Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance - First Quarter 2006/07

Meeting: 01/09/2006 - Executive (Item 94)

94 Corporate Governance - First Quarter 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive and consider report 59/06 of the Directors' Group. 


Introduction and Report Summary


To receive the Corporate Governance Report for the first quarter of 2006/07.


The Contact Officer for this report is Tim Sadler, Strategic Director (01235) 540360.




That the Directors’ Group Corporate Governance Report for the first quarter 2006/07 be noted.

Additional documents:


(Time: 3.21pm to 3.46pm)


The Executive received and considered report 59/06 of the Directors which reported on corporate governance for the first quarter 2006/07.  The report looked at the key areas of:-

·         Corporate Priorities

·         CPA Corporate High Level Improvement Action Plan

·         Best Value Performance Indicators

·         Local Performance Indicators linked to priorities for improvement

·         Financial Information

·         Key staffing data.


In considering the report, the Executive made the following observation/comments:-


Corporate Priorities Report – Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer and Healthier Community and Environment (Page 20)


The achievement of a combined Recycling and Composting rate of 29% for 2006/07 was on target. The take up of brown wheeled bins for garden waste was continuing to increase and a report on the roll out of the next 4000 would be made to the next meeting of the Executive.


Building our Capacity through Managerial & Organisational Development


The Deputy Director (Organisational Development) was making good progress with the implementation of a permanent structure to enable delivery of Organisational Development programme of work.  Those staff affected by the re-structuring were content with the proposals.


The Executive welcomed the detail set out in the Corporate Priorities report and stressed the importance of this being communicated both internally and externally.  Officers responsible for the work undertaken were commended.


Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs)


BVPI 213 – This indicator was on target and should be coloured green in the report.


BVPI 82a – Disappointment that the amount of dry recyclate had not increased at the expected rate and the Council would have to consider an alternative approach.


BVPI 84a – Performance in this indicator had declined due to the increase in the amount of green waste collected.  The Council still had one of the lowest waste arisings per household in the Country.


BVPI 109a,b and c – Latest performance showed the Council above the Government target in respect of b and c and just below target in respect of a.


Financial Report


The adjusted variance amounting to £837,331 was due largely to a timing issue and the Joint Head of Finance was currently reviewing the budgeting procedures of both the Vale and South Oxfordshire to put in place more accurate financial reporting.  It was hoped that in the next financial year, the Council would be in a position to report the predicted financial outturn on a quarterly basis.


RESOLVED (nem con)


that the Director’s Group Corporate Governance Report 59/06 be noted.



Vale of White Horse District Council