Issue - meetings

Housing Nominations Policy Review

Meeting: 05/04/2007 - Executive (Item 228)

Housing Nominations Policy Review

Following a report to Strategic Review Committee in January 2007, officers committed to bring a report to the Executive detailing the changes to the housing nominations policy that the review had identified as being necessary.


Since any alteration to policy will require alterations to the Council’s Choice Based lettings system we have sought advice from our IT consultant, Abritas, as to the feasibility of certain proposals and their likely cost.  Their advice is crucial since their response to our request will frame the proposed changes that officers propose. Therefore a revised policy cannot come forward until we have discussed the matter with them and understood the IT implications of our proposals.


Therefore it has been necessary to delay bringing forward this report.  I now consider that this report will be unlikely to be placed before Members before the July Executive.  


(Time: 4.11pm to 4.12pm)


The Executive noted that, following a report to Strategic Review Committee in January 2007, the officers had committed to bring a report to the Executive detailing the changes to the housing nominations policy.  Since any alteration to policy would require alterations to the Council’s Choice Based Lettings System advice had been sought from the IT consultant as to the feasibility of certain proposals and their likely cost.  Therefore a revised policy had been delayed until the IT implications were known.  It was likely that this report would be likely to be submitted to the Executive in July.  Members noted the latest position.