Agenda and minutes

Venue: First Floor Meeting Space, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, OX14 4SB

Contact: Paul Bateman 

Note: THIS MEETING WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE watch the broadcast; 

No. Item


Chair's announcements

To receive any announcements from the chair, and general housekeeping matters.


Chair opened the meeting with housekeeping matters.


Apologies for absence

To record apologies for absence and the attendance of substitute members. 


Councillor Hannaby sent her apologies, and Councillor Jerry Avery was in attendance as substitute member.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the Planning Committee minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 10 November 2021 and Tuesday 7 December 2021.

Additional documents:


Both sets of minutes from the planning committee meetings on 10 November 2021 and 7 December 2021 were agreed as correct records and will be signed by the chair as such.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.  


Councillor Cheryl Briggs declared interest in items 7, 8 and 10, as they were within her ward, and she would therefore not take part in the debate and vote.


Urgent business

To receive notification of any matters which the chairman determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. 


No urgent business.


Public participation

To receive any statements from members of the public that have registered to speak on planning applications which are being presented to this committee meeting. 


Speaking to items 7 and 8, there was attendance from Roger Thomas – from Abingdon Area Archaeology & History Society and Friends of Abingdon. He joined virtually to speak about his concerns but not to object to the planning application and the listed building application.


Ward Councillor Helen Pighills also spoke to these items. She joined virtually.


Statements were received and previously circulated by email to committee from Dr Tim Marshall, as an objector, and from Mike Gilbert Planning Limited, in support of the applications. Both did not speak to the meeting.


Speaking to item 9 was Ward Councillor Judy Roberts, who joined virtually to express her concerns.


Speaking to item 10 was Ward Councillor Helen Pighills, who was present virtually to express concerns. A statement from objector Caroline Gregory, who was not present, was circulated to the committee previously, via email.





P21/V1498/FUL - Old Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 590 KB

Extension and change of use to create a hotel (as amended by plans received 9 July 2021, information and plan received 9 September 2021, and plans received 15 February 2022).

Additional documents:


A statement by Mr. Mike Gilbert, the agent, had been received.


Officer Martin Deans presented the application to the committee, to support the officer’s report that was before the committee.


It was agreed to present both items 7 and 8 together as they both related to Old Abbey House. Item 7 related to planning permission to change the use of Old Abbey House to a hotel. Item 8 related to changes to the grade II listed building.


Item 7: Extension and change of use create a hotel (as amended by plans received 9 July 2021, information and plan received 9 September 2021, and plans received 15 February 2022).


Item 8: Part demolition of rear of building, replacement extension and other internal alterations to create a hotel (as amended by plans received 15 February 2022.


Officer explained that since the first report, many changes through negotiation had been made to preserve the character and older features of the building. These are detailed within the report, see 1.5 for the amendments. This included alleviation of parking concerns and reduction of room number from 30 to 27 to preserve features. Officer considered that the proposal’s impact on neighbours and the conservation area was acceptable. It was considered beneficial that the change of use would bring the building back to useable condition and therefore help to preserve it.


Officer recommended the following:




Planning Permission subject to the following conditions:



1. Commencement three years - Full Planning Permission

2. Approved plans



3. HY7 - Car Parking (Full)

4. LS4 - Tree Protection (Full)

5. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the Bat Survey Report


Prior to First Use

6. EV charging point installed

7. External lighting only in accordance with approved details


Roger Thomas spoke to the committee as a member of the public, to ask whether committee would consider adding a condition to item 8, in order to record the materials that are moved, as there was interest in the age of the building, and that parts of the building may be older than previously known. Mr Thomas felt it was of public interest to keep a record of anything that was moved and should not be an onerous task due to the recording being requested for moved material only.


Ward Member Councillor Helen Pighills supported Mr Thomas’s view and asked for clarification on the preservation of certain features such as stained glass and fireplaces. She suggested the new owner could hold a heritage tour for the public at a suited time of year.


Committee motioned to support the officer recommendation for item 7, and the motion passed when being put to the vote.



Planning permission was granted as per the recommendation outlined above and in the officer’s report.


P21/V3388/LB - Old Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 534 KB

Part demolition of rear of building, replacement extension and other internal alterations to create a hotel (as amended by plans received 15 February 2022).

Additional documents:


Officer presented item 8 to the committee, combined with item 7. The proposal was for part demolition of the rear of the building, replacement extension and other internal alterations to create a hotel (As amended by plans received 15 February 2022).


Officer recommended the following:



Listed Building Consent subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement three years - Listed Building Consent

2. Approved plans


The committee debated this item and a motion was moved to support the above recommendation and to add a monitoring condition and an informative that separate consent is needed for further change to the building.


The motion was passed on being put to the vote.



That the planning committee supported the officer recommendation, with the addition of a monitoring condition and an informative. Listed Building Consent was granted, subject to the following conditions:



1. Commencement three years - Listed Building Consent

2. Approved plan


Additional condition:

3. A monitoring condition to record any moved material


Additional informative:

4. Any further changes will require further consent.




P21/V3148/HH - 2 Bertie Road, Cumnor pdf icon PDF 391 KB

Demolition of attached garage and erection of two storey extension on the same footprint. Erection of attached double garage at front of dwelling. Note, this forms an amendment to application P18/V0136/HH which is currently under construction, and a subsequent application P21/V1867/HH which was withdrawn.

Additional documents:


Officer presented item 9 to the committee, which was for the demolition of an attached garage and erection of a two-storey extension on the same footprint. Erection of an attached double garage at the front of the dwelling. This formed an amendment to application P18/V0136/HH which was currently under construction, and a subsequent application P21/V1867/HH which was withdrawn. The officer report detailed this application and the following recommendation was given by the planning officer:




Planning Permission

1. TL1 - Time limit - Full Application (Full)

2. Approved plans *



3. LS4 – Method Statement for Hedge Protection (Full)


Compliance Conditions:

4. LS5[I] - Retain Existing Hedgerow (Full)

5. MC3 - Materials in Accordance with Application (Full)

6. RE11 – Restrict Garage Accommodation (Full)


Ward Councillor Judy Roberts spoke to the committee to express concerns about the view from the street and setting a precedent on this street for this kind of application, which would be of detriment to the area. She was concerned that the property’s hedge needed protecting and wanted clarification that it would remain even if owners changed.


Committee debated this application. Overall, the committee felt that the hedge provided good cover and obscured the proposed development. It was pointed out that this plot differed from surrounding plots and the opinion was given that a precedent for such applications in the area would be unlikely to happen.


Officer confirmed that if owners changed, conditions about the hedge remain and could be followed up on. The condition required the owner to plant new hedge if part dies and to maintain it. Any purposeful damage can be followed up on.


Committee considered that the impact on the street scene was low, they felt the hedge was very good, and therefore as a condition was to be in place to protect the hedge, the committee voted in favour of the officer recommendation, when it was motioned and put to the vote.



Committee accepted the officer recommendation to approve planning permission for 2 Bertie Road, Cumnor, as per the recommendations in the officer report.




P21/V3298/FUL - 65 St Johns Road, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 309 KB

Change of use of retail (E use class) into restaurant (E use class) and takeaway (Sui Generis) including installation of extraction flue system to side.

Additional documents:


Officer presented item 10 to the committee, which was detailed in the officer report. The application was for a change of use of retail (E use class) into restaurant (E use class) and takeaway (Sui Generis) including installation of extraction flue system to side. It was confirmed that the business would operate as a dine in restaurant and pizza takeaway.


Resident Caroline Gregory submitted a statement to the committee ahead of the meeting. There was one speaker, Ward Councillor Helen Pighills.


The officer recommendation was as follows:




Planning Permission subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of development within three years

2. Development in accordance with approved plans Compliance

3. Materials in accordance with application

4. Premise hours restriction

5. Extraction flue in accordance with details submitted


Ward Councillor expressed concerns about the level of traffic generated by such a business, and that parking was not ample in the area for a takeaway business. Currently, there were vehicles parked on the pavement and double yellow lines. The school nearby means that the road was often one way at peak times due to parking. In addition to parking concerns, Ward Councillor did not feel there was adequate explanation of waste management for this business and how this may impact residents amenities, as there were flats above.


During debate, the committee expressed the following concerns that they wanted clarification for:

·       Regarding the flue – was it to be gas or wood burning?

·       Could operating hours be limited to avoid school rush hour? Officer confirmed that this was not a condition currently imposed on other businesses on the road.

·       Need to enforce yellow lines? However, this is not in the council’s remit.

·       Can cleaning schedule be included in the conditions? Officer informed that the condition included the maintenance schedule.

·       Suggested site visit to assess traffic concerns.


Regarding the flue, the officer explained that the flue was fit for various operators, and officers rely on the advice of environmental health. Takeaways are in their own land use class, and due to the small size of this premises, it was felt by environmental health that the impact would not be sufficient for concern.


In summary the main concerns were:

-       The flue and its maintenance

-       Waste disposal

-       Road traffic (takeaway delivery and pick ups)



It was motioned to defer this application until a site visit had been carried out to alleviate the concerns raised.


This motion was carried when put to the vote.




To defer this decision until a site visit is carried out and resolution of the following concerns, noting the absence of the applicant at the meeting to answer any questions in the meeting.


To clarify:

1. details of the flue (length, fuel type, velocity) and its maintenance / cleaning schedule.

2. waste storage and management arrangements

3. access door for grease extract

4. traffic modelling. Highway officer information on safety.

5. site visit to ascertain traffic, road scene and amenities




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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE