Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance Second Quarter 2008/09 - to monitor performance and take any necessary action

Meeting: 05/12/2008 - Executive (Item 96)

96 Corporate Governance - Second Quarter 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To receive and consider report 124/08 of the Senior Management Team. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Corporate Governance Report looks at the key areas of:

Corporate Priorities

National Indicators

Progress against Service Prioritisation Plans

Key staffing data (sickness levels and turnover)

Progress with Business Process Improvement Reviews

A Financial commentary


At its meeting on 20th October 2008 the Senior Management Team (SMT) considered a second quarter corporate governance exception report. SMT agreed the exceptions, comments and actions to be included in this report where performance / actions were not on target. The full versions of the individual reports are available on the Council’s website. They can be accessed through the ‘about your Council / performance’ section of the website.


The contact officer for this report is Robert Woodside, Principal Performance Management Officer, telephone (01235 520202 ext 499).  Email address:




that the Senior Management Team’s Corporate Governance exception report be considered and that any further action be taken which needs to be taken to improve performance.


(Time: 2.40pm to 3.00pm)


The Executive received and considered report 124/08 of the Senior Management Team, reporting on corporate governance during the second quarter of 2008/09: being July to September 2008.  The report looked at corporate priorities, national indicators, progress against service prioritisation plans, key staffing data on sickness levels and turnover, and progress with business process improvement reviews.  The report also included a financial commentary. 


Members expressed disappointment that the Council was unable to meet the savings target placed on it by the Government.  The Chair reported that he would be discussing this with the Chief Finance Officer. 


Looking at the financial situation in more detail, it was noted that the sewerage charges would be reviewed in 2009.  A consultant had been appointed to help the council reduce its reimbursement to the bus companies for the concessionary fares scheme.  Members asked if a letter could be sent to the Government regarding insufficient funding for the bus pass scheme.  The Chief Executive agreed to write a letter but suggested that this should wait until the Government’s consultation paper had been published on transferring the function to county councils.  The Executive agreed with this suggestion. 


The portfolio holder for Housing explained the increased costs of helping the homeless.  The number of homeless people had reduced but the costs had increased due to longer stays in temporary accommodation.  There were no vacant properties to move the homeless onto to reduce the temporary accommodation costs.  The Government’s allowance to assist with this scheme was not enough.  The council had to concentrate on homelessness prevention to stop homelessness happening in the first place.  The Executive asked the portfolio holder to clarify the extent of the cost to the council. 


In Legal Services, there had been an over spend on agency staff but this was being addressed.  Some work was being outsourced, such as the Tugwell Fields agreement at Wantage.  New office management systems had been introduced to help the service run smoother.  The council had no control over the reduction in land charges income because of the downturn in the housing market.  This had also impacted on income from planning application fees.  There was a loss of car parking income due to more elderly people using the bus pass scheme rather than driving to the council’s car parks to shop in the Vale’s towns. 


The Executive noted that the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director/Chief Finance Officer would ensure that the budget was put back into balance by the end of the financial year. 


Looking at the performance indicators, Members noted that the collection of residual household waste had exceeded the target.  Members asked that the target was clarified (national indicator 191 refers). 


Finally, Members noted that the corporate priorities would be reviewed in the near future. 




(a)       that the corporate governance report for the second quarter of 2008/09 be received;


(b)       that the Chief Executive be invited to respond to the Government’s consultation paper on transferring the bus pass scheme  ...  view the full minutes text for item 96