Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 5 October 2007 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence. 





To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the Executive meeting held on 13 July 2007, (copy previously circulated). 


The public minutes of the Executive meeting held on Friday 13 July 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record, subject to the second occurrence of Councillor Tony de Vere’s name being deleted from the attendance list. 


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee. 


Councillor Chris Wise, a District Councillor but in attendance as a member of the public, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 11 ‘Community Grants’ as he was the Chairman of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre Management Committee, which had applied for a grant (minute Ex.65 refers).  Councillor Bob Johnston declared a personal interest in item 12 ‘Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy’ as he was the Chairman of the Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association (minute Ex.66 refers).  Councillor Jenny Hannaby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 20 ‘Building Regulation Charges 2007/08’ as she owned a building company that would be affected by the charges (minute Ex.74 refers).  Finally, Councillor Jerry Patterson declared a personal interest in exempt item 24 ‘References from Other Committees’ as he knew the case individual in a personal capacity (minute Ex.78 refers). 


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair.


The Chair asked all those present to switch off their mobile phones during the course of the meeting.  


He accepted one item as a matter of urgent business, relating to a reference from the Flood recovery Grant Advisory Group.  He agreed to take this item under item 8 ‘Referrals from Other Committees (minute Ex.62 refers).  


Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 


The Executive also received six statements from members of the public all in support of applications for Community Grants. 


(1)       Colin Cure made a statement on behalf of the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind in support of its grant application.  The Association supported those affected by blindness or who had impared vision; in the Vale this mounted to 994 people.  It was estimated that this figure might double if all those affected used the service.  The Association wished to expand its service to those in need, providing advice, support, information and the loan equipment.  The service worked closely with Social Services to avoid duplication. 


(2)       Eleanor Cowan made a statement on behalf of the South and Vale Carers Centre in support of their grant application.  She gave an example of the support that had been provided to a child that had acted as a carer for an adult family member.  She outlined the support given and advice and information the service provided for others also.  She sought a grant to help run the outreach service provided by the Centre. 


(3)               Rita Atkinson made a statement on behalf of Sutton Courtenay Village Hall Management Committee in support of its grant application.  The Management Committee had already carried out a first phase to improve the Village Hall car park, toilets, hall floor and kitchen.  A grant was being sought for the second phase to improve storage facilities to allow other community groups to use the facilities.  The contract for the works to the Village Hall was being managed by the Parish Council to provide efficiency and overcome VAT costs.  If successful the grant application would secure third party funding from WREN. 


(4)               David Calvert made a statement on behalf of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre Management Committee that sought funding towards the cost of redeveloping the Centre.  The total cost of the project was estimated at £800,000.  An application had been made to the National Lottery Fund.  This had resulted in a £25,000 development grant to allow a full application to be prepared.  An application to the Trust for the Oxfordshire Environment had been made and a grant from the Executive would secure third party funding of £50,000. 


(5)               Councillor Chris Wise also made a statement on behalf of the Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre Management Committee that sought funding towards the cost of redeveloping the Centre.  He supported the contribution of David Calvert and added that it was intended to transform the Community Centre to be fit for purpose for the local community.  The project would benefit many community groups and would ensure vitality for the village and provide much needed recreational facilities.  A grant from the Council would be a significant boost and would unlock further funding from third party sources. 


(In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Councillor Wise left the meeting immediately after making his statement.)


(6)               Elizabeth D’Ahele made a statement on behalf of Charney Bassett Village Hall and Field Trust.  Support was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.


Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules





Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)       Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee - 28 September 2007


The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee was due to meet on Friday 28 September 2007 and consider four reports containing recommendations to refer matters on to the Executive.  The first is detailed below; the others appear under Exempt Information on this agenda. 


Establishment of Post - Client Monitoring Officer for Leisure Facilities Contracts


The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee was recommended to establish a part-time post of Client Monitoring Officer for Leisure Facilities Contracts.  The post is on scale 4 for a fixed term period of two years from the date of appointment, after which it would be subject to review.  If the Committee approved this, the Executive will be recommended to approve a permanent budget adjustment of £11,600 (full year) to fund the new post from the permanent Wantage Civic Hall Facility Manager vacancy.  An update on the Committee's decision will be given at the meeting. 


(b)       Scrutiny Committee - 19 July 2007 – Waste Management Contract 


At its meeting held on 19 July 2007, the Scrutiny Committee received and considered the Waste Contract Annual Report 2006/07.  In considering the report, Members recognised that the next Waste Management contract would need to find a more effective way of both penalising poor performance and rewarding good performance.   Members also stressed the importance of clear performance management requirements.  The Committee asked that these concerns were brought to the attention of the Executive. 


(a)       Flood Recovery Grant Advisory Group – 24 August 2007

(Time: 2.52pm to 2.53pm)


At the meeting of the Flood Recovery Group Advisory Group held on 24 August 2007, Members requested the Executive to recommend the Council to meet the cost incurred by this authority in reacting to the flooding in July 2007 at an approximate cost of £20,000. 


However, the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer reported that any costs which could be claimed under the Government's Bellwyn Scheme would be, but any amount unclaimable would have to be met by the Council.  If this could be met from Contingency it would be funded by way of a supplementary estimate, otherwise it would be an unbudgeted overspend. 


Members noted the Strategic Director's advice.  


(b)       Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee - 28 September 2007

(Time: 2.53pm to 2.54pm)


The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee met on 28 September 2007 and considered four reports containing recommendations to refer matters on to the Executive.  The first was considered below; the others were considered in Exempt session later in the meeting. 


Establishment of Post - Client Monitoring Officer for Leisure Facilities Contracts


The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee established a part-time post of Client Monitoring Officer for Leisure Facilities Contracts.  The post was on scale 4 for a fixed term period of two years from the date of appointment, after which it would be subject to review.  The Executive was asked to approve a permanent budget adjustment of £11,600 (full year) to fund the new post from the permanent Wantage Civic Hall Facility Manager vacancy. 




that a permanent budget adjustment of £11,600 be approved to fund the full year effect of establishing the Client Monitoring Officer post for Leisure Facilities Contracts, to be funded from the Wantage Civic hall Facility Manager vacancy. 


(c)        Scrutiny Committee - 19 July 2007 – Waste Management Contract 

(Time: 2.54pm to 2.59pm)


At its meeting held on 19 July 2007, the Scrutiny Committee received and considered the Waste Contract Annual Report 2006/07.  In considering the report, Members recognised that the next Waste Management contract could usefully find a more effective way of both penalising poor performance and rewarding good performance.   Scrutiny Members had also stressed the importance of clear performance management requirements.  The Committee asked that these concerns were brought to the attention of the Executive. 


The Executive supported the views expressed by the Scrutiny Committee and agreed to take these into account when reviewing the contract.  However, Members suggested that this might be extended to cover waste collection, disposal and recycling. 




that the views of the Scrutiny Committee be supported and be taken into account when the waste management contract is reviewed to find a more effective way of both penalising poor performance and rewarding good performance. 


Financial Monitoring

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.


(Time: 2.59pm to 3.03pm)


The Executive received and approved requests for four virements totalling £99,700 and noted another virement approved under delegated authority of £7,000. 


The Executive also approved requests for four permanent budget adjustments totalling £89,030 and noted that six supplementary estimates had been approved by the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer under delegated authority resulting in a £14,550 saving.  This was largely due to £62,000 being returned from the property consultancy budget to Contingency. 




that the virements and permanent budget adjustments set out in the agenda report be approved. 


Forward Plan

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from October 2007 to January 2008. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 3.03pm to 3.04pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from October 2007 to January 2008. 


It was noted that both Councillors Richard Farrell and Tony de Vere would be consultees on the ‘Review of National Non-Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief’, an item on the Forward Plan for consideration in October.  It was noted that this would now be considered by the Executive in December along with reports on the Procurement Strategy and the Payments Strategy. 




that the Forward Plan for October 2007 to January 2008 be noted. 


Community Grants

To receive and consider report 72/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to set out the budget position for the Executive Committee in respect of Community Grants and to invite Members to consider and determine the grant applications received. The Executive currently considers grant applications bi-annually. Executive considered applications in April 2007 and the next meeting, at which the consideration of grants is planned, will be in April 2008 at the beginning of the next financial year.


The contact officer for this report is Lorna Edwards, Community Strategy Officer (Tel: 01235 547626).




(a)              Members are asked to note that the Executive’s remaining budget for 2007/08 for Vale-wide grants is £5,914.


(b)              Members are asked to consider and determine the following grant applications and agree the Council agenda and priority:


(i)        Oxfordshire Association for the Blind, £5,000, towards the cost of services for blind and visually-impaired residents in the Vale, Social Agenda, Access priority

(ii)       South & Vale Carers Centre, £10,000, towards the cost of running the Outreach Service, Social Agenda, Access priority


(c)               Members are asked to consider and determine the following applications for funding from the Lottery and Other Grants Support Fund to release a grant from TOE (Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment) or WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd), noting that the Fund currently has an unallocated balance of approximately £22,500:


(iii)      Charney Hall and Field Trust, £5,000, to secure a TOE grant of £50,000, towards the redevelopment of Charney Village Hall;

(iv)      Sutton Courtenay Parish Council, £5,318.83, to secure a WREN grant of £48,353 towards phase 2 of the Village Hall refurbishment; and

(v)       Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre, £5,000, to secure a TOE grant of £50,000, towards the redevelopment of the Community Centre. 


(Time: 3.04pm to 3.17pm)


(Councillor Chris Wise declared a personal and prejudicial interest and in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct he made a statement to the meeting under Standing Order 32 (minute Ex.59 refers) and left the meeting immediately after making his representations and before this debate.) 


The Executive received and considered report 72/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which set out two applications for community grants and a further three applications for grants under the Lottery and Other Grants Support Fund.  The Executive also heard from Councillor Alison Thomson who spoke in favour of the application from the South and Vale Carers Centre, supplementing the statement made by Eleanor Cowan earlier in the meeting. 


The Executive noted that it only had £5,914 remaining in its Community Grants budget for 2007/08 but had two applications seeking grants of £15,000.  Members debated how to split the remaining budget between the two worthy causes and by four votes to three decided to share the remaining budget equally. 


The Executive had a separate fund for applications which sought grants to provide matched funding.  Each of the three applications in this category received support.  In the case of Charney Bassett Village Hall, it was suggested that the Parish Council should be encouraged to increase its precept to raise further funds for this project.  In the case of Sutton Courtenay Village Hall it was suggested that the applicants might wish to approach the County Council for further assistance. 




(a)       that the Executive’s remaining budget for 2007/08 for Vale-wide grants of £5,914 be noted;


(b)              that the following grant applications be approved, splitting the remaining budget equally (by four votes to three):

(i)        Oxfordshire Association for the Blind, £2,957 towards the cost of services for blind and visually-impaired residents in the Vale, Social Agenda, Access priority;

(ii)       South and Vale Carers Centre, £2,957 towards the cost of running the Outreach Service, Social Agenda, Access priority;


(c)               that the following applications for funding from the Lottery and Other Grants Support Fund to release a grant from TOE (Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment) or WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) be approved:

(i)        Charney Hall and Field Trust, £5,000 to secure a TOE grant of £50,000, towards the redevelopment of Charney Bassett Village Hall (by seven votes to nil);

(ii)       Sutton Courtenay Parish Council, £5,318.83 to secure a WREN grant of £48,353 towards phase 2 of the Village Hall refurbishment (by seven votes to nil); and

(iii)      Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre, £5,000 to secure a TOE grant of £50,000 towards the redevelopment of the Community Centre (by seven votes to nil). 


Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy and a Supplementary Planning Document

(a)       Draft Strategy


To receive and consider report 73/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The title of this draft strategy reflects the fact that it derives from the work done to deliver objectives outlined in the Government’s planning guidance PPG17 “Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation” (July 2002). This draft strategy is based on a wide-ranging assessment of provision established through a detailed physical audit of all facilities across the Vale (whether in District, Parish or other ownership), a Vale Voice Citizens Panel survey in 2006 and a survey of Town and Parish Councils.


Open spaces and sport and recreation facilities are fundamental to quality of life in the Vale and the Council needs a strategy to manage and develop these facilities. The strategy identifies the key issues facing the Council and provides a vision and plan for tackling these issues. It provides an evidence base to support policies for open space, sport and recreation in the Council’s developing Local Development Framework. It also strengthens the Council’s ability to justify and secure s106 contributions from developers. The strategy is supported by a detailed background document, including amongst other things the detailed survey documentation.


The contact officer for this report is Mike Mackay, Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement), telephone 01235 540337.




That the Executive approves the draft strategy. 


(b)       The Strategy and a Supplementary Planning Document


The Council's consultants are currently preparing an audit and strategy for green space, sport and recreation, as referred to in (a) above.  To implement this strategy the officers are currently producing a Supplementary Planning Document to set out standards for provision which will enable contributions for these facilities to be collected from new housing developments.  The draft Supplementary Planning Document will be considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 22 October 2007. 


Under the Local Plan system, the Executive delegated authority to approve draft Supplementary Planning Guidance for public consultation.  It is recommended that a similar process should be established for Supplementary Planning Documents. 




That authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group, to agree all future draft Supplementary Planning Documents for public consultation. 


(a)       Draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy

(Time: 3.17pm to 3.35pm)


(Councillor Bob Johnston declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.)


The Executive received and considered report 73/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding a draft Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy that had been prepared by consultant Kit Campbell. 


Mr Campbell gave a brief presentation to highlight the main points of the draft strategy.  The strategy had derived from Government guidance set out in Planning Policy Guidance note 17 (PPG 17).  It was based on a wide ranging assessment of provision established through a detailed audit of all facilities across the Vale, both publicly and privately owned.  A Vale Voice Panel survey and consultation with Parish Councils had also been used to gather data. 


The strategy identified the key issues for the Council and provided a vision and plan to address the issues.  It also provided an evidence base for the Local Development Framework and strengthened the Council's ability to justify and secure Section 106 contributions towards such facilities from developers.  Following approval of the draft strategy, consultation would take place before adoption in the spring 2008. 


It was recognized that implementation of the strategy through the Delivery Plan would be constrained by the Council’s financial position and other resource constraints.  Successful implementation would also require Town and Parish Councils to play their part in partnership with the Vale.  There were four potential resource implications consequent upon the implementation of this strategy:

1.                  Maintaining the integrity of the survey data – it was recommended that 20% of facilities were re-audited every year.  There might be costs in carrying out the surveys and maintaining the database, estimated to be £10k per annum.

2.                  The majority of the open spaces in the District belonged to Town and Parish Councils and these locations were most in need of improvement.  There were potential costs in supporting Town and Parish Councils and local communities in managing and developing the quality of their open spaces.  However, the objective would be to provide this support through re-prioritising workload within the Leisure Services team and through community grants and/or charging for our services to ensure this support was cost neutral to the Council.

3.                  It was likely that the Council would incur additional costs in enhancing existing poor quality open space, particularly in providing better access for the disabled.  A provisional capital sum of £20k was suggested.

4.                  The implementation of the strategy and the associated Supplementary Planning Document would enable the Council to improve its performance in obtaining Section 106 contributions from developers but this would require additional resource in Leisure Services, expected to be a part-time Section 106 officer post, the annual cost of such a post was estimated at £20k per annum. 


All of the costs were provisional and would be finalised as part of the budget setting process for 2008/09.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


Corporate Governance Report - First Quarter 2007/08

To receive and consider report 74/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Corporate Governance Report looks at the key areas of:

Corporate Priorities

Best Value Performance Indicators

Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

Financial commentary


Corporate Governance reporting to the Executive during 2006/7 included the full versions of all of the individual reports. For 2007/8 the Executive have asked that only exceptions be included in the quarterly report to the Executive. The Senior Management Team (SMT) now has a standard quarterly agenda item for their meetings (which are held monthly) which considers all aspects of corporate governance. At its meeting on 20th August SMT agreed the exceptions to be reported to the Executive and the appropriate comments / actions proposed have been included in this report. In addition, a number of areas of good performance have been highlighted. These have been included in section 4.


This new style of reporting has significantly reduced the length of the Quarterly Corporate Governance report. Previous versions were up to 40 pages long and contained too much detail. However, the full versions of the individual reports will be still available on the Council’s website. They can be accessed through the performance section of the Council and Democracy area of the website.


The contact officer for this report is Tim Sadler, Strategic Director, telephone (01235 540360).  Email address:




That the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted. 


(Time: 3.36pm to 3.50pm)


The Executive received and considered report 74/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which set out the Corporate Governance Report for the first quarter of 2007/08, being April to June 2007.  The report looked at the key areas of corporate priorities, Best Value Performance Indicators, progress against Service Prioritisation Plans, key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover), and included a financial commentary. 


During 2006/07 the Corporate Governance Reports included full versions of the individual reports on each of the key areas listed above.  However, for 2007/08 the Executive had asked that exception reporting should be adopted.  The Senior Management Team would consider a standard quarterly report, which considered all aspects of corporate governance and the full versions of the individual reports were still available on the Council’s website. 


The Executive discussed the Best Value Performance Indicator results for the quarter.  Invoices paid on time was below target but improving.  The latest figure was 91.33%.  It was noted that much work had been carried out to solve the problems experienced following the introduction of the new financial management software.  It was noted that Capita was putting more resources into this and targeting payment of invoices that had been delayed.  Suppliers were being contacted by telephone to inform them of the latest position. 


Members again remarked about the performance indicators that gave a misleading impression of the Council’s performance on waste management.  The Council wanted to minimise waste, and from the waste produced, recycle more and reduce the amount sent to landfill.  This was not reflected in the performance indicators. 


Turning to the financial commentary, it was noted that although there were some variances across the service areas, none of these were considered to be significant.  The latest prediction was that there would be a £75,000 underspend for the authority at the year end.  Portfolio Holders did not raise any significant concerns with budget performance in their service areas. 


The other sections of the Corporate Governance report were noted. 




that the Senior Management Team’s First Quarter 2007/08 Corporate Governance exception report and proposals be noted. 


Budget Setting Process 2008/09

To receive and consider report 75/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer.  


Introduction and Report Summary


Following the creation of the finance shared services partnership there is a need to develop common practices across the Council’s and South Oxfordshire District Council’s (SODC) finance function to ensure operational efficiencies are realised. This report proposes a harmonised approach to budget setting. 


The report sets out the four stages the budget setting process will follow. 


The contact officer for this report is William Jacobs (Head of Finance) telephone (01235 540455).  Email address




That the budget setting process as detailed in this report and summarised in the timetable at appendix 1 is approved by the Executive.


That the Executive delegate authority to the Head of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to develop virement and supplementary estimate procedures appropriate to the budget setting process.


(Time: 3.50pm to 3.52pm)


The Executive received and considered report 75/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding the budget setting process for 2008/09.  Following the creation of the finance shared services partnership there was a need to develop common practices across the Council’s and South Oxfordshire District Council’s finance function to ensure operational efficiencies were realised.  A harmonised approach to budget setting was proposed. 


The report set out the four stages of the process:

·        Stage 1 – gathering of base data and the production of a standstill budget

·        Stage 2 – consolidate the standstill budget and share with the Executive

·        Stage 3 – budget proposals issued for consultation

·        Stage 4 – Final budget proposed and approved


It was noted that although the back-office processes were being harmonised between the two Councils, the processes for Member involvement would be unchanged. 




(a)       that the budget setting process, as set out in report 75/07 and summarised in the timetable at appendix 1, be approved; and


(b)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to develop virement and supplementary estimate procedures appropriate to the budget setting process. 


Communications Strategy

To receive and consider report 76/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report proposes the adoption of the communications strategy for the Vale as part of the Corporate Priority “Improving internal and external communications”. The strategy needs to be adopted to move the priority forwards.


The strategy is based on information from the Senior Management Team and their service areas, the staff and Member survey and the public general satisfaction survey completed last financial year by polling company Ipsos MORI as part of the Best Value Performance Indicator requirement.  The strategy is built from the position of where we are now and what we aim to achieve over the next three years. The communications policy is an inherent part of this.


The contact officer for this report is Nikki Malin, Head of Communications, telephone (01235 540376).  Email address




(a)              that the Executive approve in principle the draft strategy to implement the Communications policy to be recommended to Council;


(b)              that the following policy which underpins the communications strategy is recommended for adoption by Council:


“The Council will adopt and implement a Communications Strategy which aims to safeguard and continuously improve:

§                     Customer satisfaction

§                     Involvement, engagement and information flow with staff and the community

§                     The Vale’s reputation

§                     The Vale’s website” 


(Time: 3.52pm to 3.59pm)


The Executive received and considered report 76/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which proposed the adoption of the communications strategy for the Vale as part of the corporate priority to improve internal and external communications.  The strategy was based on information from the Senior Management Team and the service areas, the staff and Member survey and the public general satisfaction survey completed last financial year by polling company Ipsos MORI, as part of the Best Value Performance Indicator requirement.  The strategy was built from the Council's current position and its aims for the next three years. 


Members welcomed the strategy and congratulated the Communications Team for its hard work and success.  It was noted that since the introduction of the team, the percentage of negative press the Council received was reducing.  However, Members asked that as part of the strategy efforts were made to make the Council’s website one of the best. 




(a)              that the draft strategy to implement the Communications Policy be approved in principle; and


(b)              that the following Communications Policy, which underpins the communications strategy, be adopted:


“The Council will adopt and implement a Communications Strategy which aims to safeguard and continuously improve:

§                     Customer satisfaction

§                     Involvement, engagement and information flow with staff and the community

§                     The Vale’s reputation

§                     The Vale’s website” 


South East Plan - The Panel's Report

The report of the Panel that considered the draft South East Plan was published at the end of August.  This was considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 24 September 2007.  A copy of the report has been made available in the Members’ Lounge at Abbey House, Abingdon and is available on line at  Annex 1 (attached) contains a summary of those issues in the Panel’s report affecting the Vale. 


There is no formal opportunity to comment at this stage; the next opportunity will be to respond to the Government’s proposed modifications to the draft Plan due to be published at the end of the year.  However, if there are matters of particular concern, a letter could be written to the Government Office as it may influence their consideration of the Panel’s report and the subsequent modifications.  The Advisory Group considers there are three areas where the Council should consider writing to the Government Office, as set out below. 




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be asked to write to the Government Office about the Panel’s report on the draft South East Plan to:

(i)         Advise that there is an error in the housing figures for the Vale;

(ii)        Point out that full funding for the Harwell by-pass has not yet been identified but that every effort should be made to secure funding, including developer contributions.  The Council therefore strongly supports the Panel’s recommendation to refer to the pooling of developer contributions in the lower case text; and

(iii)       Object to the reference to the Upper Thames reservoir being developed in Oxfordshire. 


(Time: 3.59pm to 4.03pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda item regarding the report of the Panel that considered the draft South East Plan.  The Panel's report was published at the end of August and was considered by the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group on 24 September 2007.  Appended to the agenda was   Annex 1 which contained a summary of those issues in the Panel’s report affecting the Vale. 


There was no formal opportunity for the Council to comment at this stage; the next opportunity would be to respond to the Government’s proposed modifications to the draft Plan due to be published at the end of 2007.  However, the Advisory Group had raised concerns and asked that a letter was sent to the Government Office to influence its consideration of the Panel’s report and the subsequent modifications.  The Advisory Group considered there were three areas to raise:

1.                  The Government Office should be advised that there was an error in the housing figures for the Vale;

2.                  It should be pointed out that full funding for the Harwell by-pass had not been identified but that every effort should be made to secure funding, including developer contributions.  The Panel’s recommendation to refer to the pooling of developer contributions in the lower case text should be strongly supported; and

3.                  Objection should be raised to the reference in the Panel’s report to the Upper Thames reservoir being developed in Oxfordshire. 


The Executive largely concurred with the Advisory Group's views and asked that these points were raised with the Government Office.  However, Members suggested additional wording to clarify the Council’s objection to the inclusion of the reference to the reservoir. 




that the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) be asked to write to the Government Office about the Panel’s report on the draft South East Plan to:

(i)         Advise that there is an error in the housing figures for the Vale;

(ii)        Point out that full funding for the Harwell by-pass has not yet been identified but that every effort should be made to secure funding, including developer contributions.  The Council therefore strongly supports the Panel’s recommendation to refer to the pooling of developer contributions in the lower case text; and

(iii)       Object to the reference in the Panel’s to the Upper Thames reservoir being developed in Oxfordshire because the applicants have yet to clearly demonstrate the need for a reservoir to this Council, OxfordshireCounty Council and the Environment Agency. 


Partial Review of the South East Plan - Provision of Caravan Sites for Gypsies and Travellers

To receive and consider report 77/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary

SEERA is undertaking a partial review of the South East Plan relating to the provision of sites for gypsies and travellers in the south east. The first stage of the review is an opportunity for councils to submit their advice on the expected numbers and distribution of sites in their areas. In Oxfordshire a steering group of Councillors representing the County Council and the five District Councils has worked with the support of an officer working group to provide a response.


This work has involved consultation with stakeholders, a recalculation of the expected need as set out in the Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Regions (ACTVaR) Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) and an alternative disaggregation of the County figure down to District level. The recalculated need for the County to 2016 is 42 pitches in comparison to the original GTAA figure of 98 to 2016.


Advice on travelling showpeople was also requested but it was not considered that it was advisable to carry out a survey in the summer so the intention is that a survey will be carried out this winter. In line with other areas it was considered that advice could not be submitted to SEERA on transit provision and detailed costings.


Following submission of the advice to SEERA there will be public consultation on draft preferred option document and Sustainability Appraisal by SEERA May to July 2008, followed by submission of a draft Partial Review document and Sustainability Appraisal to Government in December 2008 and then an Examination in May 2009.


The Contact Officer for this report is Peter Williams, Principal Planning Officer, (01235 520202)




(a)       that the Executive, in accordance with the agreed process approves the suggested overall provision of 42 pitches in Oxfordshire and provision for the Vale of either 1 pitch under option A or 8 pitches under option B and that a preference for option A be recorded by Executive for reference in future consultations;


(b)       that the participation in a joint study on travelling showpeople in winter 07/08 is approved by Executive, and


(c)        that the Executive approves no response being made to the request for transit site provision, as this should be considered by SEERA, or to the request for detailed implementation costs. 


(Time: 4.03pm to 4.13pm)


The Executive received and considered report 77/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer.  SEERA (the South East England Regional Assembly) was undertaking a partial review of the South East Plan relating to the provision of sites for gypsies and travellers in the South East.  The first stage of the review was an opportunity for councils to submit their advice on the expected numbers and distribution of sites in their areas.  In Oxfordshire a steering group of Councillors representing the County Council and the five District Councils had worked with the support of an officer working group to provide a response.  This work had involved consultation with stakeholders, a recalculation of the expected need as set out in the Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Regions (ACTVaR) Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment, and an alternative disaggregation of the County figure down to District level.  The recalculated need for the County to 2016 was 42 pitches in comparison to the original figure of 98. 


Advice on travelling showpeople was also requested but it was not considered that it was advisable to carry out a survey in the summer.  It was intended that a survey would be carried out this winter. In line with other areas it was considered that advice could not be submitted to SEERA on transit provision and detailed costings. 


Members noted that following submission of the advice to SEERA there would be public consultation on the draft preferred option document and Sustainability Appraisal by SEERA from May to July 2008, followed by submission of a draft Partial Review document and Sustainability Appraisal to Government in December 2008 and then an Examination in May 2009. 


The Executive preferred option A, believing this to be fairer on this Council and Oxford City in that it related to demand and provision in each District, rather than simply taking a fifth share of the County total for each District. 




(a)       that, in accordance with the agreed process, the suggested overall provision of 42 pitches in Oxfordshire and provision for the Vale of either 1 pitch under option A or 8 pitches under option B be agreed, and that a very strong preference for option A be recorded by the Executive for reference in future consultations;


(b)       that the participation in a joint study on travelling showpeople in winter 2007/08 be approved; and


(c)        that no response be made to the request for transit site provision, as this should be considered by SEERA, or to the request for detailed implementation costs. 


Joint Procurement of Waste Management Services - Memorandum of Understanding

To receive and consider report 78/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Vale has been working for a year with West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) and South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) with a view to jointly procuring the next contract for waste collection services. A recent report produced for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership indicated that this was the lowest risk / best option for Oxfordshire Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) in terms of achieving financial efficiencies within the time frame of placing new contract(s) in 2009/10.


The Vale’s Deputy Director for Contracts and Procurement is currently exploring two options for delivering the new contract(s) – a tri-partite approach by WODC, SODCl and the Vale; or support for the South East Centre of Excellence, who are aiming to put in place Regional Framework Agreements for use by WCAs in the South East.


Joint working between the three authorities would be greatly facilitated by a Memorandum of Understanding committing each authority to the joint procurement exercise, to be signed by each participating authority as part of the governance arrangements.


The contact officer for this report is Steve Bishop, Strategic Director (Chief Finance Officer) 01235 540332.




(a)              The Executive approves that the Council should sign a Memorandum of Understanding committing the Council to a joint procurement exercise for waste collection services; and,


(b)              The Executive delegates authority to the Strategic Director (Chief Finance Officer) in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Portfolio Holder for Waste Procurement to agree and sign a suitably worded Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Waste Procurement. 


(Time: 4.13pm to 4.29pm)


The Executive received and considered report 78/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding the joint procurement of Waste Management Services.  The Vale had been working for a year with West Oxfordshire District Council and South Oxfordshire District Council to jointly procure the next contract for waste collection services.  A recent report produced for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership indicated that this was the lowest risk/best option for Oxfordshire's waste collection authorities in terms of achieving financial efficiencies within the time frame of placing new contract(s) in 2009/10. 


Two options for delivering the new contract(s) were being explored: a tri-partite approach by West and South Oxfordshire and the Vale; or support for the South East Centre of Excellence to put in place Regional Framework Agreements for use by waste collection authorities in the South East. 


If the joint working option was chosen by the three authorities, this would be greatly assisted by a Memorandum of Understanding.  The Memorandum would be signed by each participating authority as part of the governance arrangements.  This was not a legally binding document but would show strong commitment by each authority to the joint procurement exercise, hopefully leading to the signing of a legal agreement later. 


In answer to a question, the Strategic Director reported that it was clearly understood by all parties that the joint working option would lead to significant savings through the use of a single contractor, a common contract specification, and a single client monitoring team reporting to all three Councils.  These elements would form part of the Memorandum of Understanding.  When asked if other Councils could be part of this arrangement, it was reported that other authorities could join the arrangement later if they wished but to reach agreement with more than three Councils in the short timescale available was unlikely. 


Members supported the proposed joint procurement on the basis that the Memorandum of Understanding set out the need to use a single contractor, a common contract specification, and a single client monitoring team. 




(a)              that a Memorandum of Understanding be signed committing the Council to a joint procurement exercise for waste collection services with South and West Oxfordshire District Councils; and


(b)              that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Portfolio Holder for Waste Procurement, to agree and sign a suitably worded Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Waste Procurement. 


Planning Delivery Grant 2007/08 – Provisional Second Tranche Allocations

Members will be aware that the Department of Communities & Local Government has announced the latest Provisional Allocations of Planning Delivery Grant (2007/8) and that the Vale is likely to receive in the order of £389k.  The Government has advised that this additional funding is to enable local authorities to improve their planning resources and services and to assist in the introduction of the many changes involved in its programme of planning reforms.  The grant is required to be split 75%-25% between the recipient authority’s resource and capital budgets.


The Vale’s 2007/8 grant award is made up of the following award elements:


·      Development Control performance:                                                                   £147k

(Reward for meeting application processing targets for

major, minor & other applications in 2006/7)


·      Housing:                                                                                                                £180.5k

(Reward for housing delivery in a “High Demand” area based

on the net additions to housing stock over a rolled forward

three year period)


·      Plan making

(Meeting the milestone targets in the Local Development Scheme

& the extent to which the authority is able to report on a range of

National Core Output indicators in its Local Development

Framework Annual Monitoring Report)                                      £  58.5k


·      E Planning

(Reward for achieving e planning targets – the smallest

component of the national award)                                                          £      3k


The grant award will not be confirmed until later in the year, however, as the Executive will be preparing its revenue budget & capital programme over the next few months it would seem sensible to have the mechanism in place to authorise Planning Delivery Grant (PDG) expenditure, in particular where this can be seen to relieve pressures on the service area budget.  Officers will be working up proposals designed to accord with the Government’s PDG objectives & ensure planning performance can be maintained and enhanced, but also, the aim will be to invest in schemes that will be of corporate wide benefit.




That authority to agree expenditure of the Council’s 2007/8 Planning Delivery Grant award be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning & Community Strategy) in consultation with the Executive Portfolio holder for Planning & Community Strategy & the Opposition Planning Spokesperson. 


(Time: 4.29pm to 4.31pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report regarding the Planning Delivery Grant for 2007/08.  The Department for Communities and Local Government had announced the latest provisional allocations of Planning Delivery Grant.  The Vale was likely to receive in the order of £389,000.  The Government had advised that this additional funding was to enable local authorities to improve their planning resources and services and to assist in the introduction of the many changes involved in its programme of planning reforms.  The grant was required to be split 75%-25% between the recipient authority’s resource and capital budgets. 


The Vale’s 2007/08 grant award was made up of the following award elements:

·      Development Control performance:                                                       £147k

(Reward for meeting application processing targets for major, minor and other applications in 2006/7)

·      Housing:                                                                                                    £180.5k

(Reward for housing delivery in a “High Demand” area based on the net additions to housing stock over a rolled forward three year period)

·      Plan making                                                                                              £  58.5k

(Meeting the milestone targets in the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which the authority is able to report on a range of National Core Output indicators in its Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report)

·      E-Planning                                                                                                £      3k

(Reward for achieving e-planning targets)


The Executive noted that the exact amount of the grant award would not be confirmed until later in the year.  However, as the Executive would be preparing its revenue budget and capital programme over the next few months Members agreed to put a mechanism in place to authorise Planning Delivery Grant expenditure, in particular where this could be seen to relieve pressures on the Service Area budget.  Proposals designed to accord with the Government’s grant objectives were being drafted to ensure planning performance could be maintained and enhanced and also to invest in schemes that would be of corporate wide benefit. 




that authority be delegated to the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy), in consultation with the Executive Portfolio holder for Planning and Community Strategy and the Opposition Planning Spokesman, to agree expenditure of the Council’s 2007/08 Planning Delivery Grant award. 


Building Regulation Charges 2007/08

To receive and consider report 79/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report contains proposals to update this Council’s Scheme of Charges for Building Regulations.


The changes are intended to ensure that the Charges:

do not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided

are maintained at competitive and reasonable levels

are presented in a simple and logical format and

continue represent best value and the provision of a quality service


The contact officer for this report is Richard Beel, Head of Building Control.  Tel: 01235 540355. 




The Executive recommends to the Council that:

The Council adopts the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters” as its formal scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, and to take effect from 1 October 2007. 


(Time: 4.31pm to 4.32pm)


(Councillor Jenny Hannaby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she left the meeting during its consideration). 


The Executive received and considered report 79/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding proposals to update the Council’s Scheme of Charges for Building Regulations.  The changes were intended to ensure that the charges:

  • did not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided
  • were maintained at competitive and reasonable levels
  • were presented in a simple and logical format and
  • continued to represent best value and the provision of a quality service


The Executive supported the proposals. 




that the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters”, as appended to these minutes, be adopted as the Council's formal charging scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, to take effect from 6 October 2007. 


Comments, Complaints and Compliments – Annual Review 2006/07

The Comments and Complaints Annual Review for 2006/07 is attached.  125 complaints were received at Stage 1 under the Council’s Comments and Complaints procedure and 99 recorded compliments.  The majority of complaints were in connection with the procedures adhered to by Council staff and as part of the Complaints process recommendations will be discussed with relevant service areas to find ways of improving procedures where necessary.  The recording of comments and complaints continues to be seen as a positive way of highlighting residents concerns. 




That the Comments and Complaints Annual Review for 2006/07be received.  


(Time: 4.32pm to 4.46pm)


The Executive received and considered the Comments and Complaints Annual Review for 2006/07.  The review showed that 125 complaints were received at Stage 1 under the Council’s Comments and Complaints procedure and 99 compliments were recorded.  The Executive noted that majority of complaints were in connection with the procedures adhered to by Council staff and as part of the complaints process recommendations would be discussed with relevant Service Areas to find ways of improving procedures where necessary.  This often proved to be time consuming. 


The Executive welcomed the report, believing that the recording of comments and complaints continued to be a positive way of highlighting residents' concerns.  However, Members asked that future reports contained data for the previous year to show trends.  It was noted that the Ombudsman had again found no instances of maladministration against the Council in 2006/07 and had complimented the Council for its exemplary performance in this area. 




that the Comments and Complaints Annual Review for 2006/07 be received. 


Exclusion of the Public, including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 23     Minutes

(Category 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of any individual.)

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Item 24     References from Other Committees

(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual.)

(Category 2)

(Category 3)


Item 25     Property Matters

(Category 3)




that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 22           Minutes

(Category 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of any individual.)

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).)


Item 23           References from Other Committees

(Category 1 - Information relating to any individual.)

(Category 2.)

(Category 3.)


Item 24           Property Matters

(Category 3.)








To adopt and sign as a correct record the Exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 13 July 2007, (copy previously circulated). 


The Exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 13 July 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record.  


References from Other Committees

To consider the attached references from the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee.  


The Executive approved funding sources for additional costs following recommendations from the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee.  


Property Matters

To consider any property matters.  




Vale of White Horse District Council