Issue - meetings

CCTV Service

Meeting: 02/06/2006 - Executive (Item 26)

26 CCTV Service pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To receive and consider report 13/06 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Executive will be aware that the 2006/7 budget contained two commitments to make savings within CCTV, these are;


The merging of the current out-of-hours Duty Officer system with CCTV;

The deletion of the post of CCTV Manager.


This report recommends decisions necessary to achieve these commitments.


The contact officer for this report is Paul Staines, Assistant Director (Housing and Community Safety) tel. 01235-547621.




That the Executive agree to the proposals to merge the Duty Officer system with CCTV and delegate to the Assistant Director ( Housing and Community Safety) the task of introducing this by September 2006.


The Executive recommend to PRAC the deletion of the post of CCTV Manager from the   current staff structure and the creation of the post of CCTV Supervisor with effect from 30/06/2006.



(Time: 2.44pm to 3.05pm)


The Executive received and considered report 13/06 of the Strategic Director, which reviewed the CCTV (closed circuit television) service.  The 2006/07 budget contained two commitments to make savings within the CCTV service, including the merging of the current out-of-hours Duty Officer system with CCTV and the deletion of the CCTV Manager post.  The report set out proposals to implement this and the results of consultation with staff.  Tabled at the meeting were two further consultation responses: a letter from UNISON and a submission from the Council's Emergency Planning Officer. 


It was noted that some of the concerns raised by UNISON had not been raised in the staff consultation.  Concerns at the inability of CCTV staff to carry out the Duty Officer role would be addressed by fully staffing the CCTV office.  Staff had indicated to the Deputy Director that they were entirely comfortable with the restructuring proposals.  The priorities of the office were to meet the Council's CCTV aims and the requirements of the CCTV monitoring contract with South Oxfordshire District Council.  Voluntary work might be adjusted following negotiations with Thames Valley Police.  A 24 hour everyday service was provided under the contract.  It was possible to renegotiate the level of service within the agreed contract hours and this would be looked at in due course. 


The Executive was content with the proposals and the reassurances from the officer.  Members understood the concerns raised but considered the CCTV service to be successful and capable of taking on this role. 




(a)        that the proposals to merge the Duty Officer system with the CCTV service be agreed and authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Housing and Community Safety) to introduce this by September 2006; and


(b)        that the Personnel, Regulatory and Appeals Committee be recommended to delete the CCTV Manager post from the current staff structure and create a post of CCTV Supervisor with effect from  30 June 2006. 


Vale of White Horse District Council