Issue - meetings

Consultation Strategy

Meeting: 07/12/2007 - Executive (Item 95)

95 Consultation Strategy pdf icon PDF 18 KB

To receive and consider report 115/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report proposes the adoption of the consultation strategy for the Vale as part of the Corporate Priority “Improving internal and external communications”. The strategy needs to be adopted to move the priority forward.


The strategy is based on information from the Strategic Management Team and their service areas, the staff and Member survey and the public general satisfaction survey completed last financial year by polling company Ipsos MORI as part of the Best Value Performance Indicator requirement.


The strategy is built from the position of where we are now and what we aim to achieve over the next two years.


The contact officer for this report is Nikki Malin, Head of Communications, telephone (01235 540376).  Email address




that the Executive agrees the strategy. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.41pm to 3.44pm)


The Executive received and considered report 115/07 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, which proposed the adoption of the consultation strategy for the Vale as part of the Corporate Priority “Improving internal and external communications”.  The draft strategy was based on information from the Strategic Management Team and their service areas, the staff and Member survey, and the public general satisfaction survey completed during the last financial year by polling company Ipsos MORI as part of the Best Value Performance Indicator requirement.  The strategy set out what the Council aimed to achieve over the next two years.  It was welcomed by the Executive. 




that the consultation strategy be approved.