Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 15 March 2007 7.00 pm

Venue: Guildhall, Abingdon

Contact: Jason Lindsey, Democratic Services Officer  Tel. 01235 540306

No. Item


Notification of Substitutes and Apologies for Absence

To record the attendance of Substitute Members, if any, who have been authorised to attend in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 17(1), with notification having been given to the proper Officer before the start of the meeting and to receive apologies for absence.


The attendance of Substitute Members who had been authorised to attend in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 17(1) was recorded as referred to above with apologies for absence having been received from Councillors Andrew Crawford, Yvonne Constance, Terry Fraser and Derek Rawson. 




To adopt and sign as a correct record the public minutes of the Meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 15 February 2007. 


The public and exempt Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15 February 2007 were adopted and signed as a correct record, subject to the list of substitute members in attendance being amended to include Councillor Janet Morgan, substituting for Councillor Laurel Symons.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting. 


In accordance with Part 2 of the Local Code of Conduct and the provisions of Standing Order 34, any Member with a personal interest must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated.  Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest, then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter unless he/she has obtained a dispensation from the Standards Committee.




Urgent Business and Chairman's Announcements

To receive notification of any matters, which the Chairman determines, should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances, which have made the matters urgent, and to receive any announcements from the Chairman.




Statements and Petitions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any statements and/or petitions from the public under Standing Order 32 will be made or presented at the meeting.





Questions from the Public Under Standing Order 32

Any questions from members of the public under Standing Order 32 will be asked at the meeting.





Referrals under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules

To receive Referrals under the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules (if any).





Responses of and References from the Executive

To consider any responses of the Executive to reports of this Committee, together with any references for consideration by this Committee, as follows:-


Executive – 2 March 2007


Best Value Performance Indicators - Performance against the top and bottom quartile 2005/06




that the Scrutiny Committee be invited to ensure that procedures are in place to ensure there is no positive discrimination against employing women as top earners (BVPI 11a).


At its meeting on 2 March 2007, the Executive had considered report 159/06 - Best Value Performance Indicators - Performance against the top and bottom quartile 2005/06, and invited the Scrutiny Committee to ensure that procedures were in place to ensure there was no positive discrimination against employing women as top earners (BVPI 11a).


The Committee noted the reference and




that the above reference from the Executive be placed on the agenda for the first meeting of the Scrutiny Committee in the 2007/08 Municipal Year.




Corporate Governance - Third Quarter 2006/07

To receive and consider report 158/06 of the Directors, considered by the Executive on 2 March 2007.  Members are asked to bring their copy of this report with them to the meeting, a copy of which was attached to the Executive Agenda sent to all Members of the Committee previously.


Copies of commentaries received from Executive Members are attached.


The Committee received and considered report 158/06 of the Directors' Group reporting on Corporate Governance for the third quarter of 2006/07.  The report looked at progress with corporate priorities, performance of Best Value and Local Performance Indicators, financial information and key staffing data for the period.  Accompanying the report were reports from Portfolio Holders on Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) results from the third quarter. 


Members noted progress on the corporate priorities:

  • The new website had been implemented, designed to facilitate more interactive services and be compliant with the highest standards of accessibility
  • The Abingdon Air Quality Management Area Declaration had been made
  • There had been progress with the review of enforcement policies which in turn would lead to an improved score for Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI) 166 (Environmental Health Enforcement Checklist)
  • New appraisal schemes had been introduced, linking more explicitly to corporate priorities with a focus on improvement
  • The management development programme had been commenced
  • The Ridgeway Shared Service Partnership had been commenced
  • Action planning had been commenced to address issues raised in the Staff Attitude Survey in June 2006
  • Responding to a request from the Scrutiny Committee, those issues where the Directors were concerned about progress had been highlighted in red in the appendix to the report
  • Service review meetings would be cascaded down to third tier level


The Executive also noted the latest position with the Best Value Performance Indicators in the bottom quartile, and noted updates from Portfolio Holders, which were tabled at the meeting:

·         BVPI 2a and b: Equalities - limited progress had been made regarding equalities.  BVPI 2a had been re-evaluated and the percentage score had been reduced from 47% to 31.6%.  Development work, including an update of the Council’s Race Equality Scheme, would take place by the end of March. The target for the end of March was 63.2%.  The post of Equalities Officer had been filled and the successful candidate would start in mid-March.  Filling this post was key to driving forward improvements for these performance indicators

·         BVPI 9 and 10: Collection Rates for Council Tax and Business Rates; BVPI 79a: Benefits, % of cases where calculation was correct – the BVPI data was audited nationally within guidelines set by the Audit Commission.  Within the guidelines there were variations in the calculation methodology.  In outsourcing the collection operations to a contractor (BVPI 9 and 10), and bringing together the client teams (BVPI 79a), the calculation methods had been modified which had an adverse effect on our performance indicators compared with those previously reported

·         BVPI 64: Number of vacant private sector dwellings returned to occupation – a revision of the method used to calculate this indicator, in line with other Councils, had improved performance

·         BVPI 82a(ii): Total tonnage of waste recycled – this indicator was contrary to waste minimisation

·         BVPI 82b(i): Percentage of household waste composted – this indicator was contrary to Council policy to encourage homeowners to compost their own waste.  This Council had achieved much success in persuading  ...  view the full minutes text for item 134.


Best Value Performance Indicators – Performance against Top and Bottom Quartile 2005-06

To receive and consider report 159/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, considered by the Executive on 2 March 2007.  Members are asked to bring their copy of this report with them to the meeting, a copy of which was attached to the Executive Agenda sent to all Members of the Committee previously.




That Members note the Council’s performance against the national top and bottom quartile results for 2005-06 and that active management of Best Value Performance Indicators is undertaken through the Corporate Governance Reporting process. 


The Committee received and considered report 159/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which compared performance for 2005/06 against that of the national top and bottom quartile data for 2005/06 which had been published by the Audit Commission in late December 2006. 


In respect of the Best Value Performance Indicators, it was noted that some of the environmental BVPI’s  conflicted with each other, for example increased recycling and waste minimisation targets and that the crime BVPI’s were outside the control of the Council.  It was suggested that this anomaly be brought to the attention of the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association.


It was noted that BVPI 82bii – total tonnage of waste composted did not take account of those residents using home built composters.  In respect of the planning BVPI’s it was noted that the Council had changed its method of determining planning application, which had improved performance.  Finally, referring to BVPI 166a – Environmental health checklist it was reported that Officers were confident that the Council would be out of the bottom quartile by the end of the fourth quarter on 2006/07.




(a)               that report 159/06 be received;


(b)        that the Executive takes up with the Audit Commission, through the Local Government Association, the relevance of some of the Best Value Performance Indicators, especially those that conflict with each other (BVPI 82aii and 84a) and those outside the control of the Council – Crime (BVPI 126, 127, 128, 156 and 175).


Sickness Absence Procedures/Processes - Revised Policy

The Scrutiny Committee has been interested in the sickness levels at the Council and has previously been provided with statistics and a report on the use of the Bradford Factor in Absence Management.  This report follows the Managing Sickness Absence Report presented by the Assistant Director (Human Resources) in September 2006.


The Committee has requested the new Proposed Absence Policy to be submitted for consideration, before adoption.  The Absence Policy, together with the new Proposed Capability Policy (sent separately to Members of the Scrutiny Committee) which is referred to in the Absence Policy will be considered by the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee on 29 March 2007.




The Committee is asked to note that this matter will be considered by the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee on 29 March 2007.


The Committee received and considered a draft Absence Policy, which would be considered by the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee on 29 March 2007.  It was noted that the detailed consideration of staff sickness levels at the Council had been started by the Scrutiny Committee and Members welcomed the draft policy.


In considering the draft policy, the Committee made the following comments/observations:-

  • Page 6 – final paragraph of Section 5 – The Bradford Factor to read “Below is the BF table which shows the scores and the interventions that may take place at each score”.
  • Make greater use of the Council’s Occupational Health Advisor in advising the GP of a member of staff on long term sick leave.
  • Provision of a checklist for staff on sick leave reminding them of their responsibilities.
  • Prior to the introduction of the Bradford Factor (BF) as a tool for monitoring individual staff sickness, each member of staff should be provided with a BF score to act as a benchmark.
  • The Council to be more proactive in assisting staff monitor their health ie annual blood pressure checks.
  • The policy to make reference to existing health & safety policies at the Council.




That the views of the Committee, as set out above, be forwarded to the Human Resources Manager.


Staff Turnover

To review the latest staff turnover statistics.  The details are set out in the Corporate Governance Report at Agenda Item 9.


The Committee welcomed the much improved staff turnover figures, although it was noted that turnover in some service areas was high.  The Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer explained that turnover in the Planning Service Area was due in part to the shortage of planning officers nationally and the expansion in the number planning post across the country.  In respect of the turnover figures in the Finance Service Area, the Director undertook to advise the Committee outside of the meeting whether the figure was as a result of the transfer of staff to Captia.




that the staff turnover figures be noted.


Performance on the Collection of Rent Arrears - Council Property

At the meeting of Scrutiny on 14 December 2006, it was agreed to ask for a report to the March meeting on performance with the collection of rent arrears for Council property.  Unfortunately, due to staff absences and the pressure of other work, the Head of Property Services is unable to collate the necessary information for the March meeting.  The information will be sent to Members of the Committee outside of the meeting (before the District Election in May). 



At the meeting of Scrutiny on 14 December 2006, it had been agreed that a report be made to this meeting on performance with the collection of rent arrears for Council commercial property.  Unfortunately, due to staff absences and the pressure of other work, the Head of Property Services had been unable to collate the necessary information for the meeting.  It was noted that the information would be sent to Members of the Committee outside of the meeting and before the District Election in May.




that the report be received. 




Role and Workings of the Committee

Members are asked to consider what comments or advice (if any) they may wish to give to the incoming Council on the role and workings of the Scrutiny Committee.


As this was the last meeting of the Scrutiny Committee of the current Council, Members were asked to consider what comments or advice it would wish to give to the incoming Council on the role and workings of the Scrutiny Committee.  The following advice was given:-

  • The Council needs to retain an overview of the internal audit function as part of the formal democratic decision making structure.
  • Retain the pre-scrutiny approach for major issues facing the Council.
  • Appoint Members of the Committee to shadow service areas at the start of the Municipal Year.
  • Retain responsibility for reviewing the Waste Management Contract on an annual basis.
  • The Committee to remain non-political.
  • Draw on the expertise of Members for different areas of scrutiny.  The Council to produce a Members Skills Register early in the new Council.
  • Take a harder look at the planning and leisure functions.
  • Continue to keep under review staffing matters, such as turnover and sickness.
  • Continue to keep under review the Capita outsourcing contract and in particular BVPI performance.
  • Regular review of Corporate Governance.
  • Keep under review the Executive Portfolio Holder/Officer working relationship to ensure that the process is working.  Such meetings to be minuted to provide an audit trail.
  • Advice to the Executive on how the Council can achieve a four star excellent rating at its next Comprehensive Performance Assessment, without raising costs and the Council Tax.
  • The Committee’s membership to remain as 10 members with an opposition chair.  Committee Members to attend all meetings without the need for substitute Members to retain continuity.
  • Retain informal working groups to undertake scrutiny work.
  • More Member training on the scrutiny function.
  • Select Committee style working.
  • Adequately funded external scrutiny – Thames Valley Police (BVPI’s) and Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust.




that the above list of suggestions/comments be brought to the attention of the Scrutiny Committee in the new Council.


Review the Activity of the Executive

To review the activity of the Executive and consider any references to this Committee.  Members are requested to bring with them to this meeting the agenda and draft minutes of the Executive meeting held on 2 March 2007. 


The Minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 2 March 2007 were noted.


Chairman's Thanks


The Chairman announced that this the last meeting of the Scrutiny Committee of the current Council and thanked all Members and Officers for their help and support over the past four years.  She thanked her Vice-Chair, Councillor Derek Rawson for his support during this period.

Section II (Exempt Information Under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972)
