Agenda and minutes

Executive - Friday, 5 February 2010 2.30 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services Officer, telephone 01235 540307.  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence. 





To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 December 2009 (previously circulated). 


The minutes of the Executive’s meeting held on 4 December 2009 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


Any councillor with a personal interest or a personal and prejudicial interest in accordance with the provisions of the code of conduct, in any matter to be considered at a meeting, must declare the existence and nature of that interest as soon as the interest becomes apparent in accordance with the provisions of the code.


When a councillor declares a personal and prejudicial interest he shall also state if he has a dispensation from the Standards Committee entitling him/her to speak, or speak and vote on the matter concerned.


Where any councillor has declared a personal and prejudicial interest he shall withdraw from the room while the matter is under consideration unless


(a)    his/her disability to speak, or speak and vote on the matter has been removed by a dispensation granted by the Standards Committee, or


(b)    members of the public are allowed to make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter by statutory right or otherwise.  If that is the case, the councillor can also attend the meeting for that purpose.  However, the councillor must immediately leave the room once he/she has finished; or when the meeting decides he/she has finished whichever is the earlier and in any event the Member must leave the room for the duration of the debate on the item in which he/she has a personal and prejudicial interest.



Councillors Jenny Hannaby and Angela Lawrence each declared a personal interest in item 9 ‘Draft Budget 2010/11’ as they were members of Wantage and Abingdon Town Councils respectively and these councils would be affected by the budget proposals (minute Ex.56 refers). 


Urgent business and chair's announcements

To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the chair.




Statements, petitions and questions relating to matters affecting the executive.

Any statements, petitions and questions from the public under standing order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting. 




Referrals from the Scrutiny Committee and other committees





Comprehensive area assessment/organisational assessment

To receive feedback from the Audit Commission on the council's 2009 comprehensive area assessment / organisational assessment. 


(Time: 2.33pm to 2.43pm)


The Executive received a presentation from Rob Hathaway of the Audit Commission on the council’s 2009 comprehensive area assessment and organisational assessment.  He congratulated the council on achieving a score of three out of four in the comprehensive area assessment.  He commended the council on the way it had used its resources to embrace change and achieved very good value for money.  He welcomed the improvement in the way community needs had been met and for its leadership on climate change.  The council had done well in areas such as affordable housing, waste collection and recycling, supporting the economy, and the community strategy. 


The council still had challenges to overcome, such as improving benefits performance.  He suggested the council should apply pressure to achieve a target of dealing with all new benefits claims within 20 days.  Another area for improvement was to work in partnership with the private sector to achieve higher rates of house building. 


The Executive welcomed the Audit Commission’s comments and recognised that improvements had to be made in the two main areas of benefits’ administration and house building.  However, the Executive was pleased with the improvements that had been made to service delivery and congratulated the council’s staff on achieving the score of three out of four. 




that the comprehensive area assessment score of three out of four be welcomed and staff be congratulated on achieving this level of performance. 


Budget virement requests

Appended to the agenda is a schedule of requests for virements.  Table 1 sets out virement requests for approval by the Executive.  Table 2 sets out virements approved under delegated authority by the Strategic Director. 




that the virements set out in table 1 of the agenda report be approved. 


(Time: 2.43pm to 2.44pm)


The Executive considered an agenda report setting out requests for virements (table 1).  Councillors approved the requests. 


The Executive also noted a schedule of virements approved by the Chief Finance Officer under delegated authority (table 2). 




that the virements set out in table 1 to the agenda report be approved. 


Draft budget 2010/11

To consider the draft budget for 2010/11 and recommend its adoption to the Council. 


Note that the budget papers will be circulated as a separate document before the meeting. 


(Time: 2.44pm to 2.54pm)


(Councillors Jenny Hannaby and Angela Lawrence each declared personal interests in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, they remained in the meeting during its consideration.) 


The Executive received and considered report 109/09 of the Head of Finance that set out draft Executive budget proposals for 2010/11 to 2014/15.  The portfolio holder for finance presented the report.  This included a medium term financial plan covering the same period, schedules of unavoidable budget adjustments, savings, growth proposals, the capital programme, and car parking charges.  The Executive noted that the revised scheme of delegation gave authority to directors and heads of service to determine the fees and charges to be levied for all council services, excluding car parking charges. 


Tabled at the meeting was an addendum to the report, with amended recommendations and additional appendices showing one-year supplies and services budget reductions (appendix G), and a schedule of proposed partnership grants for 2010/11 (appendix H). 


The portfolio holder reported that the preparation of the budget had been more difficult this year than in previous years.  However, through careful management, the proposed budget showed the council would have robust balances at the end of the medium term financial plan period.  Council Tax increases would be maintained at reasonable levels of 3.9 per cent per annum.  The savings proposed were in low or minimum risk areas.  Some parking charges would increase—the first increase in three years—but there would be no charge after 4pm.  Staff were thanked for their input to the budget preparation and in identifying savings. 


In forming the budget proposals the Executive had listened to the consultation responses and made some adjustments.  The Executive had also considered the equality impact assessments of the proposed savings.  The amended budget proposals were recommended to the Council for adoption on 17 February 2010.   




(a)       that the Council approves:


(i)                 the Medium Term Financial Plan 2010/11 to 2014/15;


(ii)               the inclusion of unavoidable service budget adjustments within the council’s budget;


(iii)             the inclusion of savings within the council’s budget;


(iv)             the inclusion of the growth proposals within the council’s budget;


(v)               the items proposed for the Capital Programme 2010/11 and to note possible future capital schemes for 2011/12;


(vi)             the car parking fees and charges as proposed;


(vii)           the inclusion of the one-year supplies and services budget reductions;


(viii)         the payment of grants to external organisations;



(b)       that the savings set out in appendix C to the report be agreed and the officers be authorised to take all necessary steps to achieve those savings; and




(c)        that authority be delegated to the portfolio holder with responsibility for finance to make minor changes to the Executive’s budget proposals, if necessary, to take account of unforeseen issues prior to the Council considering the proposals at its meeting on the 17 February 2010, provided that the portfolio holder notifies the Council of any such changes at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.


Treasury management and investment strategy 2010/11 - 2012/13

To receive and consider report 102/09 of the Head of Finance (attached).


(Time: 2.54pm to 2.58pm)


The Executive received and considered report 102/09 of the Head of Finance.  This set out a draft treasury management and investment strategy to cover the period 2010/11 to 2012/13.  The Executive was asked to recommend adoption of the strategy to the Council. 


The report outlined the council’s treasury management prudential indicators for 2010/11 and set out the expected treasury operations, fulfilling legislative requirements as follows:


·        The reporting of the prudential indicators, setting out the expected capital activities. 


·        The treasury management strategy statement set out how the council’s treasury service would support the capital decisions taken in the budget report, the day-to-day treasury management, and the limitations on activity through treasury prudential indicators.  The key indicator was the authorised limit, the maximum amount of debt the council could afford in the short term, but which would not be sustainable in the longer term. 


·        The investment strategy set out the council’s criteria for choosing investment counterparties and limiting exposure to the risk of loss. 


Tabled at the meeting was an amendment to the report.  Butlers, the council’s investment advisor, on seeing the draft strategy had recommended that:


  • The “standard and poor” long-term rating for good quality banks should be amended to A- to be consistent with other ratings in paragraph 23 of the draft strategy.


  • The ratings for lower category institutions should be tightened and a new reference should be added for unrated institutions to show a monetary limit of £3M and a time limit of 6 months.  Paragraph 26 of the draft strategy was amended to reflect these recommendations. 


The portfolio holder for finance recommended the strategy, as amended.  The Executive welcomed the draft strategy and recommended its adoption to the Council on 17 February 2010. 


R E C O M M E N D E D 


that the Council approves each of the following key elements of report 102/09:


(a)       the Treasury Management Strategy 2010/11 to 2012/13 (appendix A to these minutes), and the treasury Prudential Indicators contained within the strategy (paragraph 36);


(b)       the Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator as shown in paragraph 6 of the strategy;


(c)        the Investment Strategy 2010/11 contained in the treasury management strategy (Appendix A), and the detailed criteria included in Annex A1;


(d)       the revision to the council’s Financial Regulations as at Annex A3 and consequential amendments to the constitution.  This nominates the Audit and Governance Committee to ensure effective scrutiny of the treasury management strategy and policies. 


Performance monitoring report: October to December 2009

To receive and consider report 101/09 of the Management Team (attached).


(Time: 2.58pm to 3.05pm)


The Executive received and considered report 101/09 of the Principal Performance Management Officer.  The report set out the council’s performance in the period October to December 2009.  It showed the council’s performance against national indicators, local area agreement targets, and local performance targets.  There was also an analysis of staff sickness and turnover, and a financial commentary. 


The Executive reviewed performance as follows:


  • The Executive asked the officer to review the local performance target 333 regarding the number of households prevented from becoming homeless through the issuing of a rent deposit bond or rent in advance.  Councillors suggested the target should be redefined to prevent a high percentage of homeless. 


  • In relation to local performance target 318, the accuracy of benefits claims processed, councillors considered that 95 per cent performance was unsatisfactory and the two Executive members appointed to the Ridgeway Shared Services Partnership would be challenging the contractor, Capita, on this.  It was noted that the officers, including the Chief Executive, had met with Capita’s chief officer on this matter recently to demand higher performance. 


  • It was noted that there was good news on the performance against the targets for recycling, the collection of residual household waste, and street cleansing; all were on target. 


  • Councillors were disappointed that there was no uptake of the loans for home improvements this year, despite publicity on local radio and in the council’s residents’ newsletter, UnValed.  The Executive asked that the publicity was repeated several times in the subsequent issues. 


The Chair asked all Executive members to keep track of performance within their portfolios. 




that the progress made against performance targets and service plans, and the end of year predictions be noted. 


Business continuity strategy

To receive and consider report 100/09 of the Head of HR, IT, and Customer Services (attached).


(Time: 3.05pm to 3.08pm)


The Executive received and considered report 100/09 of the Head of HR, IT, and Customer Services.  This proposed the adoption of a business continuity strategy to allow the council to continue to deliver its services to the public in the event of a disruption or emergency.  The strategy had been developed jointly with South Oxfordshire District Council; its Cabinet was due to consider the draft strategy on 8 February 2010. 


The portfolio holder for HR, IT, and Customer Services recommended the strategy was adopted.  The Executive welcomed the strategy, believing that it would result in better management of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies. 




that the business continuity strategy appended to report 100/09 be adopted. 


Capital strategy 2010/11 - 2014/15

To receive and consider report 103/09 of the Head of Finance (attached).


(Time: 3.08pm to 3.09pm)


The Executive received and considered report 103/09 of the Head of Finance.  The report asked the Executive to recommend the Council to adopt the capital strategy for 2010/11 to 2014/15.  This provided the framework for capital investment, bringing together the requirements of the council’s strategic objectives and clarifying the parameters on how capital schemes could be progressed. 


The portfolio holder for finance recommended the strategy’s adoption.  The Executive welcomed the capital strategy and recommended its adoption to the Council, noting that a review would be undertaken annually. 




that the capital strategy 2010/11 to 2014/15 be approved, as attached as Appendix B to these minutes, and that the Council be asked to note paragraph 21 where the £5M minimum capital cash fund is set down and bears this in mind as the council runs capital receipts ever lower. 


Wheeled bin and waste collection policies

To receive and consider report 104/09 of the Head of Commercial Services (attached). 


(Time: 3.09pm to 3.11pm)


The Executive received and considered report 104/09 of the Head of Commercial Services that set out a draft wheeled bin policy.  This would govern the issue and use of wheeled bins, including the circumstances where the council would offer alternative collection arrangements. 


The portfolio holder for commercial services considered that a policy was needed to govern these issues and would allow efficient waste and recycling collections, reduce cost, introduce uniform standards, and would reduce disputes and complaints.  The Executive agreed, welcoming the policy and the fair but firm approach being taken.  Councillors looked forward to the implementation of the new waste contract and the greater efficiencies that it and this policy would bring. 




that the wheeled bin policy appended to report 104/09 be adopted. 


Charging for pre-application planning advice

To receive and consider report 107/09 of the Head of Planning (attached). 


(Time: 3.11pm to 3.14pm)


The Executive received and considered report 107/09 of the Head of Planning that sought approval to introducing charging for pre-application planning advice on planning applications from 1 April 2010. 


The portfolio holder for planning reported that the council provided pre-application advice; this was often time consuming and did not always lead to a planning application for which fees were charged.  The cost of giving advice was not included in the application fees.  It was noted that charging was becoming common practice amongst planning authorities.  Most councils charged a fee for major developments of ten or more dwellings or 1,000m2 of floor space, and for minor developments of up to nine dwellings or 1,000m2.  It was suggested that the council should do likewise and allow 30 minutes free advice to householders also.  


It was estimated that that charging for advice could generate £20,000 annual income for the council.  The revised scheme of delegation gave authority to directors and heads of service to determine the fees and charges to be levied for all council services, excluding car parking charges.  The council had been recommended to adopt fixed rather than variable fees.  It was likely that the fees would be set at a similar level to that at South Oxfordshire District Council. 


The Executive agreed with the principle of charging for pre-application planning advice, believing it to be an appropriate way for the council to recover its costs for this service. 




that approval be given for charging for providing pre-application planning advice on major and minor planning applications from 1 April 2010. 


Review of payroll administration

To receive and consider report 106/09 of the Head of HR, IT and Customer Services (attached).


(Time: 3.14pm to 3.16pm)


The Executive received and considered report 106/09 of the Head of HR, IT, and Customer Services.  The report reviewed the operation of the payroll service.  It was currently run by South Oxfordshire District Council on behalf of this council but the service manager did not believe that it was possible to continue running the service this way due to the high cost to that council and he had recommended to South Oxfordshire that it ceased to provide the current service.  The report recommended a change from a client-contractor basis to a shared service, managed in a similar way to other finance services such as Accountancy, Internal Audit, Fraud, and the Revenues and Benefits client teams.  It was proposed that the payroll service should be managed jointly with South Oxfordshire and should continue to be part of the Ridgeway Shared Services Partnership, and monitored by the partnership’s strategic board. 


The portfolio holder for HR, IT, and customer services recommended the changes proposed to the service, believing that these would provide greater service resilience.  Executive concurred with the recommendations, believing that the current service could not continue to be managed in the same way due to its high cost.  The Executive accepted that longer term solution needed to be found over the next year, to manage the service on a more cost effective basis. 




(a)               that the basis of the payroll administration service be changed to that of a shared service, subject to South Oxfordshire District Council being in agreement;


(b)               that the payroll administration service continues to be part of the Ridgeway Shared Service Partnership;


(c)               that the authority to agree the date of any such change be delegated to the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer; and


(d)               that authority be delegated to the Legal Services Manager to vary the existing agreement between South Oxfordshire District Council and the Vale to incorporate the new arrangements for the payroll service. 


Exclusion of the public, including the press

The Chair to move that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) and Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered: -



(Category 2 - Information which is likely to reveal the identity of any individual.)

(Category 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Property update

(Category 3)





that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public including the press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to prevent the disclosure to them of exempt information, as defined in Section 100(I) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A, as amended, to the Act when the following items are considered:



(Category 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information.)


Property update

(Category 3)



Summary of the items considered in the exempt part of the meeting



To adopt and sign as a correct record the exempt minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 4 December 2009, (previously circulated).


The exempt minutes of the Executive’s meeting held on 4 December 2009 were adopted and signed as a correct record. 


Property update

To receive and consider report 105/09 of the Head of Economy, Leisure and Property (to follow). 


The Executive received an update on a property development and gave authority for changes to be made to the contract.