Issue - meetings

Revenue budget 2009/10 and capital programme to 2012/13 - to recommend the budget to Council

Meeting: 06/02/2009 - Executive (Item 115)

115 Revenue budget 2009/10 and capital programme to 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To receive and consider report 149/08 of the Head of Finance to recommend to Council the revenue budget 2009/10 and capital programme to 2012/13. 

Presented By: Councillor Jerry Patterson

Additional documents:


(Time: 2.55pm to 3.05pm)


(Councillor Angela Lawrence declared a personal interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34 she remained in the meeting during consideration of this item as the detail of the matter relating to her interest was not discussed.) 


The Executive received and considered report 149/08 of the Head of Finance which set out the draft revenue budget 2009/10 and capital programme to 2012/13. 


Tabled at the meeting was an amended appendix A, setting out a draft medium term plan and capital programme.  The amended medium term plan included adjustments for (line 90) the receipt of the Local Authority Business Growth Incentives (LABGI) grant which reflected the Council’s number and value of business properties, and (line 91) additional Government grant towards the increasing administrative cost of providing housing benefit. 


The proposals included some budget reductions necessary because of the level of Government grant received and the current economic climate.  A list of cost reduction ideas was set out in appendix D.  However, Members asked that item PC12 was removed, this related to a reduction in the community grants budget of £10,000. 


The result of these changes was that the proposed District Council Tax for a band D property of £112.31. 


The Executive supported the budget proposals, as amended, and delegated authority for any minor amendments to be made before the Council meeting on 25 February, subject to the further amendments being notified to the Council. 




(a)       that the Council approves:


(i)                 the Council’s Medium Term Plan 2009/10 to 2013/14, set out in the budget papers Appendix A, as amended by the inclusion of an amount for the Local Authority Business Growth Incentives (LAGBI) grant and additional grant towards the cost of housing benefits’ administration (lines 90 and 91 respectively);


(ii)               the inclusion of the unavoidable growth items within the Council’s budget, Appendix B;


(iii)             the inclusion of the growth items within the Council’s budget, Appendix C;


(iv)             the cost reduction ideas listed to be implemented into the Council’s budget, Appendix D, subject to the removal of item PC12 which related to the reduction of the community grants budget;


(v)               the items proposed for the Capital Programme 2009/10 and to note possible future capital schemes for 2010/11, Appendix E;


(vi)             the fees and charges to support the budget as proposed, Appendix F; and




(b)       that authority be delegated to the Executive Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Finance, Councillor Jerry Patterson, to make any late changes to the Executive’s budget proposals arising out of circumstances unknown as at 6 February 2009, as long as they have no significant impact on the delivery of Council services as proposed and are notified to Council. 


Vale of White Horse District Council