Issue - meetings

Building Regulation Charges 2007/08

Meeting: 05/10/2007 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Building Regulation Charges 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To receive and consider report 79/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary


This report contains proposals to update this Council’s Scheme of Charges for Building Regulations.


The changes are intended to ensure that the Charges:

do not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided

are maintained at competitive and reasonable levels

are presented in a simple and logical format and

continue represent best value and the provision of a quality service


The contact officer for this report is Richard Beel, Head of Building Control.  Tel: 01235 540355. 




The Executive recommends to the Council that:

The Council adopts the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters” as its formal scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, and to take effect from 1 October 2007. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 4.31pm to 4.32pm)


(Councillor Jenny Hannaby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and in accordance with Standing Order 34, she left the meeting during its consideration). 


The Executive received and considered report 79/07 of the Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer regarding proposals to update the Council’s Scheme of Charges for Building Regulations.  The changes were intended to ensure that the charges:

  • did not fall below the “proper costs” of the service provided
  • were maintained at competitive and reasonable levels
  • were presented in a simple and logical format and
  • continued to represent best value and the provision of a quality service


The Executive supported the proposals. 




that the revised “Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Costs and Associated Matters”, as appended to these minutes, be adopted as the Council's formal charging scheme, made under the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998, to take effect from 6 October 2007.