
Venue: Meeting Room 1, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE

Contact: Luci Ashbourne  Democratic Services Officer, Tel. 07523 978902

No. Item


Chair's announcements

To receive any announcements from the chair, and general housekeeping matters.


Apologies for absence

To record apologies for absence and the attendance of substitute members. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To adopt and sign as a correct record the Planning Committee minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2024.


Declarations of interest

To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests or any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.


Urgent business

To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent. 


Public participation

To receive any statements from members of the public that have registered to speak on planning applications which are being presented to this committee meeting. 

Planning applications

All the background papers, with the exception of those papers marked exempt/confidential (e.g. within Enforcement Files) used in the following reports within this agenda are held (normally electronically) in the application file (working file) and referenced by its application number.  These are available to view at the Council Offices (Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE) during normal office hours.


Any additional information received following the publication of this agenda will be reported and summarised at the meeting.


Summary index of applications


P23/V0420/MPO - Botley Centre West Way Botley Oxford OX2 9LP pdf icon PDF 349 KB

Variation to amend the restriction on occupation in the 10th schedule of the Section 106 agreement under application reference number P19/V1731/FUL (P16/V0246/FUL)

From: For a period of at least 43 weeks per year, not to permit the Occupation of any units of Academic Residential Accommodation by any persons other than full time students attending universities in the City of Oxford, the Vale of White Horse or South Oxfordshire, or employees including (but not limited to) interns and research assistants working or studying at academic institutions in the City of Oxford or the Vale of White Horse.

To: For a period of at least 43 weeks per year, not to permit the Occupation of any units of Academic Residential Accommodation by any persons other than Students of Further Education or Students of Higher Education attending academic institutions in the City of Oxford, the Vale of White Horse or South Oxfordshire District Council on a course of study of no less than 16 weeks duration, or employees including (but not limited to) interns and research assistants working or studying at academic institutions in the City of Oxford, the Vale of White Horse or South Oxfordshire District Council.

(Re-consultation due to change of description on 18 September 2024)


P23/V2861/O - Land north of Copenhagen Drive Abingdon OX14 1RF pdf icon PDF 503 KB

Hybrid application comprising: 1. Outline application with all matters reserved except access and layout for C3 Residential Development, open space, associated car parking, green infrastructure and; 2. Full planning permission for the erection of a Care Home (C2) with associated access, car parking, landscaping and drainage, which is capable of coming forward in distinct and separate phases in a severable way. (as amplified by amendments submitted 24 & 29 January, 29 July, 20 August, 14 October and 4 November 2024).

Additional documents:


P24/V1980/FUL- Land south of Curie Avenue Harwell Campus Didcot OX11 0DF pdf icon PDF 629 KB

Erection of two linked employment buildings, with associated green infrastructure and car parking.(As amplified by the additional plans and documents received 13 November 2024)

Additional documents:


P24/V1839/FUL - 28 & 30 Lime Road Oxford OX2 9EG pdf icon PDF 323 KB

Change of use for two dwellings from dwellinghouse (class C3) to one 9 person HMO and one 7 person HMO, plus provision of bin and bike stores for each. With internal reconfiguration on one property and a part two storey side, part two storey rear, part single storey rear extension on the other.

Additional documents:


P24/V2077/FUL - Land to the rear of Orchard Farmhouse Orchard Lane East Hendred OX12 8JW pdf icon PDF 528 KB

Single Self Build Dwelling (BNG exempt). (Additional Information received 11 October 2024 - Design and Access Statement, Heritage Statement, Tree Survey, Sustainable Construction checklist) (Amended site plan relocating dwelling and additional information received 29 November 2024).

Additional documents:


Appeals Information pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To receive the appeals information report from the head of planning.


Recommendation: to consider and note the appeals information report

Additional documents:


Contact us - Democratic services

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Vale of White Horse District Council
Abbey House, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JE