Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 3 March 2006 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.  





To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 23 February 2006, (previously circulated). 


The minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on Thursday 23 February 2006 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee.


Councillor Richard Farrell declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 14 'Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2006/07' in so far as he used to work for Investec Asset Management (minute Ex.233 refers).  CouncillorRoz Smith declared a personal interest in item 21 'Decriminalised Parking' as she was a Member of Oxfordshire County Council (minute Ex.240 refers). 


Urgent Business and Chair's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the Chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chair.


The Chair asked all those present to ensure their mobile phones were switched off. 


He announced that additional papers had been circulated separately from the agenda.  These related to replacement pages 116 to 118 on item 19 'Best Value Performance Indicators' and to the report on item 20 'Best Value Review Programme'. 


Finally, he had accepted an item of urgent business, being the draft response of this Council to the Lyons Inquiry into the future of Local Government.  This was urgent because a response was required by 13 March 2006, before the Executive's next meeting.  He agreed to take this item at the end of the public agenda (minute Ex.241 refers). 


Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 




Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.




Referral under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules




Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees




Items Deferred from the Previous Meeting




Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.


(Time: 2.35pm to 2.38pm)


The Executive received and considered an agenda report detailing requests for four permanent budget adjustments totalling £8,110 and details of four supplementary estimates approved under delegated authority totalling -£130,000, a negative figure as the costs of the Local Plan Inquiry had been less than originally anticipated and income for the extension of the successful brown bin recycling scheme would be received in advance. 




that the requests for permanent budget adjustments be approved, as set out in the agenda report. 


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To receive the Forward Plan containing Executive decisions to be taken from March to June 2006. 




that the Forward Plan be received. 


(Time: 2.38pm to 2.39pm)


The Executive received the Forward Plan setting out Executive decisions to be taken from March to June 2006. 




that the Forward Plan for March to June 2006 be received. 



Corporate Governance 3rd Quarter 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To receive and consider report 239/05 of the Directors' Group. 


Introduction and Report Summary


To receive the Corporate Governance Report for the third quarter of 2005/06.


The Contact Officer for this report is Tim Sadler, Strategic Director (01235) 540360.




The Executive is recommended to note the Directors’ Group Corporate Governance Report for the third quarter 2005/06.  

Additional documents:


(Time: 2.39pm to 3.01pm)


The Executive received and considered report 239/05 of the Directors' Group regarding corporate governance matters for the third quarter of 2005/06.  The report looked at key issues affecting the Council, Best Value Performance Indicators, Local Performance Indicators, financial issues and staffing issues. 


Members made a number of comments as they considered the report:

  • In the key issues highlighted in the report, Members were pleased to note that the amount of affordable housing the authority had helped to facilitate was 27% on sites of 25 dwellings or more.  The staff were congratulated on this achievement
  • A second leaflet raising awareness of community safety had been published
  • It was noted that the South East England Regional Assembly had approved part of the draft South East Plan on 1 March 2006, including the further planned development of 1400 houses at Wantage and Grove.  The draft Plan would next go out for public consultation, then to a public inquiry and subsequently to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for approval
  • In relation to the adoption of a Child Protection Policy, it was noted that an officer would be 'assigned' to this work, not 'appointed'
  • As part of the Environmental Crimes 'Enforcement Implementation Plan', the four priorities of litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog fouling would be looked at shortly
  • The Council's proposed Skate Park in Abingdon had been used as a good example of working with young people
  • The Council's Direct Services Organisation (DSO) was congratulated for taking over the contract for cleaning the Council's public conveniences
  • The Member with responsibility for the implementation of the Communications Strategy was now Councillor Tessa Ward
  • Under the Public Spaces Diagnostic Action Plan, it was noted that the latest estimate for the development of the service standards was April 2006
  • A report was pending on the recent consultation on waste recycling - the results had been encouraging
  • The Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee was thanked for its work on the Pay and Workforce Strategy High Level Actions
  • Despite the figures in the report, performance had recently improved on the percentage of invoices paid on time
  • It was hoped that progress could be made on Best Value Performance Indicator 183b, the average length of stay in hostel accommodation, so that in future there was no one in this category
  • More resources were needed to be put into Best Value Performance Indicator 166a, the Environmental Health Checklist
  • Despite a recent improvement in Best Value Performance Indicator 109a, the percentage of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks, more work was planned to make further progress
  • With regard to Best Value Performance Indicator 156, the percentage of the Council's public buildings accessible for the disabled, negotiations were taking place to improve the three remaining properties to bring them up to standard
  • Members recognised that many schemes identified in the report had made good progress or were complete and staff were congratulated for this 


In the financial commentary appended to the report, an underspend  ...  view the full minutes text for item 231.


Proposed Strategic Internal Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive and consider report 240/05 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report proposes a new five year Strategic Internal Audit Plan.  Historically the Monitoring & Audit Committee had responsibility for approving and monitoring the Internal Audit Plan on behalf of the Council.  Under the current arrangements, the Executive, the Scrutiny Committee and the Responsible Finance Officer have an interest in the issues to be included within the Audit Plan.  The Scrutiny Committee and the Responsible Finance Officer are content with the proposed five year Strategic Internal Audit Plan.


The Contact Officer for this report is Sam Turner, Assistant Director (Audit), Tel: 01235 547615.




That Members approve the five year Strategic Internal Audit Plan for 2005/10. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.01pm to 3.03pm)


The Executive received and considered report 240/05 of the Strategic Director, proposing a new five-year Strategic Internal Audit Plan.  The Scrutiny Committee, the Responsible Finance Officer and the Council's External Auditor were all content with the Plan. 


In line with good practice, the new plan covered a five-year period, 2005-2010, incorporating the current year.  This would ensure continuation from the previous plan.  The CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) Code of Practice for Internal Audit stated that the audit plan should be risk based, should take into account the results of the organisation’s risk management process, and should outline the assignments to be carried out and the broad resources required to deliver the plan.  The new plan followed these principles.  The report explained the process for setting the plan and explained the rationale behind the calculation of days available and the proposed allocation of resources between the various categories of work.  It was recognised that investigations into the possibility of joint working with South Oxfordshire District Council might change the resources available and the schedule of planned audits. 


Members thanked the Assistant Director (Internal Audit) and her staff for their work in preparing this plan. 




that the five-year Strategic Internal Audit Plan for 2005/10 be approved. 


Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To receive and consider report 241/05 of the Head of Asset Management. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Treasury Management Policy, agreed by Council December 2001 requires the approval of an annual Treasury Management Strategy for the next financial year.  This is in line with the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management.


In March 2004 the ODPM issued guidance under Section 15 of the Local Government Act 2003 on Local Government cash investments which requires approval of an Annual Investment Strategy by the Council.  The guidance does acknowledge that it might be convenient to produce a single document that meets the requirements of the CIPFA code and the Secretary of State’s guidance.


This report puts forward an Annual Strategy for this authority for 2006/07 which, as last year, complies with the CIPFA code and the ODPM guidance.  This strategy restricts itself to non-property investments.  For property investment, Members should refer to the Investment Policy last agreed by the Council on 24 March 2004


The Contact Officer for this report is Steve Lawrence, Head of Asset Management 01235 540321.




Members are asked to recommend to Council:       

the approval of the Annual Treasury Management & Investment Strategy for 2006/07 (set out at Appendix A), and the limits and guidelines specified in it.


(Time: 3.03pm to 3.05pm)


(Councillor Richard Farrell declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as he used to work for Investec Asset Management.  However, this company was not discussed directly.  Therefore, in accordance with Standing Order 34 he remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Executive received and considered report 241/05 of the Head of Asset Management requesting approval of the Treasury Management Strategy.  The Treasury Management Policy, agreed by Council December 2001, required the approval of an annual Treasury Management Strategy for the next financial year.  This was in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy(CIPFA) Code of Practice on Treasury Management and in line with guidance on Local Government cash investments issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.  The strategy for 2006/07 was restricted to non-property investments.  Property investments were dealt with separately under the Investment Policy agreed by the Council on 24 March 2004. 


In accordance with the Treasury Management Policy, the Council had agreed an annual Treasury Management and Investment Strategy Statement before the beginning of each financial year.  This had set borrowing limits, investment objectives, approved organisations for investment, guidelines, and performance criteria for the in-house operation.  Since there had been no significant change in the Council’s circumstances or the investment market, the Strategy Statement for 2005/06 agreed in March 2005 was still suitable and had just been updated where necessary. 


Members welcomed the strategy and thanked the Head of Asset Management for his report. 




that the Annual Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2006/07 be approved along with the limits and guidelines specified in it. 


Waste Strategy: Shortlisting of Disposal and Collection Options

To receive an update at the meeting.    


(Time: 3.05pm to 3.20pm)


The Executive received an update on the shortlisting of disposal and collection options under the Waste Strategy.  Consultants ERM and Enviros Limited had been working for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership to review the current waste management strategy and developing a new strategy for Oxfordshire.  The consultants had been asked to prepare a series of options for waste minimisation, collection and disposal post 2009/10.  Business cases had to be developed also. 


The consultants' report had been expected in good time for this meeting but had been delayed again and was at least two weeks away.  The intention was for the consultants to make a presentation to all Members of this Council to highlight the impact the options would have. 


It was suggested that this Council should have an input into the County Council Cabinet's decision on waste disposal to achieve the best environmental option at the best value. 


Disappointment was expressed at the further delay in the consultants' report, seeking the perfect solution for the county.  It was already too late to have a disposal solution in place to avoid punitive charges.  The Partnership should be advised that Members expected to have the consultants' report with options and a clear definitive recommendation by the end of March 2006.  This matter was made more urgent by the need to plan for the renewal of the Council's waste collection and recycling contract.  Penalties for procrastination were likely to result in savage service cuts. 




that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to write to the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership and its constituent Councils expressing disappointment at the further delay in the receipt of the consultants' report and adding an expectation to receive it, with options and a clear definitive recommendation, by the end of March 2006. 


Non Housing Revenue Account Housing Private Finance Initiative

Members of the Executive have previously been provided with a briefing note on the potential for a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) bid to fund affordable housing in Oxfordshire.  It is your officers’ view that whilst recognising the risks and uncertainties of such a PFI scheme the opportunity and limited risk of this very early stage persuade us that this authority should submit an expression of interest for the next round and encourage the other local housing authorities in Oxfordshire to join with us.



(Time: 3.20pm to 3.21pm)


Members of the Executive had previously been provided with a briefing note on the potential for a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) bid to fund affordable housing in Oxfordshire.  Whilst recognising the risks and uncertainties of such a scheme, the opportunity and limited risk of this very early stage persuaded Members that this authority should submit an expression of interest for the next round and encourage the other local housing authorities in Oxfordshire to do likewise. 




that an expression of interest be submitted for the next round of the Private Finance Initiative to fund affordable housing in Oxfordshire and other local authorities be encouraged to join the Vale in this bid. 


Apportionment of the Community Grants Budget for 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To receive and consider report 242/05 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to provide information on two possible options for the apportionment of the 2006/07 community grants budget of £113,400 and to request that members determine which option is the most appropriate.  


The contact officer for this report is Toby Warren, Head of Innovation & Enterprise (Tel: 01235 547695). 




Members are requested to determine which of the two options (detailed in paragraphs 5.1 and 6.1) should be used for the apportionment of the 2006/07 community grants budget of £ 113,400.


Members are requested to approve that the Executive and area committees are able to carry forward any community grants budget from 2005/06, which remains unallocated at the end of 2005/06.


(Time: 3.21pm to 3.29pm)


The Executive received and considered report 242/05 of the Strategic Director regarding options for apportioning the Community Grants Budget for 2006/07.  In 2005/06 the Community Grants budget was apportioned based on the number of electors in each area, reflecting the boundaries of the Area Committees.  Electorate rather than population had been used as the population figures between censuses were estimated, whereas the electorate figures were updated each year.  However, as electorate figures were constantly changing this could result in changes in the annual budgets of area committees. 


There were two possible options for the apportionment of the budget.  Option 1 was for the budget to be apportioned using the electorate figure only.  Option 2 gave each Area Committee a 'base' budget and then an amount based on the electorate figure.  The aim of a 'base' budget would be reduce the impact of a decrease in an area's share of the electorate.  Members considered that option 1 was preferable, subject to reviewing this apportionment basis annually.  Members also felt that the electorate figures as at 1 January each year should be used. 


Following the convention of previous years, Members agreed with the principle that the Executive and Area Committees should be able to carry forward any unallocated Community Grants Budget from one financial year to the next, subject to the Area Committees first submitting an annual report to the Executive setting out how the funds had been spent during the financial year. 




(a)        that option 1, the use of electoral figures only, be used to determine the apportionment of the 2006/07 community grants budget;


(b)        that the electorate figures as at 1 January be used;


(c)        that this apportionment basis be subject to an annual review; and


(d)        that the carry forward of any unallocated Executive or Area Committee Community Grants Budgets from 2005/06 to 2006/07 be approved, subject to the Area Committees submitting an annual report to the Executive after their financial year end setting out how the budget has been spent. 


Draft Vale Youth Development Strategy for 2006-2009 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To receive and consider report 243/05 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The purpose of this report is to provide information about the proposed draft Vale Youth Development Strategy and seek approval to delegate the authority to finalise the consultation draft.


The contact officer for this report is Toby Warren, Head of Innovation & Enterprise (Tel: 01235 547695).




Members are requested to delegate the authority to finalise the consultation draft of Vale Youth Development Strategy 2006-2009 to the Chair, Portfolio-holder for Youth Strategy and the Strategic Director. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.29pm to 3.35pm)


The Executive received and considered report 243/05 of the Strategic Director regarding a draft Vale Youth Development Strategy.  The report sought approval to delegate the authority to finalise the consultation draft. 


The Audit Commission's Comprehensive Performance Assessment in 2004 identified that the Council provided high quality activities for young people including after school and holiday programmes.  It also identified that there was a clear commitment, through the Youth Forum, to involving young people more in the Council’s decision making.  However, the Audit Commission considered that the Council needed a strategic overview of its youth service provision.  This was in line with the Government green paper 'Every Child Matters' that identified a need for sharing information with other authorities to protect children and young people from harm and help them achieve what they wanted in life.  Oxfordshire County Council had a statutory responsibility to lead on a plan for all services for children and young people provided by both the County Council and other relevant partners.  The County Council and its partners could be subject to a 'Joint Area Review' inspection. 


The proposed draft Vale Youth Development Strategy showed how the Council would use its services to contribute toOxfordshire County Council's Children & Young People’s Plan.  The initial time period of the strategy was 2006-2009, to fit in with the initial time period of the Oxfordshire plan. 


Members welcomed the draft strategy but recognised that it would only succeed if partners in the public, voluntary and private sector were committed to the same strategic aims.  Therefore, the Vale Strategic Partnership and other relevant organisations would be invited to comment.  The proposed draft strategy did not have any additional financial implications for the Vale.  The intention was to deliver improved outcomes from existing resources. 


Consultation on the proposed draft strategy would initially take place with the Vale Youth Forum.  Meetings would also take place with groups of young people from the Abingdon Bridge, the Foyer in Abingdon, the Sweat Box in Wantage and Faringdon Youth Project. 


The Council would have a strong interest in the work of other agencies in improving outcomes for children and young people in the Vale and would monitor their performance.  The Vale Strategic Partnership would also be able to help in monitoring performance and take action to deal with any issues relating to underperformance.  Once the final version of the strategy had been adopted, the Council's Youth Development Co-ordinator would have an important role to play in monitoring the strategy, reporting to the Youth Forum and providing feedback to Members and officers. 




that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Executive and the Executive Portfolio-holder for Youth Strategy to finalise the consultation draft of Vale Youth Development Strategy 2006-2009. 


Best Value Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive and consider report 244/05 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report compares the Council’s performance against that of the national top and bottom quartile data for 2004-05 which was published by the Audit Commission in mid- January 2006.


The Contact Officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer (01235 520202 ext 499).




That Members note the Council’s performance against the national top and bottom quartile results for 2004-05 and that active management of Best Value Performance Indicators is undertaken through the Corporate Governance Reporting process.  


(Time: 3.35pm to 3.50pm)


The Executive received and considered report 244/05 of the Strategic Director regarding Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI).  The report compared performance against the national top and bottom quartile data for 2004/05, which was published by the Audit Commission in January 2006.  Amended pages 116 to 118 were tabled at the meeting.  These showed arrows indicating whether the performance had improved, reduced or stayed the same. 


Members noted that eight indicators had improved, moving up from a lower to a higher quartile.  Nineteen had stayed the same and eight had dropped to a lower quartile.  It was these eight with worsening performance that the Executive concentrated on:

  • BVPI 11a, the percentage of top earners that were women, had reduced.  This was an indicator not a target.  The Council appointed to posts on merit.  In 2004/05 the effect on this indicator had been negative, whereas in other years it might be positive.  As an organisation, the Council was shrinking so the opportunity for this indicator to improve in the near future was limited, unless a vacancy occurred.  However, any appointments would still have to be on merit.  This was not an indicator the Council could control
  • BVPI 12, the number of days sick per member of staff, had crept back up.  Members asked for Scrutiny Committee to be invited to investigate this and satisfy itself that everything was being done to minimise this or to ask for further action to reduce staff sickness
  • BVPI 14, the number of early retirements of staff, had predictably worsened due to the effect of senior management restructuring.  In the current year performance would improve as no early retirements had been approved
  • BVPI 17a, the number of staff from ethnic minorities, as with BVPI 11a above, this was something the Council could not control as it had a policy of making staff appointments on merit
  • BVPI 76a, the number of benefit claimants visited per 1000 caseload, had dipped in 2004/05 but had improved in the current year
  • BVPI 106, the number of new homes built on 'brown field' sites, again this had dipped in 2004/05 but was improving in the current year.  Members considered that 92% was still very high for a rural District, despite having just dropped out of the top quartile
  • BVPI 109b, the percentage of minor planning applications determined within eight weeks, had dropped in 2004/05 but had recently improved
  • BVPI 109c, the percentage of other planning applications determined within eight weeks, had also dropped in 2004/05 but like BVPI 109b above, had recently improved.  The Portfolio holder reported that he and the key Planning officers were investigating ways to improve performance further for this and indicators 109a and 109b


The Executive also looked at the other indicator performances.  With twice as many in the top or middle quartiles than the bottom quartile, Members asked the Chief Executive to send a message of congratulations to staff on this achievement in what had been a very difficult year. 




(a)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 238.


Best Value Review Programme 2006 - 07 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To receive and consider report 245/05 of the Strategic Director. 



(Time: 3.50pm to 4.07pm)


The Executive received and considered report 245/05 of the Strategic Director on the Best Value Review for the previous year and made proposals for reviews for 2006/07.


Following the completion of the first of the new style reviews, the Principal Performance Management Officer had completed a new Best Value Review Toolkit.  Members welcomed the general approach taken. 


Four reviews were identified for 2005/06 to 2006/07:

·         Services for Younger People - This review had been overtaken by Council’s contribution to the Oxfordshire Children and Young People’s Plan and the Children and Young Persons' block of the Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement

·         Waste Management - The service Best Value Review was completed in March 2005 and an Action Plan had been agreed

·         Revenues and Benefits - This review culminated in the report to the Executive on 23 February 2006

·         Housing Services - It was proposed that this review followed the Housing Inspection


In establishing a review programme for 2006/07 to 2008/09, officers looked at the Strategic Service Review work carried out by the Directors and Assistant Directors on procurement and other significant issues.  It was recommended that reviews were added to the programme as follows:

·         A cross-cutting review in respect of the identification of longer term aims for the area and how these were delivered by the Vale Strategic Partnership and other partnership arrangements

·         A Best Value Review of the White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre


Further service based reviews would be considered once the new structure was in place and the Council was in a position to receive the views of the respective Assistant/Deputy Directors. 


The suggested review of Housing Services was supported by the Housing Inspection Team at the initial feedback meeting held recently.  It was suggested that the Housing Strategy should be reviewed also.  The inspectors had suggested that the Council should carry out a zero-based budgeting exercise when compiling its next budget.  They believed that zero-based budgeting would mean resources being better targeted at the Council's priorities, such as putting more resources into Housing Services.  Members noted that the Council had traditionally used incremental budgeting techniques.  The Executive recognised the benefits of zero-based budgeting but were concerned at the time that managers would need to give to undertake the exercise.  It was suggested that the Directors' Group should give consideration to this suggestion in the summer as part of a strategic overview assessment of the Council's operations. 




(a)        that the progress in respect of the Best Value Review Programme for 2005-06 be noted;


(b)        that the Best Value Review Programme for 2006/07 be approved as being:

(i)         a cross-cutting review in respect of the identification of longer term aims for the area and how these are delivered by the Vale Strategic Partnership and other partnership arrangements;

(ii)        a Best Value Review of the White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre;


(c)        that a further report identifying appropriate “Service Reviews” be submitted to the Executive as soon as practicable; and


(d)        that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 239.


Decriminalised Parking pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To receive and consider report 246/05 of the Strategic Director.    


Introduction and Report Summary


Oxfordshire County Council have resolved to introduce Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) in all Oxfordshire Districts, including the Vale. It is the stated objective of the Department for Transport (DfT) that DPE should bring together the control and enforcement of both on-street and off-street parking in the interest of public understanding. This Council is responsible for the provision and enforcement of public off-street parking, and derives a revenue income from this service; therefore, the introduction of DPE in the Vale will clearly have an impact on the Vale’s parking activity.


The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an introduction to DPE, set out the County Councils initial proposals on how they see DPE being implemented, and consider the effect that this may have on the Vale’s parking service. It is not intended at this stage that Members should take a formal decision on detailed matters, but that the Executive should give an initial reaction to some principal issues, to enable Officers to commence detailed discussions with the County Council.


The Contact Officer for this report is Gordon Willcox, Section Head (Transportation) telephone 01235 540390.




That the Executive:


Advise Oxfordshire County Council that:


a)                  this Council supports, in principle, the implementation of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement throughout the Vale, subject to agreement on all financial, operational and administrative details;


b)                  this Council is willing, in principle, to assume responsibility for the management of both on-street and off-street parking enforcement, subject to reaching agreement with the County Council on the way that these operations will be funded, and how surpluses will be apportioned;


c)                  this Council has an objection, in principle, to the centralisation of the administration of DPE by the County Council, subject to further discussions and clarification of the relevant issues;


d)                  this Council is willing, in principle, to provide the facilities for the payment of parking fines, subject to agreement on the way that this operation will be funded;


Request that the Assistant Director (Planning) advise the County Council of its decisions in relation to recommendations 2.1a), b), c), and d); and authorise Officers to commence detailed discussions with the County Council on the future management of DPE, including investigating opportunities for partnership working with both the County and the other Oxfordshire District Councils, and report subsequent progress to the Executive as soon as practicable. 


(Time: 4.07pm to 4.25pm)


(CouncillorRoz Smith declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Executive received and considered report 246/05 of the Strategic Director regarding the decision by Oxfordshire County Council to introduce Decriminalised Parking Enforcement in all Oxfordshire Districts.  This would bring together the control and enforcement of both on-street and off-street parking in the interest of better public understanding.  The report set out the County Council's proposals on how decriminalised parking would be implemented and considered the effect that this might have on the Vale’s parking service.  The Executive was asked to give an initial reaction to some main issues to enable detailed discussions with the County Council. 


To progress the project, the following steps were required:

  • Decide on the new arrangements through discussions with the County Council and other District Councils
  • Determine the information technology requirements and how these could be procured
  • Audit all existing road markings to ensure that they were consistent with the existing traffic orders
  • Compile a database of traffic orders, amending where necessary any existing orders
  • Complete agreements with District Councils for the enforcement service
  • Consult on and publicise the new enforcement arrangements


The County Council had set a target date for implementation throughout the county in 2008.  Whilst much remained to be discussed with District Councils, at this preliminary stage the County Council was suggesting the following arrangements should be considered:

  • Centralised penalty notice processing in Oxford
  • District Councils to manage both on and off-street enforcement
  • District Councils to provide the facilities for the payment of parking fines


Under this option Districts would be responsible for the staffing and management issues relating to the enforcement element, which would include both patrolling and administrative staff.  This was likely to involve the transfer of existing County Council Traffic Wardens under Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) arrangements and the recruitment of new staff.  This also proposed the centralisation of the penalty notice processing element in Oxford. 


The intention was for the service to be self financing.  The County Council had to agree to underwrite any deficits incurred through the off-street operation.  Separate parking accounts would ring fence income derived from on-street and off-street operations.  The Vale would retain all of its income from its off-street car parks whilst income from on-street parking and on-street parking offences would go to the County Council. 


Members welcomed the proposal, believing that it would reduce confusion amongst the public as to who controlled parking enforcement.  Members also considered that enforcement would improve under a single organisation and would help with the implementation of the Integrated Transport Strategies in town centres.  Members supported the recommendations on the understanding that much of the detail still had to be agreed with the County Council. 




(a)        that the Oxfordshire County Council be advised that:

(i)         this Council supports, in principle, the implementation of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement throughout the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 240.


Response to the Lyons Inquiry


(Time: 4.25pm to 4.36pm)


The Chair had accepted this matter as urgent business in order that a response could be submitted in time for the deadline on 13 March 2006.  The Government had set up an Inquiry into the future of Local Government: the Lyons Inquiry.  The Inquiry had posed a series of questions to local authorities.  Tabled at the meeting was a draft response.  The Executive had responsibility to respond on behalf of the Council.  It was recognised that the detail of the response was the view of the Liberal Democrat Members of the Council and it was accepted that the Conservative Members might have differing views and could submit their own response. 


Members welcomed the draft response and asked that the Chair responded on behalf of the authority.  It was recognised that such a delegation would require the Chair to fill out a decision form once the action had been taken and that this would be subject to scrutiny, as with all other Executive decisions. 




that the Chair of the Executive be invited to delegate to himself authority to submit a response by 13 March 2006, on behalf of this Council, to the Lyons Inquiry into the future of Local Government. 


Exclusion of the Public, including the Press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act when the following items are considered:


Item 23       Minutes

(Category 7 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).


Item 24       Property Matters

(Category 8 - The amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services).




that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following item is considered:


Property Matters

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)





Property Matters


The Executive approved one property acquisition and noted the latest position on another property matter. 


Property Matters

To consider any property matters. 


(a)        To receive and consider report 247/05 of the Strategic Director.