Issue - meetings

Bar Services

Meeting: 06/06/2008 - Executive (Item 28)

28 Civic Halls - Bar Services pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider report 19/08 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


In February 2007, the external bar contractor providing the bar services at the Guildhall in Abingdon and Civic Hall in Wantage tendered his resignation after being in the post less than one year into a three year contract. The decision to revert back to an in-house operation was taken in consultation with the portfolio holder for Contracts and Procurement and senior officers. The decision created an opportunity for officers to regain direct control on a key part of the Civic Halls service which had become increasingly difficult to resource and direct through external operators.


The Guildhall and Civic Hall are a priority focus for the Council wide Property Review currently being undertaken. It should be noted that any major changes to either building could have significant consequences to the bar operation especially if there was to be any removal or reduction in access to facilities.


By maintaining the service in-house minimises the impact any changes the Property Review may have, compared to using an external contractor and the contractual obligations that could arise.


The in - house team started operations on October 16th 2007 and have successfully provided a full range of bar services for a significant number of functions at both facilities to date.


The Contact Officer for this report is Chris Webb telephone 01235 540358.




That the service continues to be provided in – house until the future of the Civic Halls is confirmed under the property review.


That the halls management team be commended for their efforts in setting up and  developing the business to a point where it is generating profits within its first six months of operation.




(Time: 3.59pm to 4.01pm)


The Executive received and considered report 19/08 of the Strategic Director, which reported on progress with the in-house bar services at the Council's two Civic Halls. 


Members recalled that in February 2007, the external bar contractor providing the bar services at the Guildhall in Abingdon and Civic Hall in Wantage had tendered his resignation after being in the post less than one year into a three year contract.  The decision to revert back to an in-house operation was taken in consultation with the Executive Portfolio Holder for Contracts and Procurement and senior officers.  The decision created an opportunity for officers to regain direct control over a key part of the Civic Halls' service which had become increasingly difficult to resource and direct through external operators.  The Civic Halls were a priority focus for the Council-wide property review.  Maintaining the bar services in-house would minimise the impact any changes the review might have, compared to using an external contractor and the contractual obligations that could arise. 


It was noted that the in-house team had started operations on 16 October 2007 and had successfully provided a full range of bar services for a significant number of functions at both facilities to date.  The staff were congratulated for their work on this and in achieving a profit.  Members supported the continuation of the in-house service. 




(a)       that the bar services continues to be provided in–house until the future of the Civic Halls be confirmed under the property review; and


(b)       that the Civic Halls management team be commended for their efforts in setting up and developing the business to a point where it is generating profits within its first six months of operation.