Issue - meetings

Budget Carry Forwards Requests

Meeting: 05/04/2007 - Executive (Item 231)

231 Budget Carry Forwards Requests pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Members are requested to approve unused 2006/07 revenue budgetary provision for specific one-off projects to be carried forward to 2007/08 without the need to budget for them again.  Members should note that requests to carry forward unused capital budgets are dealt with separately.


The Contingency Fund is the approved mechanism used to carry forward revenue budget provision from 2006/07 to 2007/08.  This was approved in report 491/00 to Operations Sub Committee on 13 March 2001.


The table appended to this agenda lists the various requests submitted by officers for Member approval.




that Members consider the revenue budget carry forward requests and approve the budgets to be carried forward from 2006/07 to 2007/08.


(Time: 4.48pm to 4.49pm)


The Executive received and considered requested to approve unused 2006/07 revenue budgetary provision for specific one-off projects to be carried forward to 2007/08 without the need to budget for them again.  Members noted that requests to carry forward unused capital budgets were being dealt with separately.  The Contingency Fund was the approved mechanism used to carry forward revenue budget provision from 2006/07 to 2007/08. 




that the revenue budget carry forward requests, set out in the appendix to the agenda, be carried forward from 2006/07 to 2007/08.