Issue - meetings

Local Development Framework: Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy

Meeting: 02/03/2007 - Executive (Item 210)

210 Local Development Framework: Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive and consider report 162/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer. 


Introduction and Report Summary

Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, local plans are being replaced by a Local Development Framework. Responsibility for minerals and waste planning rests with the County Council. Under the new system the County Council has to produce Core Strategy and Site Allocations minerals and waste documents. The first stage in the production of the Minerals and Waste Framework was last year when there was consultation on issues and options for the Core Strategy document. The next stage is preferred options where the policies and proposals are defined for the first time. Following consultation and revisions a final document will then be submitted to the Secretary of State when formal objections can be made.


As the Minerals and Waste Development Framework will form part of the Development Plan for the Vale it must be considered by Council. However responsibility for making comments at this stage rests with the Executive. The closing date for responses is 23rd March 2007. The document has been passed to the political assistants as well as to the Deputy Director (Contracts & Procurement) but at the time of writing no comments have been received. This report considers the preferred options most likely to affect the Vale as prepared by the County Council and recommends comments to form the basis of the Council’s response.


The Contact Officer for this report is Peter Williams, Principal Planning Officer, (01235 520202)




that the Executive approves the comments on the Minerals and Waste Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options document as contained in this report. 


(Time: 10.45am to 10.46am)


The Executive received and considered report 162/06 of the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer, regarding the draft Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy, which formed part of the Local Development Framework.  Responsibility for minerals and waste planning rested with the County Council, which had to produce Core Strategy and Site Allocations minerals and waste documents.


The first stage in the production of the Minerals and Waste Framework was last year when there was consultation on issues and options for the Core Strategy document. The next stage was preferred options where the policies and proposals were defined for the first time.  Following consultation and revisions a final document would then be submitted to the Secretary of State when formal objections could be made.


As the Minerals and Waste Development Framework would form part of the Development Plan for the Vale, it had to be considered by the Council.  However, responsibility for making comments had been delegated by the Council to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive and the Opposition Spokesman on the Strategic and Local Planning Advisory Group.  The closing date for responses was 23 March 2007.  The Executive was now being asked for its views. 


The report considered the preferred options most likely to affect the Vale, as prepared by the County Council, and recommended comments to form the basis of the Council’s response.  The Executive welcomed the report and supported the comments contained therein. 




that the comments on the Minerals and Waste Framework Core Strategy Preferred Options document, as set out in report 162/06, be forwarded to the Chief Executive for consideration in his response to the County Council's consultation.   


Vale of White Horse District Council