Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework - to recommend to Council to approve the Core Strategy Preferred Options for public consultation

Meeting: 03/12/2008 - Executive (Item 87)

Local Development Framework: Core Strategy Preferred Options

To receive and consider report 122/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy).  This report is attached to the Development Control Committee agenda for the meeting held earlier in the evening. 


Councillor Jerry Patterson had declared a personal interest in this item.


The Committee received and considered report 122/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which reminded Members that the Council had to produce a Local Development Framework which was a new style of development plan that would replace the Local Plan. The first document to be prepared was the Core Strategy and an important part of the process was engaging with the public. To this end a draft Preferred Options report had been prepared under the guidance of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group which Members had before them


It was noted that members of the Executive had been present at the Development Committee when it considered the report earlier in the evening and the Executive had regard to the comments made at that meeting.


One Member suggested that an explanation of what the Local Development Framework meant should be included in the Foreword to the document, to include an explanation of what the strategy was trying to achieve; an explanation of what the Council was required to do; details of the preferred option and the relevant legislation under which the strategy was required.


One member commented that a key element of the proposals was the requirement for adequate infrastructure and to this end there was a need to undertake technical feasibility assessments of the infrastructure and secure adequate funding towards those proposals.  He expressed concern about raising expectations and emphasised that it was important that it be made clear that some proposals in the strategy were aspirational. He commented that dialogue with the County Council and the Highway Agency who were responsible for highways was needed and he asked that the Officers state this in the strategy advising that those discussions would take place.  He sought further clarification on this, commenting that these prime discussions should be undertaken with the responsible Officer together with the relevant portfolio holder at the County Council.  He stated that the commitment being given should be clear and the agreement for this was needed by the County Council also.


One Member expressed concern regarding a possible reduction in the provision of social housing and she asked that this should not be compromised when discussing section 106 contributions.  In response the Officers reported that this was a matter for Members to consider in each case and that difficult choices would need to be made.  It was emphasised that a development could not proceed if the right infrastructure was not in place.  It was commented that further discussions were needed with the County Council regarding infrastructure requirements.


The Officers reported that the County Council had commissioned a central Oxfordshire transport strategy and that once this was available details would be reported to Members.  It was commented that many of the issues raised in the discussion at the Development Control Committee meeting might be addressed in this document.


One Member commented that the most important map was that which classified  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87

Meeting: 03/12/2008 - Planning Committee (Item 177)

177 Local Development Framework: The Core Strategy Preferred Options pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To receive and consider report 122/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy). 

Additional documents:


Councillors Margaret Turner, Jerry Patterson and Roger Cox had each declared a personal interest in this item.


The Committee received and considered report 122/08 of the Deputy Director (Planning and Community Strategy) which reminded Members that the Council had to produce a Local Development Framework which was a new style of development plan that would replace the Local Plan. The first document to be prepared was the Core Strategy and an important part of the process was engaging with the public. To this end under the guidance of the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group a draft Preferred Options report had been prepared, which Members had before them


It was noted that the Committee was asked to consider the report and make recommendations thereon to the Executive with a view to the document being published for consultation in January.


The Officers introduced the report making the following comments: -




·              Under the new planning system the Local Plan would be replaced by the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and the Managing Development document. 


·              Officers were progressing work on the Core Strategy, which would establish the broad framework to guide development to 2026 and identify major sites for development.


·              It had to comply with the policies and requirements in the South East Plan and government guidance and help deliver the priorities in the Community Strategy.


·              The Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group had been guiding the work preparing the Core Strategy Preferred Options report. If Members agreed, this will be published for consultation in January.


Summary of the main points in the report


The structure of the preferred options report was set out in paragraph 5.1.


The reasons why a strategy of urban concentration was being recommended were set out in paragraphs 4.27 and 4.28 of the report. Urban concentration would locate people in places with the best range of services, facilities and infrastructure and where there was the best chance of securing new infrastructure and services.


·                    It would locate people where there were more opportunities for cycling, walking and using public transport which would reduce the need to travel by car and hence carbon emissions.


·                    It supported the vitality of the market towns.


·                    It was consistent with the policy of urban focus set out in the South East Plan.


·                    The urban areas had the most pressure for affordable housing.


·                    Development here was supported by the Primary Care Trust, the County Council as highway authority and the emergency services.


Key Elements


Paragraph 5.2 of the covering report set out the key elements of the preferred options report.


(a)       Housing


·        The draft South East Plan required that at least 11,560 new homes must be built in the Vale between 2006 and 2026.


·        Government guidance indicated that the Council should have a 15 year supply of land when the plan is adopted. To make sure the Council has this, Officers are looking to provide sufficient land to 2027.


·        Many sites already had planning permission or were identified in the Local Plan and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 177


Vale of White Horse District Council