Issue - meetings

Virements and Permanent Budget Adjustments

Meeting: 01/09/2006 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Financial Monitoring pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Members are requested to consider any significant budget variances and any requests for virement or permanent budget adjustment.




With regard to approved supplementary estimate 4 (set out on page 8), the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement) is requested to report the effectiveness of the use of the promotional budget to the Executive after the year-end.






Time: (3.17pm to 3.20pm)


The Executive received and considered requests to approve four permanent budget adjustments totalling £96,500 and noted that six supplementary estimates totalling £34,200 had been approved by the Strategic Director under delegated authority.


The Strategic Director and Chief Finance Officer amended the Supplementary Estimates report, as follows:-


  • The cost centre name for Nos 2 and 3 should read “Contingency”
  • The “Account to” for No 2 should read “901”
  • The Description for No 2 should read “New income from…”


One Member welcomed the provision of a promotions budget for the Guildhall, Abingdon and Civic Hall, Wantage. 


RESOLVED (nem con )


(a)               that the permanent budget adjustments be approved, as set out in the agenda report;


(b)        that the Deputy Director (Contracts and Procurement) be requested to report back on the effectiveness of the use of the promotional budget for the Vale Halls to the Executive after the year-end.