Issue - meetings

Housing Inspectors' Report

Meeting: 07/07/2006 - Executive (Item 47)

47 Affordable Housing Inspection pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To receive and consider report 36/06 of the Strategic Director. 


Introduction and Report Summary


The Executive will be aware that the Housing Inspector carried out an inspection of the Council’s Affordable Housing Service during April 2006.


The Council has now received the final report from the Housing Inspector and a copy is available on the web site. This report summarises the findings of this report, and sets out the key messages for the Council as it seeks to drive forward continuous improvement.


The contact officer for this report is Paul Staines, Assistant Director (Housing & Community Safety) 01235-547621




That the Executive receive and note the findings of the Housing Inspector and


Request that the Assistant Director (housing and community safety) ensure that the recommendations of the inspector are incorporated into the service development plans for the housing service


Request that officers use the recommendations of the Inspector to drive service   developments across the Authority as part of the Council’s drive towards an improved CPA rating.



(Time: 3.17pm to 3.31pm)


The Executive received and considered report 36/06 of the Strategic Director regarding the inspection of the Council’s Affordable Housing Service during April 2006.  The Inspectors' final report had been received and was available on the Council's website. The report summarised the findings, and set out the key messages for the Council as it sought continuous improvement.


The Inspector awarded 'two stars' to the Council's Housing Service with uncertain prospects for improvement.  This was the first time that a service inspection in this authority had received a two star rating from the Audit Commission.  Members considered that it not only reflected well on the housing service but represented a major step forward on the Council’s journey towards being recognised as a 'Good Council' under the Comprehensive Performance Assessment.


The Inspector found much to praise in the affordable housing service:

·                     The Council had developed a significant amount of affordable housing with an appropriate mix of tenures and size

·                     There was a large volume of up to date research into housing needs and the condition of existing housing

·                     Housing applicants benefited from the first choice-based lettings system in the sub region

·                     Housing advice and the new banding system of housing allocations was being well used to prevent homelessness occurring

·                     The use of current housing stock and brown-field land was being optimised

·                     Face-to-face, telephone and internet access to the service was easy


However, the Housing Inspector concluded that although the service was a good one, it had some way to go to becoming an excellent service.  The Inspector concluded that the service had uncertain prospects for improvement.  He had uncertainties about the Council’s progress in some key corporate areas.


Although the Inspector praised the Council’s web based choice based lettings scheme and the Local Services Points, he was more critical of the way that the housing service engaged with its customers and the work it did to provide services for the full range of its clients.  Engagement and consultation with our clients was not as strategically driven as the Inspectors would like.  The Executive noted that the Communications Officer now drove the development of consultation mechanisms strategically and would be working across the authority to ensure that the concerns of the Inspector were addressed in Service Development Plans. 


The Inspector considered that at the time of the inspection, there was little evidence of being able to demonstrate value for money within the housing service and the Inspector was critical of the lack of the strategic approach across the Council.  Members noted that a best value review of housing services was due to take place in 2006, a review that would have addressed value for money as part of its remit.  However, this review had been delayed so that officers could prepare for the inspection.  Members noted that the officers believed that as the scope of the value for money reviews across the Council widened, the criticism of the Inspector would become less relevant.  In the meantime the delayed best  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47


Vale of White Horse District Council