Issue - meetings

Review of Home Renewal Strategy and Housing Capital Grants Policy

Meeting: 07/10/2005 - Executive (Item 100)

Review of Home Renewal Strategy and Housing Capital Grants Policy

The Executive will be aware that a review of the housing grants regime, originally due before the Executive at this meeting has been delayed to allow the Strategic Review Committee to examine the policy implications in more detail and to provide the Executive with a report and recommendations in time for it to inform the 2006-7 budget. 


At the meeting held on 6 September 2005 the Strategic Review Committee considered a request from the portfolio holder that they set up a working party alongside her to progress this matter.  The committee considered instead that they would prefer to receive a full report and presentation on this from the Assistant Director (housing and community safety) at the November meeting. 


A report to the Executive will follow the November meeting of the Strategic Review Committee. 


(Time:4.16pm to 4.17pm)


Members recalled that a review of the housing grants regime, originally due before the Executive at this meeting, had been delayed to allow the Strategic Review Committee to examine the policy implications in more detail and to provide the Executive with a report and recommendations in time for it to inform the 2006/07 budget. 


At the meeting held on 6 September 2005, the Strategic Review Committee considered a request from the portfolio holder to set up a working party to progress this matter.  The Committee considered instead that it preferred to receive a full report and presentation on this matter from the Assistant Director (Housing and Community Safety) at its November meeting.  Members noted that a report to the Executive would follow the November meeting of the Strategic Review Committee.