Issue - meetings

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

Meeting: 06/06/2008 - Executive (Item 13)

Referrals from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and Other Committees

(a)       Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee - 29 April 2008


At its meeting on 29 April 2008, the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee considered potential mechanisms to recruit to the vacant Strategic Director post.  The Sub-Committee has made a recommended "that the Executive be requested to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support". 


(b)       Council - 21 May 2008


At its meeting on 21 May 2008, the Council received a petition from Age Concern Oxfordshire which contained 932 signatures.  It read as follows:


"Age Concern Oxfordshire are very concerned that from April 2008, the Vale of White Horse District Council will not support over 60s and disabled people to use their national concessionary bus travel passes from 9am, instead, they will have to wait until 9.30am before being able to travel.  Many older people, particularly in rural areas will not be able to travel until late morning.  Disabled people will not be able to attend their day services and work placements on time.  People needing to attend hospital appointments will also be affected.  Many older and disabled people are already on low incomes and are vulnerable to becoming isolated from the community services that are available to them. 


We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the Vale of White Horse who urge our political representatives to act now and allow the concessionary bus pass travel time to start from 9am throughout the Vale of White Horse area."  


The Council has referred the petition to the Executive for consideration and determination. 


(a)       Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee - 29 April 2008

(Time: 2.35pm to 2.36pm)


At its meeting on 29 April 2008, the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee considered potential mechanisms to recruit to the vacant Strategic Director post.  The Sub-Committee had recommended "that the Executive be requested to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support". 


The Executive noted that since the Sub-Committee’s meeting, an agreement had been made with South Oxfordshire District Council to consider a shared senior management team and a report from the two Chief Executives would be submitted to each authorities’ Council meeting in July.  The Sub-Committee’s recommendation was therefore deferred. 




that the recommendation of the Personnel Appointments Sub-Committee, to identify the source of funding for the recruitment consultant and the cost of additional interim support, be deferred pending the outcome of the Council’s decision on the possibility of a shared senior management team with South Oxfordshire District Council. 


(b)       Council - 21 May 2008

(Time: 2.36pm to 2.39pm)


At its meeting on 21 May 2008, the Council received a petition from Age Concern Oxfordshire which contained 932 signatures.  It read as follows:


"Age Concern Oxfordshire are very concerned that from April 2008, the Vale of White Horse District Council will not support over 60s and disabled people to use their national concessionary bus travel passes from 9am, instead, they will have to wait until 9.30am before being able to travel.  Many older people, particularly in rural areas will not be able to travel until late morning.  Disabled people will not be able to attend their day services and work placements on time.  People needing to attend hospital appointments will also be affected.  Many older and disabled people are already on low incomes and are vulnerable to becoming isolated from the community services that are available to them. 


We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the Vale of White Horse who urge our political representatives to act now and allow the concessionary bus pass travel time to start from 9am throughout the Vale of White Horse area." 


The Council had referred the petition to the Executive for consideration and determination. 


The Executive recalled that the Strategic Director had taken the concerns of many people living in rural areas to negotiate with the bus companies.  The bus operators would not accommodate the change suggested by Age Concern.  The Executive noted that the Council was bound by the minimum statutory times laid down by the Government and although Members appreciated the need of some people to travel before 9.30am, the Council had to keep to the statutory timescale as it had significant financial constraints.  However, the Chair reported that he intended to demonstrate to the Government the true cost of the bus pass scheme to the Council. 




that the Council keeps to the Government’s statutory times for the operation of the bus pass scheme.