Issue - meetings

Corporate Governance Quarterly Report

Meeting: 02/06/2006 - Executive (Item 21)

21 Corporate Governance Quarterly Report pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To receive and consider report 11/06 of the Directors' Group. 


Introduction and Report Summary


To receive the corporate governance report for the fourth quarter of 2005/06.


The Contact Officer for this report is Tim Sadler, Strategic Director (01235) 540360.




The Executive is recommended to resolve that:

(a)                the Directors’ Group Corporate Governance Report for the fourth quarter 2005/06 be noted

(b)               the current Comprehensive Performance Assessment action plans be closed in their entireties and that officers propose updated replacements to the July meeting of the Executive.

(c)               staff in the Housing and Benefits teams are congratulated for strong performance through out the year.

(d)               staff in the waste management are congratulated on the successful implementation of the Brown Wheeled Bin Scheme

(e)               contact centre staff are congratulated on a successful first year.

(f)                 The reductions in BVPI 2a (equality standard) and 2b (promotion of race equality) are noted with concern and that the Strategic Director, Tim Sadler, and Portfolio holder, Roz Smith,  progress the situation as a priority and monitor progress closely

(g)               The success of the change to the Housing Allocations Policy in respect of hostels be noted. 

Additional documents:


(Time: 2.44pm to 3.05pm)


The Executive received and considered report 11/06 of the Directors' Group, which reported on corporate governance for the fourth quarter of 2005/06.  This looked at key issues and projects, the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Action Plans, the Best Value and Local Performance Indicators, financial information and staffing information.  Members also received an updated Best Value Performance Indicator appendix and an appendix on staff sickness. 


Members considered the report in detail and made the following points:

  • References to Portfolio Holders need to be updated
  • Deadlines for actions need to be reviewed to ensure they are realistic.  The Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer agreed to review the deadlines in the report and advise Members outside of the meeting of any consequential changes
  • References to 'the Strategic Directors' should be amended in future to refer to either the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer or the Strategic Director and Section 151 Officer


Members reviewed progress on the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs):

  • Off target performance for indicators 2a and 2b (Equalities Standard) was due to the Access Officer post not being filled when the post holder left.  There was a need to appoint an Equalities Officer to progress this work.  It was hoped that Level 2 of the Equalities Standard could be reached shortly after the appointment, with Level 3 attained in due course
  • Concern was expressed at the continued poor performance of indicator 8 (percentage of invoices paid on time).  The Directors had identified a few service areas where performance had slipped.  The relevant staff were being informed of the importance of paying invoices on time.  Portfolio holders were asked to follow this up with Directors at their next meeting
  • Indicator 79b(i) (percentage of overpayments recovered as a percentage of Housing Benefit deemed recoverable) was still off target but performance was improving
  • Despite being off target, the percentage of household waste recycled (BVPI 82a) was only one kilogram in weight short of being on target
  • Progress on BVPI 166a (the Environmental Health Checklist) had been reported to the Executive on 5 May 2006
  • Members congratulated staff and contractors on achieving above target performance in relation to BVPI 199 (cleanliness of relevant land and highways)
  • Once the refurbishment of the Charter Car Park in Abingdon had taken place, the BVPI 156 (percentage of authority public buildings accessible for the disabled) performance would improve.  The only remaining property to be updated was Wantage Leisure Centre


With regard to Local Performance Indicators (LPIs), it was noted that there had been a strong performance in affordable housing (LPI H2, H2a and TP5).  The inspectors were drafting the Housing Inspection report.  This would be brought to the Executive in due course. 


The Executive noted the Council's staff sickness for the quarter and the full year.  Although the Council had a good record at getting people back to work, its sickness record was the second worst in Oxfordshire.  Members noted that the Scrutiny Committee was due to consider a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21


Vale of White Horse District Council