and joint committees and to agree any consequential changes to the constitutionattached. 



Council considered the report of the head of legal and democratic on the appointment of those committees and joint committees which are required to be politically balanced; together with the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee, Licensing Acts Committee, the area committees and appointments to joint bodies.


The chair referred to the following recommendation, circulated prior to the meeting, covering these appointments and to reflect the allocation of the vacant committee positions. This provided for the Liberal Democrat Group to take the vacant seats on the Planning Committee and Scrutiny Committee, the Conservative Group taking the vacant seat on the Joint Staff Committee and the non-group councillor taking the vacant seat on the Appeals Panel. The Liberal Democrat Group allocated one of its seats on the Planning Committee, General Licensing Committee and Licensing Acts Committee to the non-group councillor and one of its seats on the Scrutiny Committee to the Conservative Group.


That for the 2022/23 municipal year Council


1.             appoints the committees and panels for the 2022/23 year and allocate seats to each political group as set out in the schedule circulated prior to the meeting;

2.             appoints councillors and substitutes to sit on the committees and panels as set out in the schedule circulated prior to the meeting:

3.             appoints councillors to the Licensing Acts Committee as set out in the schedule circulated prior to the meeting;

4.             appoints councillors to the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee as set out in the schedule circulated prior to the meeting;

5.             appoints chairs and vice-chairs as set out in the schedule circulated prior to the meeting;

6.             appoints all local members representing the wards covered by the relevant area committees to those committees for the 2022/23 municipal year with the following chairs: 

·       Abingdon and North East – Andy Foulsham 

·       Faringdon – David Grant

·       Wantage – Hayleigh Gascoigne

7.             appointsPaul Barrow as the council’s representative and Andy Foulsham as substitute on the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

8.             appoints Neil Fawcett as the council’s representative and Helen Pighills as substitute on the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel;

9.             appoints Samantha Bowring, Andy Cooke and Nathan Boyd to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel;

10.          authorises the head of legal and democratic to make appointments to any vacant committee or panel seat and substitute positions in accordance with the wishes of the relevant group leader.


RESOLVED: (with no councillor voting against) to

1.    appoint the following committees and panels for the 2022/23 municipal year and to appoint the membership, substitutes and chairs and vice-chairs as indicated to sit on them (see table below);


Planning Committee, 9 Members

Liberal Democrat (7)

Conservative (1)

Non-group councillor (1)

Ron Batstone

Janet Shelley

Cheryl Briggs

Jenny Hannaby



Diana Lugova



Rob Maddison



Mike Pighills



Val Shaw (Vice-Chair)



Max Thompson (Chair)



Preferred substitutes

Liberal Democrat (7)

Conservative (3)


Jerry Avery

Nathan Boyd


Paul Barrow

Ben Mabbett


Andy Cooke

Elaine Ware


Amos Duveen



Hayleigh Gascoigne



Alison Jenner



Sarah Medley





Scrutiny Committee, 9 Members

Liberal Democrat (7)

Conservative (2)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Adoption of Oxfordshire Code of Conduct for Councillors pdf icon PDF 237 KB

The Joint Audit and Governance Committee, at its meeting on 29 March 2022, considered the report of the councils’ monitoring officer on a draft model Code of Conduct.


The committee agreed to recommend the adoption of the Code to both South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils.


The report of the monitoring officer, which the committee considered on 29 March, is attached.


RECOMMENDATION: to approve the Oxfordshire Code of Conduct, appended to the report of the monitoring officer to the meeting of the Joint Audit and Governance Committee held on 29 March 2022.


Additional documents:


Council considered the recommendation of the Joint Audit and Governance Committee, made at its meeting on 29 March 2022, to adopt the Oxfordshire Code of Conduct.


RESOLVED: to approve the Oxfordshire Code of Conduct, appended to the report of the monitoring officer to the meeting of the Joint Audit and Governance Committee held on 29 March 2022.



Appointment of Independent Persons pdf icon PDF 296 KB

To consider the report of the monitoring officer on the appointment of independent persons to assist with code of conduct matters – attached.


Council considered the report of the head of legal & democratic and monitoring officer which proposed the appointment of six Independent Persons to assist the monitoring officer with code of conduct matters. The report proposed that the Independent Persons are appointed by both South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils.

RESOLVED: to appoint Mike Boon, Julie Byron, George Green,

Andrew Mills-Hick, Chris Smith and Martin Wright as Independent Persons for a period of four years until the annual meeting in May 2026.


Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme - discharge of planning functions pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To consider the report of the head of planning seeking approval for the discharge to Oxfordshire County Council of any planning responsibilities that would otherwise be exercised by the Vale of White Horse District Council in relation to the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme (OFAS).



Council considered the report of the head of planning which sought approval for the delegation to Oxfordshire County Council of any planning responsibilities that would otherwise be exercised by Vale of White Horse District Council in relation to the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme. 


RESOLVED: to delegate the discharge of the district planning authority functions in connection with the processing and determination of any planning application for the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme to Oxfordshire County Council, under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972.




Report of the leader of the council


Councillor Emily Smith, Leader of the council, provided an update on a number of issues. The text of her address is available on the council’s website.


Questions on notice

No questions have been by councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 33. 


No questions had been submitted by councillors.


Motions on notice pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider motions from councillors in accordance with Council procedure rule 38. 


(1)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Bethia Thomas, seconded by Councillor Bob Johnston:


Healthy food is vital to us all and food production and farming is an important economic and employment sector in our district, with agriculture at the heart of many of our communities. However, the rising costs of fuel and other supplies is creating increased pressure on farmers across the district, whilst government policies on international trade deals threaten to und

ermine UK food quality standards and risk putting farmers out of business – as well as exacerbating food insecurity in the UK.  At the same time, significant increases in the cost of living are putting pressure on residents across the Vale, forcing them to make difficult choices regarding their household budgets, including the amount spent on food and heating.


The district council has a number of powers and opportunities that can help influence food production, support sustainable farming and distribution, reduce food waste, and promote healthy eating for the benefit of our residents and the environment, whilst supporting action to address climate change.


Council therefore resolves:


1.        To create a Member Food and Farming Champion to promote local food production and distribution, as well as healthy eating in the Vale.

2.        To encourage farming communities and agricultural businesses to respond to any consultation on our new Joint Local Plan and Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

3.        To encourage developers to include community gardens and allotment provision within all new housing developments.

4.        To encourage and promote high environmental health standards at all stages of food production, distribution and redistribution, and continue to support local businesses and ‘farm-door’ sales, recognising their positive impact on reducing the carbon emissions associated with food miles.

5.        To maximise opportunities to highlight the importance of food and farming in our local economy via the press and through social media.

6.        To continue to investigate ways we can support food redistribution organisations and food charities to address food poverty in the district, noting the work that has already been done in this regard.

7.        To continue to promote ways we can reduce food waste through our waste service and the use of food recycling bins.

8.        To continue to promote the use of waste food and the highlight the climate benefits this can bring.

9.        To minimise food waste at any event that we may host that serves food, and to use such occasions to highlight the use of waste food, low carbon options, and locally sourced produce wherever possible.


(2)       Motion to be proposed by Councillor Eric de la Harpe, seconded by Councillor Samantha Bowring:


There have been a number of fatal road accidents in Oxfordshire recently involving cyclists.   This is despite changes to the highway code which came into force on the 29 January 2022.   The aim of these changes, ?which Council believes are to be commended, is to improve the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and horses on the highway  ...  view the full agenda text for item 15.

Additional documents:


Council considered the motions from councillors set out in the agenda in accordance

with Council Procedure Rule 38.


  1. Councillor Bethia Thomas moved, and Councillor Bob Johnston seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 15:


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.


Healthy food is vital to us all and food production and farming is an important economic and employment sector in our district, with agriculture at the heart of many of our communities. However, the rising costs of fuel and other supplies is creating increased pressure on farmers across the district, whilst government policies on international trade deals threaten to undermine UK food quality standards and risk putting farmers out of business – as well as exacerbating food insecurity in the UK.  At the same time, significant increases in the cost of living are putting pressure on residents across the Vale, forcing them to make difficult choices regarding their household budgets, including the amount spent on food and heating.


The district council has a number of powers and opportunities that can help influence food production, support sustainable farming and distribution, reduce food waste, and promote healthy eating for the benefit of our residents and the environment, whilst supporting action to address climate change.


Council therefore resolves:


1.     To create a Member Food and Farming Champion to promote local food production and distribution, as well as healthy eating in the Vale.

2.   To encourage farming communities and agricultural businesses to respond to any consultation on our new Joint Local Plan and Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

3.   To encourage developers to include community gardens and allotment provision within all new housing developments.

4.   To encourage and promote high environmental health standards at all stages of food production, distribution and redistribution, and continue to support local businesses and ‘farm-door’ sales, recognising their positive impact on reducing the carbon emissions associated with food miles.

5.   To maximise opportunities to highlight the importance of food and farming in our local economy via the press and through social media.

6.   To continue to investigate ways we can support food redistribution organisations and food charities to address food poverty in the district, noting the work that has already been done in this regard.

7.   To continue to promote ways we can reduce food waste through our waste service and the use of food recycling bins.

8.   To continue to promote the use of waste food and the highlight the climate benefits this can bring.

9.   To minimise food waste at any event that we may host that serves food, and to use such occasions to highlight the use of waste food, low carbon options, and locally sourced produce wherever possible.


B.   Councillor Eric de la Harpe moved, and Councillor Samantha Bowring seconded the motion as set out in the agenda at agenda item 15:


After debate and on being put to the vote the motion was agreed.


There have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Contact us - Democratic services

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01235 422520
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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE